  • Why do we see dreams? Analysis of sleep and dreams

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  • Types of Dreams

    What happens to us during sleep?

    Sleep can be "slow" and "fast".Slow sleep is characterized as a normal, quite healthy dream, and fast is a dream in which we see dreams.

    First everything starts directly with a slow sleep. This sleep, in turn, is divided into four stages, each of which with the body there are certain changes. For example, in the first stage of sleep, there is a direct process of falling asleep: there is a feeling of "swimming", which is sometimes accompanied by a flinch. Physiologically, this is manifested in a decrease in muscle activity and slow eye movement. As for the second stage itself, the state of shallow sleep is already here.

    It is this stage of sleep that is characterized by more than half the time relative to the total duration of sleep. At this stage, the heart rate slows down and the body temperature decreases. Including at this stage, there is a subsequent decrease in muscle activity. As for the third and fourth stages, then they come to a deep sleep: it is characterized as the main physical rest of our body. If the stage of deep sleep is absent, then the person wakes up tired and broken. At the physiological level, such processes as the increased production of growth hormone, the influx of blood to all muscles begin to occur at a given period.

    After all these stages have been passed, the fast sleep phase begins. A person can see dreams only at this stage. As to what function a quick sleep performs, it is still not clear. Experts believe that it is necessary to order information in memory. Thus, American scientists have found that the nerve impulses that were directly observed in a person while he is awake, and at the time when he sleeps, are reproduced by the brain seven times faster.

    As scientists suggest, this direct reproduction of daily impressions is necessary in order to form memories. The scientists who conducted the experiment on this subject believe that the process that they discovered was, as it were, to some extent, writing information from the memory of a short-term, directly into a long-term memory. Speaking of a fast dream, it is worth noting that during this sleep you can observe fairly rapid movements of eyeballs( dream viewing), there is a direct increase in blood pressure, the brain receives blood flow, and there is an irregular frequency of heart rate and breathing.

    For a person's dream is characterized by a phase change of fast and slow sleep. The couple, which directly consists of a slow and fast sleep phase, forms a complete cycle of sleep( the duration is approximately 90 minutes).Depending on what the total duration of sleep is, the normal sleep basically consists of 4-6 cycles. The best person gets enough sleep when the awakening happens at the end of the cycle.

    The main task of sleep is to provide the body with rest. During sleep, the accumulated information is processed, and it plays a very important role in metabolic processes, including it helps restore immunity.

    Why can we see dreams?

    There are quite a few different theories relating to why a person can see dreams. As early as the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists argued that a whole day in our brain, a variety of chemicals accumulate. For example, it is carbon dioxide, cholesterol and lactic acid. They also claimed that these substances can dissipate while the person is in a dream. And at the expense of such a process we can see dreams. To some extent, dreams were considered some "cleaners" of the body's processes.

    One of the latest theories said that dreams can be used by the body as a process of rebooting our brain. Dreams to some extent help the brain to get rid of unnecessary information and contribute to its immediate work. Without dreams, the brain could simply "explode".

    According to another theory, dreams appear in our brain as a result of the formation of disorderly electrical activity. Almost every 90 minutes, while the fast-sleep phase comes, erratic electrical impulses are sent across the brain. Then the forebrain, which in turn is responsible for the analytic part of the brain, tries to understand these vague signals to him and give an answer to them, and as the only way to understand them is precisely the dream.

    Dream Types

    All our dreams can be divided in turn into three kinds. As for the first kind of dreams, it is usually called "everyday".In such dreams, a person basically sees his problems, situations from life and tries to solve them.

    The second type of dreams are "symbolic" dreams. For such dreams, the appearance of symbols in the form of various objects, signs. In dreams of this type, people often see themselves and other people who do things that are not typical of them in ordinary life.

    The third type of dreams is prophetic dreams. People who have the ability to see these kinds of dreams are rare. It is this kind of dreams that can give a clue to a person, what can happen to him or someone else, how to avoid certain unpleasant situations. These dreams should be listened to. During sleep, our brain tries to solve pressing problems and give us a ready-made, reworked result. Perhaps, it is through such dreams that he is trying to tell us something.

    It should be noted that modern theories of dreams, mainly emphasize that dreams are a continuation of the state of wakefulness.

    The study of dreams in the twentieth century began to concentrate mainly on two aspects, this in turn: the physiological process of the appearance of dreams and their immediate content.

    It should be noted that extreme behavioral manifestations, for example, nightmares, night terrors, walking in a dream, enuresis, judging by the established facts, have no connection with ordinary dreams.

    Unpleasant feelings that a person experiences in a dream, according to testimony of subjects, happen more often twice, unlike pleasant ones. Most likely, this is because the content of most of the dreams is closely related to the notions of people and events that are directly familiar to the sleeper. The greater likelihood that the sensation of something unfamiliar in the dream is the result of abrupt violations in time and space of events occurring directly in a dream.

    It is customary to distinguish between these forms of dreams, which in turn are observed during a fairly deep sleep:
    1. dream-desire, this form of dreaming is based on the direct desire for reproduction and self-preservation, which act on a subconscious level;
    2. is a dream-past, it is typical for him to reproduce episodes and scenes from childhood;
    3. sleep-fear, is based directly on fear of suffering, pain, etc., and also on a feeling of fear immediately before life or before the world( never completely disappears);
    4. a dream bearing the stamp of "collectivity";in this case we mean such experiences, which in turn can not be comprehended by the consciousness of the waking person, in dreams of this kind, the sleeping person is attached to the secrets of the experience of his ancestors or of all mankind as a whole;
    5. sleep-mononier( from the Greek monos - the only one and oneiron - a dream) - in this dream there are absolutely incomprehensible and meaningless images that seemingly have not the slightest relation to the sleeper: but at the same time they are the true objectinterpretation of dreams;such dreams are of great interest to the Surrealists.

    In order to somehow learn to understand such dreams, people, for many decades of observations and their direct interpretations, have summarized their main values. And for today, these long-term observations are available to everyone. We can easily get an interpreter of dreams in a bookstore today or use the Internet.

    A lot of TV shows are devoted to the study of sleep, we want to present one of them to your attention:

    Our dreams still contain many unsolved mysteries. The main thing for us is not to forget that sleep is the key to our well-being, therefore, this issue should be given great importance.

  • Sleep is one of the most mysterious processes that happens to our body. Fight with sleep is useless, a person should have a rest. In spite of the state of the person, whether he is asleep or just having a rest, his brain still does not stop working. In addition, we not only restore our strength, but also see dreams. What actually happens to us at the time when we sleep? Why can we see dreams?

    Content of the material:

  • What happens to us during sleep?
  • Why can we see dreams?