
Occlusion of veins on the legs - a symptom of neglected disease

  • Occlusion of veins on the legs - a symptom of neglected disease

    The blocking of the veins of the lower limbs often accompanies the neglected state of varicose veins. Small vascular asterisks, swelling of the legs, discomfort and feeling of heaviness in the legs are early signs of this disease.

    With severe pains, the appearance of seizures in the calf muscles, changes in the color of the skin of the legs, and also bloating of the vessels, treatment should not be postponed, otherwise a blockage of veins on the legs, progression of trophic changes, and severe swelling may occur. Often, such signs develop against the background of disturbed metabolism, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, hormonal changes. It should be noted that the blockage of veins on the legs often pursues bedridden patients who have significantly reduced the intensity of blood flow, as well as prolonged immobilization of the limb.

    What are the symptoms of a disease?

    The occlusion of the venous system is called thrombosis. This pathology can lead to local or even systemic transformations of the system of blood flow in the body. However, it is the so-called deep veins of the lower limbs that are particularly at risk of developing a thrombus. This disease is characterized by the development of the inflammatory process;then thrombophlebitis takes place.

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    The main signs of venous congestion are read:

    • sharply arisen expressed swelling of the thigh, tibia or foot;
    • swollen vein on the leg;
    • hurts a vein on the leg: pain of a pressing, bursting nature, which increases with strain and can subside when giving the leg a lofty position;
    • painful sensations in the lower limbs: itches the veins on the legs;
    • appearing blue on the skin of the legs.

    If the vein on the leg breaks, you need to identify the cause of the event. This can be both trauma, and frostbite, and an unsuccessfully performed cosmetic procedure. However, almost always the veins on the legs burst with varicose enlargement. However, over time, the problem may worsen.

    The emergence of venous thrombosis is associated not only with the risk of trophic changes in the affected area, but also poses a danger to life through pulmonary embolism. This complication is caused by the ingress of a severed thrombus or part of it through the bloodstream into the pulmonary artery, often causing a fatal outcome. Given the absence of severe symptoms of such complications in a third of patients, as well as the similarity of clinical signs with other pathologies of the cardiovascular system and lungs, treatment for thrombosis should begin immediately.

    Course of treatment

    If a blockage of veins occurs, the doctor may prescribe a course of drug treatment. The action of the drugs is aimed at reducing the risk of complications and the appearance of new blood clots. There are such groups of drugs for thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities:

    • direct anticoagulants, which prevent the development of thrombi and can be prescribed for the prevention of thrombophlebitis;are administered subcutaneously or in the form of a dropper;
    • indirect anticoagulants, the active substance in which is supplied to the body in tablets. All coagulants can cause bleeding, which is why they have a number of contraindications and are used exclusively under the supervision of a doctor;
    • trombolitiki drugs are prescribed for resorption of the formed blood clots. However, these drugs are limited in their use due to the high risk of complications.

    To prevent the development of thrombosis and detachment of the formed blood clots from the walls of the vessels, cava filters are used. They are placed in the lumen of the inferior vena cava by performing an incision under local anesthesia.

    In case of ineffectiveness of conservative methods of treatment, high probability of development of complications under general anesthesia, an operation is performed to remove thrombus( thrombectomy).At the same time after surgery, the probability of recurrence of the disease is high enough. To counteract repeated thrombosis, the patient is prescribed a course of heparin.

    Given the complexity of treatment of venous obstruction, as well as the gradual development of varicose veins of the lower limbs, you must carefully consider your health. The common question "how to remove veins on the legs" involves the use of conservative and operative methods, not leading up to the occurrence of thrombosis.

    It should be noted that such methods of removal of affected veins, such as radiofrequency ablation and laser removal are quite effective and painless. However, the possibility of their use depends on the stage of development of the disease.

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