  • A city with one inhabitant: who lives in it?

    The term "city" is understood to mean a large settlement, whose inhabitants work in a field not related to agriculture. To be considered a city, at least 250 people should live in the village. But there are funny cases when there is only one person living in the city - this is the city of Buford known to many people.

    The most famous sparsely populated city is Buford. This town is located in the state of Wyoming, USA.

    It has one resident, and "universal resident", they are called "man-orchestra".The thing is that Dan Salmon - that's the name of a resident of the city, is: the mayor, the store salesman, the tanker, the car repairman and even the janitor. Dan himself is a rather gloomy and taciturn man, and, probably, if he had not been so, he could hardly have lived alone.

    Earlier, in the early 80-ies of the century before last, about 2,000 people lived in the city. All of them were builders near the passing railway. After the construction of the railway was completed, the city lived for a time, but even then there were those who left the town. In the absence of prospects, the young people first left the city, and then the older generation. The town is located in a depressed region, as there is no infrastructure in the city, so almost all residents decided to leave.
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    In 2008, Buford left Dan's son. At that time, Dan did not stay alone in the city, he still had a neighbor who left town in 2011.When asked why the last neighbor left, Dan does not answer.

    If you break a car in the desert, not far from Buford, or you get lost in these parts - Dan will definitely help. In the office of Dan: one residential building, 2 barns and a gas station.

    The main income Dan brings truckers, who often come to this small town, and around the clock. The city has already become an object of visiting tourists, but it is unlikely that this will save the situation and improve the demographic situation in the town.

    In 2012, an auction was announced on which the Dan farm was sold. With the hammer left the whole town. According to the information available in the press, the new owners of the town were Vietnamese. It remains only to observe: whether the number of people living in the city will increase on the sign, or on one unfortunate day this sign will be demolished.