
How to attract love in your life by feng shui and other means?

  • How to attract love in your life by feng shui and other means?

    Love is a feeling that almost everyone wants to have in the soul, but not everyone can do it. Why is this happening? Why do some people get to meet love in their own way, while others do not. Let's look into this and look for ways to attract love to your life.

    Yes, we agree that love is not a feeling that can be created artificially, however you can make some steps in life that will significantly contribute to meeting your loved one.

    5 Ways to Attract Love

    1. Give the opportunity to love yourself. Very often, girls and boys - do not allow themselves to love themselves, that is, in fact, they have "gentlemen" and "ladies", but they themselves break off relations. Often this happens not quite realized. So, first of all you have to realize whether you really do not have the opportunity to fall in love or you do not want to do it yourself and in every possible way drive away such moments. In addition, study the reason for your refusals and excuses. Perhaps, you are afraid of a new serious relationship? !
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    3. Reduce the bar of their desires, relative to the second half. Sometimes you set a very high bar for the person you want to love. This, on the one hand, is certainly correct, but on the other hand it is 100% wrong. Are you sure that such a man( or woman) will choose you, can you be worthy of it? !Be realistic and look at things adequately. There are no ideal people, and people who meet your requirements are units, and by the way they still need to be won. And if the requirements are too high, then most likely, such people are already someone's half.

    4. Become more natural. Especially this advice applies to girls. Sometimes girls look completely different than they really are. Try to look easier. Serious look, expensive attire and a trifle thoughtful evening makeup - it's always a hint that a simple guy a girl will not be very interested. If you are really interested in simple guys, then yes, you do everything right, but if you already want to find any guy, the main thing is that he was normal, then you need to change a little yourself. The manner of conversation also forms an opinion about you. Learn to talk more simply and joke more. Otherwise, excessive pathos can also play a negative role.

    5. Increase the circle of your communication. Sometimes in the absence of love, the narrow circle of your communication is to blame. Try to expand it: more often get acquainted with new and interesting people, often visit public places( exhibitions, concerts, holidays).Naturally do not need to get acquainted with all in a row, form a new circle of communication in a more reasonable way, you do not need to let in people who are uninteresting and unsympathetic to you.

    6. Look at the men with a different look. Another tip for women. To involve love in your life sometimes is not even necessary, instead, it is enough to reconsider your attitude towards those men who are already surrounding you. Sometimes you just do not see that happiness is already with you. It's enough just to see the men around you better. Yes, you will most likely have to close your eyes to some shortcomings, but do not forget that ideal people do not exist, and often shortcomings are not a sentence, you can forget about them or turn them( albeit mentally) into the merits and features of your man.

    How to Attract Love in Life by Feng Shui

    1. Clear the house of unnecessary and old things. By fen schu mess in the apartment and unnecessary things - always scared away love. She does not find peace and purpose in your home, when everything is scattered. Therefore, you need, if possible, to get rid of all the things that you do not need - to give someone, sell or throw away. It is natural then to restore order in the entire dwelling, especially in the bedroom and south-west of the apartment. After the done actions, you will feel, how to change your life. Especially it should be done by those who have a man, but between you there is no mutual love.

    2. Place the "mother earth" symbol( crystal) in the southwest of your apartment. Purchase a crystal - a symbol of "mother earth", it also enhances feelings such as love. And you will not only receive love from others, but you can also distribute it to those to whom your heart will lie.

    3. Paired characters are like a hint of finding a couple and for you. Try to find figurines that would have a pair for themselves and put them in a prominent place in the house. For example, two doves( a boy and a girl).This combination will strengthen your love field, which will naturally affect the relationship with the second half.

    4. Remove from the bedroom flowers in pots, and even bouquets. It's not strange, but it's very important to feng shui at this time to remove all flowers from the bedroom! No difference is the flowers in the pots or bouquets in the Vases. They very strongly absorb love, care and tenderness, taking it away from you. Which, of course, is bad! However, you can and even need to leave flowers in the pictures, especially if there are peonies painted there. They are the colors that can attract love to your life.

    That's all our advice for today! And how do you know how to bring love to your life?