  • 5 best free games for the iPad that are worth downloading

    One of the main advantages of the tablet PC iPad is the availability of a large number of diverse games and applications. However, to choose among this huge amount of the best game is quite difficult, because you have to spend a lot of time and have enough patience. To save you from unnecessary trouble, we decided to create your TOP of the best free games for the iPad.

    Mystory Manor - the best game for the tablet to find items!
    This game swallowed me up for a few days. It can be played endlessly. A feature of the game is thoughtful gameplay, which allows not only to perform tasks to find items in the room, but also without - collecting collections, exchanging objects with friends, etc.

    In the Mystery Manor you will have to uncover more than one secret in order to get to the bottom of the truth.

    Hay Day - the best game for iPad
    Yes, yes, we were not mistaken! This game can really be called the best game, even though it is the most common farm. That's honest. Before this game, I did not like this kind of game genre. I did not have the patience, there was no interest and excitement. And here everything is vice versa. You will need to plant, grow, sell, buy, build, cook, produce and many other things. Hay Day is distinguished by its excellent graphics and thoughtful script, which allows even at level 50 to be interested in its farm.
    instagram viewer

    Benji Bananas - simple simple game
    The game at first glance seems to be very simple and maybe not even interesting, but it's a fraud of your vision. The game to the insanity is interesting, in spite of the fact that you will have to press only one and the same button.   

    The essence of the game: collect as many bananas and fly as far as possible on the vines, for this you have to correctly calculate the moment - when to grab the creeper, and when to release it.

    StupidZmbie2 - a game for the iPad, which everyone can pass!
    A lot of games are very difficult to practice, they are difficult to pass and it takes a lot of time. Such applications quickly get bored, and you want to finish quickly. StupidZmbie2 is a completely different version of the game.

    Everything is extremely simple in it - choose the right angle of bullet ricochet and shoot all zombies with as few bullets as possible. And that's all.

    Real Racing 3 - the best free race for iPad in Russian
    As a rule, all beautiful race with good physics - paid, and are not for 1-2 dollars, and 6-10 dollars! However, you can always find an alternative if you look carefully. Personally, our quest was crowned with success, and we found an amazing game.

    Real Racing 3 is a race in which you have to go through numerous races on tracks, buy new cars, repair old ones, and also to speed up their improvement.

    Tips on how to find interesting and free games:

    1. Using the App Store( the Top Charts tab), which is installed by default in any iPad tablet.

    2. With the help of the "Application of the Day" and the like. The essence of these applications is that they serve applications and games that become free for 1-2 days( on the occasion of a holiday, anniversary, etc.) and inform you.

    3. See reviews on topical sites / forums. The ideal option, in my opinion, will be a YouTube channel, which is devoted to review interesting games and applications for your tablet.

    If you want to supplement this list with your options, then write the name and a brief description of the games you like in the comments to this article. And the readers, and the administration will tell you - thank you very much! !