  • Laxative for weight loss

    • Read in the article:
      • Laxative slimming: benefit or harm
      • How to take laxative slimming aids: doses, prescriptions
      • Results, reviews of slimming and physicians about losing weight with laxatives

      Laxative slimming: benefits and harms

      Laxative for weight loss isnot the most useful, but effective enough way to quickly get rid of extra pounds and cleanse the body.

      Slimming for weight loss: benefit or harm ^

      To date, many girls have resorted to different methods to get or keep a slender and attractive figure, often without thinking about the possible consequences.

      Slimming with a laxative is very common today.

      To strong laxatives can be attributed:

      • senna leaves brewed in tea,
      • special teas with additives,
      • pharmacological preparations, for example, magnesia,
      • vegetable oils, the reception of which is carried out in large quantities.

      Many people take such funds on a regular basis, as a result of which they actively lose weight and continue to maintain weight, without making any effort at all.

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      Action laxative on the body passes in 2 stages:

      • Rapid weight loss and cleansing of the intestines with the use of laxative for weight loss. However, despite the excretion of fecal matter, a liquid is eliminated from the body, without which the organism can not function normally. Fat does not split.
      • Until the second stage of losing weight comes in the case of regular and thoughtless use of strong laxatives. In this case, directly losing weight due to the fact that food is not practically absorbed by the body, therefore, fat deposits begin to burn. As a result, the person gets the desired harmony, but not at all attractive, because his body becomes dehydrated, which greatly affects the appearance: the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

      Pros and benefits of laxative slimming aids

      Efficient and harmless body cleansing with a laxative is possible only if a qualified doctor prescribes it. The specialist will definitely recommend using a natural remedy, and also will recommend how to correctly take it.

      With short-term use, proper drinking mode, balanced nutrition and exercise, the body cleansing is very effective.

      For many of the weight loss laxatives is a huge plus is the ease of this method of losing weight. They are happy that they can eat a lot, sit on the couch, not performing physical exertion, and effectively lose weight.

      You can use a natural laxative at home. Natural laxatives in reasonable amounts will not harm the body, but will help normalize the stool and cleanse the body.

      Cons, cons and harm of laxatives

      As a result of intensive use of laxative in the body, a deficiency of nutrients and nutrients begins.

      • The protein ceases to be absorbed by the body, which leads to a disruption in the function of tissue repair, a decrease in the protective properties of the organism, a decrease in the production of enzymes important for the normal activity of the organism.
      • Lack of fats adversely affect the cell membranes, contribute to a decrease in the production of sex hormones.
      • The lack of vitamins leads to hair loss, acne, stratification and brittle nails.
      • Nausea and abdominal cramps can occur as a result of prolonged use of drugs that need to be used only if necessary. As is known, the effect of the drug is due to the absorption of fluid and increase the pressure of stool. Dehydration can lead to nausea, discomfort and spasms in the abdomen.
      • Regular use of laxatives can provoke a decrease in the functionality of the muscles of the intestine. In other words, a person can partially or completely lose control of the intestines, which will lead to dependence on drugs.
      • After stopping the intake of laxatives, the lost pounds are returned at a high speed. In addition, dehydration and lack of vitamins lead to disruption in metabolic processes.
      • With constant use, a person appears not only physically, but also psychological dependence on laxatives.
      • The intake of laxatives is categorically forbidden when the body is prone to inflammation of the intestine, digestive disorders, and kidney and heart disease.

      How to take laxatives for weight loss: doses, recipes ^

      Teas for weight loss with a lax effect: recipes.

      To the process of losing weight with the help of laxatives occurred without harm to the body, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for their reception.

      Laxative tea for weight loss

      Laxative teas based on leaves of hibiscus, carcade, Sudanese rose, etc.do not always have a positive effect on the body.

      • Receiving, for example, brewed hibiscus will be useful if brewed and used by courses, do not get carried away.
      • The result in this case will be only positive: the body will be cleansed, the skin will improve and 1-2 kg will go away.

      In case of taking unknown laxative teas of oriental origin, unpleasant consequences and side effects such as osteoporosis, spasms, nausea, etc. are inevitable.

      Laxative tablets for weight loss

      The use of medicines without prescribing a doctor can lead to even greater health problems. A drug such as Bisacodyl can cause psychological and physical dependence and, as a consequence, the development of bulimia, that is, constant overeating.

      Lose weight with laxative tablets is strongly discouraged. Once again, we note that their use without the supervision of a doctor can lead to serious consequences.

      Laxative products for weight loss

      • Products containing fiber, due to which feces move through the intestines, excluding constipation. Soluble and insoluble fiber must be included in the diet. Insoluble fibers are found in oat bran, black rice and whole grain bread. Soluble fiber is contained in prunes, suits and figs.
      • Natural herbs. Laxative effect is provided by such herbs as chamomile, nettle or aloe. The use of such herbs should be short-lived. In a day, you can take no more than 2-4 cups of herbal decoction.
      • Products with magnesium content are needed to regulate the bowel phase, its contractions and relaxations. Magnesium is found in whole grains, green leafy vegetables and nuts.
      • Liquid, specifically pure non-carbonated water acts as a natural effective laxative. With increasing fiber intake, you should increase the consumption of water.8-10 glasses of water should be drunk daily.
      We also recommend that you read the article on Enema for weight loss.

      Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about losing weight with laxatives ^

      The results of losing weight with laxatives are different: by using it correctly you can lose weight by several kilograms without harm to health.

      Reviews of the application of laxative for weight loss is this: adherents of unhealthy weight loss like this way, but consciously people prefer hard work to achieve their goals.