  • Chrome slimming

    Read in the article:
    How to take weight loss with chrome picolinate
  • How to take chrome for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications
  • Chromium picolinate slimming: reviews of slimmer and doctors, results

Vitamins with chrome slimming: reviews of slimmed

Chromefor weight loss in the composition of various biological supplements is a means that significantly reduces the appetite, the desire to eat something sweet.

In addition, research scientists have shown that it is this biologically active element that normalizes the production of insulin in the body.

Chromium picolinate is possible ^

Chromium is an important microelement that helps to prevent the appearance of fatty deposits or significantly reduce them. Its action in losing weight is to prevent an increase in the level of insulin in the blood.

Due to this, fat cells begin to participate in the metabolism and they, instead of muscles, are burned, turning into energy. Consequently, effective weight loss occurs.

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Useful properties of chromium, contributing to weight loss, are as follows:

  • Active participation in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism.
  • Suppression of cravings for the use of simple carbohydrates, that is sweets.
  • Ability to carry grueling physical exertion.
  • Accelerating the growth of muscle mass.
  • Activation of collagen production, due to which the skin after weight loss looks elastic and taut.

The use of drugs with chromium for weight loss also contributes to a significant improvement in the state of the body as a whole:

  • normalizes blood cholesterol and blood sugar,
  • positively affects the thyroid gland,
  • cleanses the body of harmful substances and heavy metals,
  • returns "male" strength.

How to take chrome for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications ^

Chromium picolinate: how to take for weight loss, results

Chromium for reducing excess weight is recommended in combination with picolin acid, which improves its absorption by the body. A compound is prepared in the form of a biologically active additive called "chromium picolinate".

Vitamins with chromium for weight loss are widely used in sports nutrition to reduce the amount of fat mass and increase the volume of muscle mass. Chromium is perfectly absorbed by the body, interacts with amino acids, penetrating into cells.

Form of chromium picolinate - capsules weighing 200 μg. You can take chrome in diet pills, and you can dissolve tablets in water, tea or juice. This additive is absolutely safe and does not cause allergies.

Receiving chromium for weight loss: dosage

The daily intake required by the body is 400 μg. Dosage for weight loss is this: a day you need to drink 2 capsules of 200 mcg.

In order for this element to be fully absorbed and contribute to the effective burning of fatty deposits, the slimming one should consume as much as possible natural products containing chromium. These products include:

  • broccoli;
  • plums and prunes;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • sprouted wheat;
  • apples;
  • quail eggs;Tomatoes, cabbage, beetroot;
  • leguminous crops;
  • boiled or baked potatoes with peel;
  • berries, for example, currants, blueberries;
  • liver;
  • chicken and beef, etc.

The required dose can be obtained not only from food products, but also from vitamin complexes and synthetic additives. It is advisable to take tablets during meals - this is necessary in order for the biologically active additive to work as a modulator when switching on the metabolism of other systems.

You can take chromium picolinate not only in tablets, but also in liquid form. It needs to be held in the mouth a little, then swallowed. On average, one bottle is designed for a 25-day weight loss course.

Contraindications to the administration of chromium

Despite the useful properties in losing weight, there are some contraindications for the use of chromium. Do not use this method of burning excess weight:

  • pregnant;
  • for women during lactation;
  • to people with individual drug intolerance.

According to reviews, the results of weight loss with chromium picolinate can be significantly improved if:

  • adhere to a diet based on products with a low glycemic index;
  • lead an active lifestyle, engage in outdoor sports;
  • create an energy deficit, that is, consume fewer calories than to expend;
  • should be started only after consultation with a specialist.
We also recommend that you read the article Omega 3 fatty acids for weight loss.

Chromium picolinate for weight loss: reviews of those who lose weight and doctors, the results ^

Opinions about the use of chromium picolinate in losing weight are very controversial. Opponents of this drug claim that it does not affect weight loss, but only contributes to the buildup of muscle mass.

Adherents of this method of losing weight are sure that the growth of muscles only colors the human body. They believe that this chemical element allows you to make muscles taut, the skin smooth and supple. In their opinion, it is impossible to pump up muscles without going to the gym, and taking chrome is impossible.

Another reason why some people refuse to take chromium for weight loss is that if it is overdosed, poisoning is possible. But, on the other hand, if you calculate the dose accurately, then the drug is completely safe.

Positive feedback on the use of chromium for weight loss testify to its effectiveness and absolute safety. Here are some responses to the preparation of our regular readers:

Elizabeth, 24:

"I started taking chromium picolinate in order to reduce my appetite and cravings for sweets, cakes and chocolate. Applied the drug in a liquid form. I want to note that I really did not want to have a sweet tooth. I dripped 10-15 drops under the tongue daily. In addition, I followed a diet and visited the gym three times a week. My weight loss result is minus 5 kg per month. "

Tatiana, 30 years old:

"I take chrome from time to time, when I really want a sweet, but I can not stop myself. After 14 days of taking the drug, the craving for sweets is greatly weakened. This product is ideal for sweet tooths with excess weight. But it is worth noting that the process of losing weight will be launched only in case of combination with physical exertion and proper nutrition. "

Margarita, 33 years old:

"I learned at the doctor's reception that the craving for sweets is due to a lack of chromium in the body. The doctor prescribed me chrome in tablets. In a couple of days I could not even look at the sweet. I take 2 tablets of chromium per day for a month. My result is minus 3 kg. "