  • Clenbuterol for weight loss

    • Read in article:
      • How to take weight loss with Clenbuterol
      • How to take clenbuterol for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications
      • Clenbuterol for weight loss: reviews of doctors and weight loss, results of

      Clenbuterol: effective for losing weight

      Clenbuterol is considered an effective fat burner, which is used by many athletes for drying, as well as those who want to quickly lose weight.

      Is it possible to lose weight with the drug Clenbuterol ^

      Clenbuterol is a drug that is usually prescribed to patients with bronchial asthma, but a few years ago its useful properties were discovered as a fat burner.

      At the moment it is the most popular of medicines for athletes who want to get rid of fat deposits without losing muscle mass.

      The positive properties of Clenbuterol for weight loss are expressed in that it:

      • Prevents fat deposition;
      • Improves the production of thyroid hormones, which are fat burners.

      Clenbuterol for weight loss: pros and cons

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      Clenbuterol for weight loss in comparison with other analogues has many advantages:

      • Unlike ephedrine, it does not adversely affect the cardiovascular system;
      • Since the drug is originally intended for asthmatics, it facilitates breathing, which is important for athletes;
      • Clenbuterol enhances the effectiveness of diets, and during its intake it is recommended to make up your diet from protein foods, but carbohydrates and fats - to limit.

      There are two forms of the release of the drug Clenbuterol for weight loss:

      • Clenbuterol for weight loss in tablets contains 0.02 or 0.04 μg of clenbuterol hydrochloride;
      • Clenbuterol syrup for weight loss has a strawberry odor, consists of the main component and auxiliary substances: glycerol, propylene glycol, sodium benzoate, etc.

      The drug has one insignificant drawback: if used improperly, it can cause insomnia, so before using it, you must carefullyto study the instruction, and also not to drink it after dinner: the best time is in the early morning. In this case, he will give a charge of vigor and energy.

      Most often, clenbuterol is used in slimming as tablets, which are sold blisters in cardboard packages. If you plan to take a syrup, it does not require dilution, and you need to drink it in its pure form, since it has no bitter taste and does not cause nausea, as is usually the case with other analogs.

      Before you drink Clenbuterol for weight loss, it is recommended to consult a doctor, because the drug has contraindications.

      It is enough to take Clenbuterol correctly, and slimming for women and girls does not take much time: this medicine is highly effective and prevents the formation of new fat cells.

      How to take clenbuterol for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications ^

      Clenbuterol: how to drink for losing weight

      Clenbuterol for weight loss: Instruction for use

      Take Clenbuterol for two weeks, then make the same length break, and againrepeat. It is best to drink it before breakfast or lunch, dividing the dosage data into two parts:

      • Day one: take 20 mc of tablets
      • Day two: drink 40 mcg;
      • Day three: we confine ourselves to 60 mcg;Day four: we drink 80 mcg;Day 5: we leave 100 micrograms;
      • From 6 to 12 days: we consume 100 micrograms;Day 13: drinking 80 mcg;
      • Day 14: take 40 μg or 0.04 mg.

      Daily norm of Clenbuterol for weight loss:

      • 140 mcg - for men;
      • 100 mcg - for women.

      Indications for use of Clenbuterol

      Clenbuterol co-pharmacy for weight loss is also used in other cases:

      • Asthmatic bronchitis;
      • Bronchial asthma;
      • Chronic lung diseases;
      • Emphysema.

      Contraindications for the use of Clenbuterol

      Clenbuterol for drying and weight loss should not be taken in the presence of the following diseases:

      • Tachycardia and tachyarrhythmia;
      • Myocardial infarction in acute period;
      • Stenosis of the aorta;
      • Thyrotoxicosis.

      Observing the safe dosage of Clenbuterol for weight loss, you can avoid side effects:

      • Increasing or lowering blood pressure;
      • Insomnia and anxiety;
      • Hypoglycemia;
      • Allergic reactions.

      It is recommended to follow a protein diet, for example Dukan diet, during the reception of the drug, or to eat mainly protein food, namely:

      • Chicken eggs;
      • Lean meat and fish;
      • Sour-milk products;
      • Bean;
      • Rice;
      • Nuts.
      We also recommend that you read the article Siofor for weight loss.

      Clenbuterol for weight loss: reviews of doctors and weight loss, results ^

      In most cases, doctors negatively treat the use of drugs for other purposes, as they can harm an absolutely healthy body. If you take Clenbuterol correctly, then there will be no negative consequences, but you should not abuse it: in order to lose weight, two courses a year are enough - you can not use it more often.

      The results of weight loss with the drug Clenbuterol are remarkable:

      • Elastic muscles;
      • Accelerated weight loss;
      • Decreased appetite.

      Reviews of Clenbuterol for Slimming:

      Marina, 28 years old:

      "I only took Clenbuterol for two weeks, and this was enough for me to lose 8 kilograms. I did not manage to lose weight so I'm very glad that this drug helped me. "

      Galina, 30 years old:

      " I like the fact that there are no side effects from Clenbuterol, as is often the case with other medications not intended for weight loss. I had two courses to throw 15 kilograms, and there was no need for more. "

      Daria, 38 years old:

      " I lost 17 kilograms on Clenbuterol, but it took me two months. I expected a quicker result, but I'm happy with it, because neither diet nor sports helped me "