
What do people say about his facial expressions and facial features? Our Secrets

  • What do people say about his facial expressions and facial features? Our Secrets

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    Not many of us know what physiognomy is, and so, it is a science, or rather an unfounded teaching, which is directly oriented toward determining the character of a person and his spiritual qualities based on an analysis of the features of the face, features of the head and facial expression. So in China and Japan this art was especially developed in the Middle Ages. In these countries, schools were created where the human face was carefully studied, and it was studied literally for each millimeter, paying attention to every tubercle, reddening or blanching of the skin. And already after, based on the accumulated material, physiognomists tried to determine the character of a person and even determine his fate.

    Plan of the article:
    • Principles of physiognomy
    • Types of faces and their characteristics
    • Combined face shapes
    • Characteristics of the person by his lips
    • What will the nose tell us?
    • Eyes as an open book, you can read a lot on them

    Principles of physiognomy

    Many scientists tried to prove the fact that physiognomy should be studied, but, unfortunately, today this science is considered to be frivolous. Nevertheless, the study of the connections between the features of a person and his thoughts, as well as the expression of his face, is primarily necessary for artists and the actor, as well as for those people whose work is directly connected with people, that is, psychologists, investigators, teachers, sellers andetc.

    Four of the five senses are directly in the face area, it is with their help that we get information about the world around us. Eyes, ears, nose and mouth act as peculiar antennas, it is with their help that we perceive the information around us. In general, the person most strongly perceives this information at the age of up to five or up to six years. It is even clearly visible on the face of the child, many, most likely, paid attention to the fact that children have big open eyes, sometimes it seems that he wants to see everything at once, the ears that hear everything in the world, the nose that tries to feel everythingsmells, even the thinnest, the mouth, where he sends everything that only gets under his hands, it is these senses and help the children to call the surrounding information.

    Unfortunately, over time, the acuity of feelings passes, becomes dull, and the adult person already loses the ability to notice everything that previously brought him so much joy and surprise, this in turn is the result of the fact that a person gets used to the world around, to his influence, andthese sensitive antennas do not become necessary to him. As for the human psyche itself, it in turn becomes rigid, and this directly reflects on the person's face. That is, the process of reduction begins, that is, the eyes lose their luster, become slightly sunken, they are less interested in what is happening around, the face loses its mobility, and the mouth takes the form of a narrow slit. The character of a person becomes closed, and he gradually withdraws into himself. Each person has similar changes at different rates, regardless of age, someone begins to change their face only to seventy years, and someone has already experienced such changes in twenty.

    For a man whose face quickly lost his liveliness, pessimism is characteristic, he already fearfully reacts to everything new, quite painfully tolerates change. His character is characterized by the appearance of the introverted features. It is rather difficult to persuade such a person to take something that could change his life. Such people are inclined already to forty years to believe that life is over and they have only to wait for their time. But people with this type of character are rare. Basically people with such behavior suffer from some kind of disease, or suffer for some reason, but when all the bad things that happen to him end, this person transforms before our eyes in a very short time. He is getting younger, his antennas start to work with new force, taking signals of the surrounding world and again everything is interesting to him again.

    It is often possible to meet people in old age who, despite their gray hair, look quite young. The faces of such people are often not subject to reduction and, accordingly, their antennas do not close until old age. By the nature of their nature, they are extrovert people, in their souls they always remain great children. They quite easily find a common language with others, it's easy for them to make a new acquaintance, but at the same time it's very easy for them to quit the started business in order to do something more interesting and cognitive. Such people are distinguished by their open and brilliant eyes, due to what they often enjoy great popularity in the society.

    In our time, much attention is paid to the language of facial expressions and gestures. This method of information is considered natural. All of us quite often pay attention to the movements of other people, and in this case it should be noted that they not only carry the information that our mind perceives, but also can influence another person. It is due to this that sign language has become quite widespread in the field of politics and business. Using gestures and facial expressions, people are much more interested in people in a particular case, which in turn helps to conduct presentations more effectively, to entice the public with their speech, etc.

    As for the direct perception of the gestures and facial expressions of the surrounding people, it is they who determine our reaction and attitude to those people. It is necessary to learn to better understand the given bodily signals and to correctly use this knowledge, applying this for more effective interaction with people.

    When communicating, in addition to the spoken phrases, a person makes many unobtrusive or notable gestures, which are also not made meaningless, they also express his point of view on these circumstances. Each of the interlocutors perceives these gestures on a subconscious level, but basically our consciousness does not give in to their rational analysis. Having studied such a hidden language, you can read all the hidden information.

    Scientists believe that this ability to read other people's thoughts by facial expressions and gestures is inherent in all people. Due to external signs, from the expression of the face and up to the accepted posture, it will help to guess the intentions and feelings of this or that person.

    Read the information that gestures and facial expressions speak about, because regardless of the cultural level of people and specifically a certain person, words and corresponding movements accompanying them coincide with a degree of predictability that a well-trained person, even in voice,what kind of movement his interlocutor will make during the utterance of this or that phrase.

    Ability to communicate with other people, understanding their psychology, intentions and interests prevails in any communication. A person who knows how and can put himself in the place of another person and understand him will always be lucky in life.

    The very form of his face tells us a lot about the character of a person. In general, it is classified into four types: 1) round;2) square;3) triangular;4) rectangular;5) trapezoidal.

    Types of faces and their characteristics

    For a round type face is characterized by an expansion in the middle part, in the field of cheekbones and neck. The face dimensions in this case are very close both horizontally and directly along the vertical. In the region of the lower jaw, chin and temporal basins, there is a roundness.

    The face shape of this type characterizes people with heavy weight. If a person has a small nose, this characterizes him as a carefree nature, who loves comfort in life. A man with such traits is a great gourmet and lover, by his nature he is very soft and peaceful, gentle. People with a round face do not seek a high position or glory, because they are more of a materialist. Basically they are not ambitious. People with a round face, piercing eyes, prominent cheekbones and a high nose are thinkers, with a characteristic orderly mind.

    The square face itself is wide in the middle part and the area of ​​the cheekbones, the lower jaw is much heavier, wider, and the angles of the lower jaw are pronounced. The square face shape is characteristic of a manly, coarse, lean type of people who have a rather quick temper. Such a person by nature is a great fighter, a leader. As a rule, they are stubborn, persistent, slow, resolute in business and in love, I have a direct desire for success and good performers. If this form of a person is endowed with a woman, then she, in turn, is a stubborn opponent in any case, in the family life occupies a dominant position.

    The trapezoid face has the form of a compressed upper part, in the region of the temples, the lower part of the face is heavier, and the angles of the lower jaw are sharply pronounced and unfolded.

    This form of face indicates that this person is quite artistic, intelligent and receptive, but, unfortunately, he lacks morale. Women with this type of person are mostly very loving, their family life is always happy.

    The triangular face has the form of a pointed chin, the area of ​​the lower jaw.

    This form indicates that a person is busy with himself and is hypersensitive. This form of face is found in intelligent people, smart, quirky, cunning, devoid of attachment and devotion, jealous. People with a triangular face can become excellent scientists, philosophers or art workers, but they can also be shameless businessmen, traitors and spies.

    For the elongated face is characterized by an elongated chin and a high forehead, in this case the vertical dimensions win, in contrast to the horizontal ones.

    The elongated or rectangular shape of the face needs the same width of the jaw and forehead. It is also called the aristocratic form of the face. Such a person is typical for a sensitive, intelligent, far-sighted and prudent, calm and just man. People with this type of person are endowed with excellent organizational talents and are perfectly able to work with other people in order to achieve their goals. Basically, these people achieve success in life.

    Combined face shapes

    Oval face - has a smooth outline, especially it concerns the chin, cheekbones and lower jaw. This person is called classic or ideal.

    Rhomboid face - for this type of face is characterized by strongly protruding cheekbones, which in turn are delineated by subculus depressions, narrow forehead. In the upper region of the temples and lower - the chin and jaw, parts of the face narrows, but in the area the cheekbones expands.

    As for the facial muscles themselves, they too can tell a lot, depending on what they are relaxed or tense. People who are characterized by hypertonic facial expressions, or in other words a greater muscle tension, which in turn can find its manifestation in all kinds of twitchings and tics, usually a lot of problems that disturb it. These problems can be both real and contrived, this is not important, the main thing in this case is that they do not give a minute to forget about themselves.

    Because of this, often such fears do not allow a person to make new decisions completely changing the situation, he is afraid that anything he built with such difficulty will take and fall, and in consequence he will have to start all over again. But, despite this, such people are quite energetic, when they are confident of the success of the new business, they take it with great enthusiasm, are quite easy to climb, besides, they have a much stronger ability to make various kinds of decisions,and they are much more in need of communication.

    And the man who has a relaxed musculature, that is, with a hypotonic face, behaves absolutely differently. For this type of face is characterized by a somewhat pronounced sagging cheeks, sleepy, half-closed eyes, slightly slightly opened mouth, and on the face is basically an expression of complete indifference. Thoughts of such people flow more slowly, and actions are devoid of enthusiasm and energy, if they do something only because it is so necessary, if it were for their will, they would hardly have done anything at all.

    They do not want to solve any problems, and they, in fact, they do not. They all let it go, so that it dissipates by itself. It should also be noted that muscular hypotension and hypertonicity is only a reflection of the state of the human nervous system, its immediate stability and excitability. Accordingly, the higher the muscle tone, the more easily the nervous system is excited, and the faster the hypertonus is replaced by the hypotonic, the less it is stable. Such changes are mainly observed in people with an affective type of face.

    For the affective type of face is characterized to some extent by a rough face, too uneven, with sunken cheeks, protruding cheekbones, and with a lot of protuberances and troughs that are left directly by strong emotions that arise quite often. A person with this type of person quite easily enters a state of affect, namely, when a strong emotional excitement appears, it happens quite often, it can not control it.

    This type of person can directly belong to both introvert and extrovert, and equally. It is manifested in extroverts with open faces, and in introvert with reduced ones, affects, of course, manifest themselves in different ways. For example, if an extrovert anger, anger and resentment is very emotionally and vigorously splashed out, then for the introvert negative emotions find their manifestations in the psychic experiences, for a long time, corroding his soul.

    Physiognomists are usually mentally divided human faces into three parts, the first is called vital, comes from the word vita - life, it shows how much a person defends his right to exist. This part directly includes the chin, which makes it clear to what extent a person uses his willed qualities to achieve the goal. It is clear that when a person needs to defend his point of view, he unconsciously begins to strain the muscles of the lower part of the face, therefore, the more often and successfully a person defends his rights, the more developed his chin.

    But the harmoniously developed chin can already tell a lot about its owner, namely, that this person basically achieves the set goals, although he is able to give up the goal, if he sees that it is inexpedient. A person who has a well-developed chin, often has a square shape, achieves whatever goal is achieved by reaching the goal as a tank, this person cares little about what will remain after he reaches the intended one. It is typical for him to storm new and new heights. But as for the small chin itself, it can be said to some extent soft, then such a person can easily step back from the conceived, just imagining what difficulties and obstacles can be connected with this. But this may not happen, especially if the person is ruled by a strong desire, or, conversely, reluctance to achieve something.

    The second zone is called emotional, the cheekbones, nose, cheeks, and mouth are directly related to it. The most moving part of the human face is the mouth, as it is the first to react to various changes in the emotional background, reflecting those emotions that the person is currently experiencing, even if it only lasts a couple of seconds.

    Such emotions as joy, anger, resentment, disdain and so forth, expresses the bend of the lips, even in the case when their owner has a good command of himself, and tries to hide his mood from others, anyway any emotion will reflect on his face for an instant,for the most part in the mouth area, so it's worth to be very careful and not to miss this moment. If you saw that your interlocutor slightly bites his lips, then in this case, it means that at that moment he is thinking something, and quite strenuously, but to interrupt his thinking or not, already depends directly on you.

    When a person is in a critical situation, he can eat not only the lip, but also the tongue. Also very well conveys a person's feelings of his nose. During excitation, and of any origin, the wings of the nose begin to swell. If a person sees something that irritates him, then the nose is wrinkled.

    To the mouth, besides the lips, there are also two nasolabial furrows, the chin groove and the corners of the mouth.

    Depending on the incision of the oral cavity, the mouth may be small or large, and as for the corners of the mouth, they may be lowered or raised.

    It is generally believed that the wider the mouth opening, the better the character of the person.

    If a person has a wide mouth and a square face, this indicates that the person is authoritative and has the talent of the organizer.

    If the mouth is large and does not close tight, this in turn means that it is an indecisive and carefree person.

    If a woman has a big mouth, then she has more great abilities for a career career, than for homework.

    In the presence of a wide mouth on a full solid basis in people with large bone structure, suggests that the personality is aggressive and ambitious, adventurous, indifferent to its defeats and successes.

    About a person with a small mouth, you can say that he is constantly engaged in the struggle for existence, has a weak shy character who does not dare to take responsibility. The protruding mouth( the mouth of the person in the profile is examined with closed lips) - indicates that the person is active and determined, has a quick mind.

    • Strangely enough, but the nose manages the fate of a person from about 41 to 50 years, it is in this period of life that the question of success or failure of the individual is decided.
    • So, the owner of a long nose, shows the following main features of character - unfitness for business enterprises and conservatism. They are viewed elements of contemptuous-arrogant behavior, there is the ability to achieve intellectual achievements( in the field of science or technology).
    • For the owner of an extra long nose is characterized by: conservative spirituality, quite often unrealistic and capriciously speculative personality.
    • Short nose, characterizes his master as an open-minded person, optimistic and friendly, having free sexual morality, he can easily get annoyed by trifles, a good motive for doing work, are emotional impulses, so he must be constantly patted on the shoulder.
    • Bony nose with a small bump and high bend tells of its owner that he is a proud individual, stubborn, aggressive and determined.
    • A tall and very bony nose says that a person lives in a life of solitude. And if the nose also has a pointed tip and looks quite full and flat, then in this case it can be said that the person is endowed with a rather enterprising spirit and impulsiveness, which in turn quite often repels relatives and friends, thereby condemning oneself to complete loneliness.
    • Skinny bony nose suggests that it is very difficult for a person to concentrate. In the case when the nose is located quite high in accordance with the face as a whole, then such a person can be said that he is a very proud person, difficult to communicate and arrogant. If such a person is empowered, then problems with subordinates are inevitable, sometimes even in family relationships, he does not go beyond simple tolerance.
    • If the back of the nose is well rounded, then this person is quite artistic and happy in marriage.
    • If the nose area has a fracture, a hollow and horizontal lines crossing the back of the nose, then this person is endowed with poor health, even early mortality is possible.
    • If the nose has a high tiny area between the eyes, then this person has close family ties, is loyal and has a long life expectancy. In the event that the site is full and flat, this in turn says that a person has a warm heart and is quite happy in marriage.
    • If the nose has a broken back with many small ridges, then for such a man poverty and deprivation are characteristic.
    • If the nose is narrow and looks like the edge of a sword, then such a person's life is full of hard and exhausting work.
    • If the back of the nose is slightly flattened and also intersected by horizontal lines, then such a person is in for misfortune.
    • When the back of the nose is flat, well balanced by both wings of the nose and large, this person is in itself a calculating nature, with a prognosis for wealth.
    • If a person's nose has a weak back, then this person is endowed with chances of early success and, unfortunately, a late failure in life.
    • The nose, in which the back expands in the middle and is only slightly covered with flesh in combination with small nostrils and low cheekbones, this in turn says that a person has some sort of banal and boring life, full of hard work and practically unrewarded.
    • If the back of the nose is tilted to the side, then it indicates that, most likely, a person will be haunted by failure.
    • The nose, whose back is crossed by deep lines, says that the fate of such a person will be to some extent connected with disasters.
    • In women, such a nose is evidence of a difficult marriage and an early divorce.
    • If on the back of such a nose veins are visible, then it is the possibility that he will have love connections on the side.
    • If the tip of the nose hangs like a nut, then this person will occupy a fairly strong position in society, and prosperity in business.
    • If the tip of the nose is heavily sagging, then this indicates a person's super-sexuality. If the tip of the nose is pointed and not fleshy, then this indicates that the person is prone to betrayal and perfidy.
    • If the tip of the nose has the shape of an eagle's beak, then it's a vindictive person, you can say that to some extent he is obsessed with mania, that he is constantly hindered. In the case when the tip of the nose has a slightly reddish hue, indicates that its owner is lazy and unstable, a careerist will not work out of it, but he is quite perceptive and endowed with foresight.
    • In the case when the back of the nose is high, with weak cheekbones and jaws, this indicates that the person is born into a family with a high social position, in middle age he is in for a disaster, and in old age, he is deprived.
    • When the nose has a sagging shape and a skinny tip, which in turn covers most of the upper lip, this is a treacherous and treacherous nature.
    • If the tip of the nose is split, then this person is suspicious, vindictive, shy, choosing to solve his problems on his own, with the help of his original mind.
    • If the nose has a full, large, bulging tip, then it says that the person is sincere, kind-hearted, always ready for self-sacrifice if there is a controlled eye shine.
    • The nose, which has a round and full tip that covers a certain part of the groove over the middle of the upper lip, this person has extraordinary energy, unlimited business intelligence and an astute mind.

    Characteristics of a person by his lips

    If the lower and upper lips overlap one another and the lower lip protrudes, then this indicates that the person is naturally selfish, may be unsuccessful in marriage.

    In the case when the upper and lower lips overlap one another and the protruding lip is the upper lip, this indicates that the person is vain and indecisive, having an insatiable libido and often having extramarital affairs.

    If the line between the lips bends to the bottom, then it characterizes the person as stubborn and self-centered, who lends himself to his position only with the help of praise and flattery.

    The presence of thin lips, poorly closed and corresponding to each other, speaks of a person that he has no special business ambitions, he is characterized by criminal inclinations.

    In the case when the line between the lips bends up in the middle, it means that the person is agile and resourceful.

    A wide, coarse, long upper lip and a pointed or small lower lip, indicates that these people are bad dealers who can easily become victims.

    What will the nose tell us?

    And he says the following:

    Ideal nose - it is considered to be a nose of normal length, balanced with the mouth, eyes and chin. Must be two deep lines on both sides of the mouth. This nose speaks about a person that he is honest, temperamental, sexually active, proud, active and has great authority.

    The third zone of the face directly includes the upper face, eyebrows, forehead and eyes, this part is called intellectual. In the eyes of a person, the mental processes that occur in the person's head, their speed and direction are always quite clearly displayed. Brilliant eyes and a lively look indicate that their owner is full of enthusiasm and is carried away by some idea. And, accordingly, half-closed eyes with an extinct look indicate that the person is depressed or is depressed. American scientists have found that people basically look in six different directions, it directly depends on what is happening right now in their brain.

    For right-handers it is characteristic at some memory or if they represent something, to direct a look upwards to the right, and for left-handers accordingly upwards to the left. With a memory, some sound of music, the right-hander will direct his gaze to the right, and if he imagines a sound, then to the left. The right-hander looks down to the left in those cases when he wants to recall the sensation, taste, smell, and in the opposite direction he looks when he conducts an internal dialogue. As for the left-hander, he is doing the same thing, only in the opposite direction.

    If you want to check who is in front of you, you can ask that person to remember some image or sound and, accordingly, look at the movement of his eyes. It is worth noting that in Chinese physiognomy, wrinkles that arise directly in the corners of the eyes, with laughter, are called - the tail of a goldfish. And the larger and more magnificent this tail, then this person is responsive and kind. On the person's face, it is not unusual to notice above the eyes, two small arches, they are especially noticeable in people with great observance. It is generally accepted that they mean a desire to help and increased attention.

    Quite often, but not in all cases, a large forehead is a sign of great intelligence, but sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that a person can not develop his intellectual potential. But it also happens that a rather intelligent person, in the field of knowledge, does not understand the other field at all. Therefore, with regard to the evaluation of the mind, here it is necessary to be rather cautious with each person. In adults, a furrow may be clearly visible in the middle of the forehead, which in turn indicates that it is an introvert and has a high degree of introspection. In the case when a person concentrates quite often, focusing on something, he has several vertical folds over his nose correspondingly.

    Eyes like an open book, you can read a lot on them

    If a person has large, balanced eyes with irises, then this person is conservative, calm and kind.

    Proportional eyes, but less than usual, suggest that the person is modest by nature, does not attract attention to himself, the person is soft, stubborn and internally self-satisfied. Women with such eyes are characterized by purity and inaccessibility, married women remain faithful and faithful, but very jealous.

    The commensurable eyes, but more than normal, speak of a person that he is sensual and receptive, dominant and courageous. For women with such eyes, an aesthetic face and tendencies are characteristic.

    Small eyes with small irises, inherent in people who are not satisfied with their situation in life, they are grumbling, and do not want to accept the existing order, for them there is a manifestation of cruelty and the use of force to achieve their goals.

    Eyes are raised upwards, means the person sensitive, courageous, greedy and resolute. If the person has a hook nose and a low forehead, then these features are negative. For women with this appearance is characterized by irrationality, jealousy and violence.

    In the case when the outer corner of the eyes( the one that is at the temple) is sharp and long, then such a man is endowed with strong intellect and insight, ruthless and artistic.

    Eyes, oblique to the bottom, indicate that the person is optimistic, good-natured, able to get favor.

    If the corners of the eyes look down, then this person is naturally calm, pessimistic and submissive.

    It would seem that eyebrows are just a small thing, but they also talk a lot about the nature of this or that person. They themselves are thin, broad, fused on the bridge of the nose. If the eyebrow is short and thin, then this indicates that the person is alone in the struggle for life. If the short eyebrows have an uneven or rough structure, this means a changeable career. Too thin and almost invisible eyebrows - characterizes his owner as slutty and cunning. As for the general characteristic, the thin eyebrow is primarily a sign of an amorous nature and a happy life in marriage.

    If a person has the shape of a brow that resembles a boomerang, then by nature he is a man of ingenuity and is quite strong, able to give his ideas a turn and turn them into actions, this self-confident and sexual nature. A woman with these eyebrows tries to take the initiative in a love relationship with herself, in marriage dominates, has a fairly strong physical attractiveness.

    In the case where the eyebrows are closely connected and form a horizontal line, sometimes they are so stiff that they can get stuck in a bunch at their outer ends. For a person with this type of eyebrows, resourcefulness and determination are characteristic.

    If the eyebrows are located obliquely, and almost converge in the middle of the forehead, then in this case this person has a wonderful imagination, courage, foresight. For a woman, a certain breach of beauty is characteristic first, but later she will succeed in her career.

    When both eyebrows and eyes are on the same level are well balanced and proportional, this indicates that the person by nature is very good-natured, honest, serious, lucky, conscientious, and is in perfect relations with the community.

    In the event that part of the eyebrows goes in the opposite direction, it indicates that this is a rather stubborn person, devoid of flexibility, in dealing with people is uncompromising.

    Eyebrows connect and form a heavy and dense band, characteristic of a straight man who does not take into account the opinions of others. A woman with this type of eyebrow is endowed with a rather strong character, she does not have a propensity for household management, most likely her marriage will end in divorce, but as regards career and professional activity, everything is fine here.

    On the facial features of a person, as well as his facial expressions, one can say very much what kind of mood a person has, what he thinks about, how he will behave in the future, but to be able to read it in the face, it is necessary to study the facial features and possiblefurther behavior.