  • Step aerobics for losing weight

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    Read in the article:
    • The essence of aerobic exercise for weight loss
    • Lessons of the step aerobics for weight loss: description and rules of the exercises
    • Video, results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about weight loss with the help of aerobics steppe

    Step aerobics improves mood and helps fight depression.

    Step aerobics is a technique developed by an American by the name of Gene Miller, who with the help of her exercises was able to restore her knee after a serious injury.

    After a while, the rehabilitation step program has become a new type of fitness and has gained popularity around the world thanks to the ability to burn extra pounds in problem areas and improve health.

    The essence of practicing step aerobics for weight loss ^

    Step aerobics is a dance movement that is performed on a special hill called "stepper".

    This platform provides a mechanism by which you can easily adjust its height, and, consequently, the intensity of the workout, which will allow you to perform step aerobics exercises to lose weight to beginners and people with good physical preparation.

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    For example, a stepper with a height of 15 cm is suitable for a beginner, but for a professional of this height it will not be enough, and it can be increased to 30 cm.

    If it is possible to purchase a stepper or a subscription to the gym, where it certainly is, you can build it yourself and conductStep aerobics at home. For this, you can build a small, but very stable bench.

    Features and benefits of step aerobics for weight loss are as follows:

    • Any physical activity helps to improve mood and combat depression.
    • Regular exercise reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. Consequently, the risk of developing atherosclerosis, pancreatitis, heart diseases decreases.
    • With the help of intensive training you can pump a whole group of muscles. In addition, the aerobic step promotes better coordination, the posture will become straight, and the movements will be smooth and beautiful. Man becomes more adapted to everyday tasks, more dexterous and flexible.

    • Step aerobics - one of the most accessible varieties of aerobic loads, because for classes you do not need to buy a season ticket or expensive simulators. Exercises can be performed at home by downloading on the Internet video lessons of a step aerobics for beginners. Step aerobics for losing weight at home requires the purchase of some equipment, such as dumbbells, a ball and, of course, comfortable clothes and shoes.
    • Regular training promotes fat burning. The results will be even better if aerobic exercise is combined with proper nutrition.
    • Step aerobics is shown to people of any age, because it has a general strengthening and developing effect. Depending on the health status, the height of the platform will be different.
    • Step aerobics for pregnant women is also very useful, because allows future moms to keep themselves in shape even during pregnancy. However, experts recommend that the height of the platform does not exceed 10 cm, and drastic movements, jumps, jumps and high intensity of dance movements are excluded from training.
    • Step aerobics for children - exercises that develop the overall endurance of the child and contribute to the improvement of the body. It is customary to start aerobics classes in the kindergarten, because with their help the joints of the child become mobile, the arch of the foot is formed, the balance develops, the muscle tissue is strengthened. In addition, the child becomes more plastic and flexible. In general, the baby is developing very harmoniously.

    Lessons of step aerobics for weight loss: a description and rules for doing exercises ^

    To make aerobic exercises good results and absolutely safe, you must adhere to the following rules:

    • Step aerobic exercise should include warm-up, basic training and hitching. Stepper, as a rule, during the warm-up is not used and only at the end of the warm-up can begin to step on the hill, so that the feet are accustomed to its height.
    • The warm-up promotes warming up of muscles and prevents stretching and trauma. The main part of the training consists of basic exercises, namely steps. At the end of the main complex, exercises for the press, back and hands are performed. During hiccups, slimming should be relaxed and still pull the main muscle groups.
    • To reduce the risk of injuries during aerobics, it is necessary to climb the platform with the muscles of the legs, but not the back, stand on the platform of the whole foot, keep your back straight, try not to perform the same exercise for more than 60 seconds.
    • During training, it is allowed to drink a little water, but it is recommended to eat food at least 2 hours before the session. You can just have a bite of fruit or yogurt.
    • If during the aerobic exercise the state of health worsened, you need to stop and take a short break.
    • Beginners should increase the load gradually. With each occupation, the height of the platform can be increased and take up dumbbells.
    • Music for step aerobics should be rhythmic and enjoyable. It's best to download a couple of dozen songs to the player and change them every month.
    • This type of fitness is contraindicated for people with joint diseases, with varicose veins, and with exacerbation of chronic diseases.

    Home step aerobics for weight loss helps to get rid of fat deposits in the most problematic places. Below, the most popular aerobics exercises for weight loss and the rules for their implementation will be described.

    Step aerobics for weight loss belly

    • It is necessary to step foot on the step and put the other foot. Then you need to return the legs in turn to the starting position. For greater efficiency, the exercise can be complicated without putting a foot on the step, and pulling it to the stomach. The duration of the exercise is 1 minute.
    • In this exercise, the legs need to be alternately put on opposite corners of the step. Returning to the starting position, it is recommended to place the feet as close as possible to each other. For better weight loss the stomach should be retracted.

    Step aerobics for slimming thighs and buttocks

    • It is necessary to carry out this exercise vigorously. First you need to step with your right foot on the step, and raise the left so that the heel is trying to buttocks. Run 20 reps with each leg.
    • One foot needs to be on the platform, and the second one should be taken back. At this time, the gluteal muscles should be strained. The number of repetitions is 25 times each leg.
    • One foot needs to climb to the step, and the second one should be thrown forward from the knee. Repeat 15 times right and 15 times left foot.
    • You need to stand on the platform, bend forward a little, bend the knee of one leg, and take the other back. After that it is necessary to return to the starting position. In total, you need to repeat 10 - 12 attacks.
    We also recommend that you read the article Swimming for weight loss.

    Videos, results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about losing weight with the help of aerobics step ^ ^

    You can only find positive feedback about losing weight with aerobic aerobics classes, because such simple exercises allow you to effectively burn fat and use all muscle groups during training.

    The results of weight loss with the help of step aerobics are the following: for a month of intensive training in combination with proper nutrition you can get rid of up to 5 kg of excess weight.

    The individual result of weight loss with the help of aerobics also depends on the intensity of training and physical characteristics of the body.