
Interesting facts about the water that you did not know about

  • Interesting facts about the water that you did not know about

    The purest water in Finland, hot water freezes faster than cold water, the water can freeze at a temperature of +20 ° C.All these and other interesting facts about water - read in this publication.

    There is a lot of water, but drinking a little

    Water covers more than 70% of our planet, and the overwhelming amount of water is salty. With all this huge amount of water on the planet, only 3% of the total amount is drinking. Drinking water is mostly found in groundwater.   

    Out of the total amount of water on the planet, 96% are oceans, 1.5% are groundwater and 1.5% are glaciers.

    Water from Finland

    Scientists conducted drinking water samples in 122 states, and the results showed that the cleanest water is in Finland, where 80% of water reserves are considered to contain extremely pure water. After Finland, according to the results of the inspection, the most pure water is in Switzerland, Sweden and Norway. Our country has not even entered into 10 countries with the cleanest water.

    Americans - water wasters

    According to average statistics, a typical American spends an average of 90 liters of water per day. Of all this water, most, and this is 40%, is spent on washing the toilet.34% of the water in the Americans goes to the bathroom: washing and bathing.21% of the water in the states are spent on washing. And only 5% of 90 liters of Americans spend for cooking.   

    Hot freezes faster

    The fact that hot water freezes faster than cold is confirmed. Try to place hot and cold water in different containers, sending them to the freezer, and see: the capacity with which water will freeze more quickly. You will be surprised, but no matter how strange it may be, hot water will freeze sooner.

    But the most interesting thing about this is that scientists still can not understand why this is happening. One of the most probable versions is that hot water, as a result of boiling, includes less salts due to subsidence, so this water freezes faster.

    Frozen water

    Water is very interesting to conduct experiments. For example, at a temperature of -120 ° C the water becomes very viscous, sticky. If the water is frozen to -135 ° C, then it will acquire the character of so-called "glass water", when in its structure it resembles glass.

    Freezing temperature

    We all know that water in a water pipe can freeze only at minus temperature. But if in the water there is a large content of methane, the molecules of which affect water, the water in the pipe can freeze and at a temperature of +20 ° C, because of the low pressure of the liquid and the increased temperature of its freezing.

    Water - lit

    Could you imagine that water can burn? Of course, you will say that this is impossible. Nevertheless, this opinion is refuted. In Azerbaijan there is one special and amazing place in which water is burning in the open area, it is enough to present a match to such "fire water" and it will immediately burst into flames.

    Salt water features

    Salt water has its own levels of freezing and thawing. So, salt water freezes only at a temperature of -1.8 ° C, and its melting occurs only when it reaches +2.3 ° C.

    Negative sides of water

    Water not only brings good to people. It turns out that about 80% of diseases can be transmitted through water. For the same reason, about 25 million people die each year in the world.

    The melting of

    glaciers Scientists have calculated that if all the glaciers that are on our planet melt, then 1/8 of the land's land would be under water, in addition, the water level in the world's oceans would increase by 65 meters.

    And what interesting facts about the water do you know?