  • Bamah is the land of longevity in China.

    The life expectancy of a person depends on many factors - from heredity, from habitat, from the level of physical and mental development, from food, from the presence of bad habits, from climate and weather conditions.

    It is clear as a day that people living in ecologically clean mountainous areas are less susceptible to various diseases and live to a very old age than residents of large industrial gassed cities.

    Are there any places on our planet where people live without disease till old age? Yes, such places still remain on our Earth! There is such a place of Bam in Guangxi Province, in China, which is recognized throughout the world as a land of longevity.   

    For every one hundred thousand people living in Bama, there are 36 long-livers aged 100 or more years, which is five times higher than the world average. And the long-livers do not suffer from the diseases that many elderly people in the world suffer. Even newcomers to a permanent residence in Bama, elderly sick people are cured of many ailments, their health improves, they feel cheerful and lead an active lifestyle.
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    Over the past ten years, Chinese and foreign scientists have investigated the inhabitants of Bam and concluded that the causes of longevity are the state of the environment, special sunlight, a magnetic field, a unique water containing molybdenum, strontium and potassium. Water undergoes natural filtration in local rivers and caves, and under the influence of a special magnetic field, hexagonal hexagonal crystals are formed in water. Such water cleanses and rejuvenates the cells of the body, normalizes metabolism.

    The basis of longevity of residents of this area is the cleanest air containing a huge amount of negatively charged ions. The normal content of negatively charged ions is from one thousand to two, and in each cubic centimeter of air in the Bam regions, there are five to twenty thousand negatively charged ions. Negatively charged ions have a beneficial effect on the human body, eliminate free radicals and protect against various chronic diseases and cancer.

    The soil of this area is also recognized as unique, because it contains a lot of zinc and manganese, as well as copper and cadmium, which have a positive effect on the life expectancy of local residents.

    Long-livers of the Bama area are surrounded by respect, respect, care of their children, relatives, neighbors, they are all good-natured, always in a good mood, lead a correct lifestyle, two thirds of them have never consumed strong spirits or smoked.

    Centenary old men are daily engaged in physical work, work in the field, grow vegetables or do household chores, and daily trips to drinking water on a neighboring mountain physically strengthen the body.

    Diet, also plays an important role in life expectancy. Residents of Bam eat twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. The main menu consists of porridges cooked from rice, barley and wheat flour. One of the everyday dishes is longevity soup, seasoned with cannabis seed oil, which grows in the local mountains.

    Eat pumpkin, corn, beans, potatoes, cereals, bamboo shoots. Salt is used in small quantities, food is preferred to cook, not fry.

    Local people drink tea and rice yellow wine, which contains proteins, enzymes and bifidos. Such food, containing little protein, fat and cholesterol contributes to the life expectancy and prevents the development of such diseases as hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer.

    In recent years, Bama has enjoyed great popularity among tourists, long-livers and their life come to see a lot of newcomers. Local residents are happy to take pictures with tourists, tell them about their lives - this gives local residents to earn extra money and improve their well-being.