  • Xenalten for weight loss

    Read in the article:
    • Is it possible to lose weight with Xenalten
    • How to take Xenalten for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications
    • Xenalten for weight loss: reviews of doctors and weight loss, the results of

    Xenalten for weight loss: reviews and results of weight loss

    One of the mosteffective drugs designed specifically for weight loss, is considered Xenalten: thanks to him you can get rid of a few extra pounds and even cure obesity.

    Is it possible to lose weight with Xenalten ^

    Xenalten is a drug designed to treat obesity and prevent weight gain after a successful weight loss.

    Orlistat plays a decisive role in the properties of Xenalten for weight loss, a component that is part of its composition. It prevents the splitting of fats through their blocking and natural removal from the body. Also in the composition of the drug there are also auxiliary substances that enhance its effectiveness: talc, sodium, povidone, gelatin, titanium dioxide.

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    Thus, due to the prevention of fat absorption under the influence of Xenalten, when losing weight, there is increased fat burning, and the weight not only does not remain on the same level, but also decreases rapidly.

    Xenalten for weight loss: the pros and cons

    Below we will consider the main advantages of Xenalten as a means for losing weight:

    • Since the drug is originally intended for weight correction, it has a minimum of side effects that occur only in rare cases;
    • Unlike other analogues, Xenalten has no laxative effect, therefore it can be used at any time.

    The disadvantage of Xenalten and losing weight on it is that it is not able to quickly reduce weight - a maximum of 3-5 kg ​​per week. However, such a rule is considered the most safe for the body, but the drug is not suitable for those who want to lose weight quickly.

    Xenalten for weight loss is made in the form of capsules of 7 and 21 pcs.in the package, and the average weight of the contents of one capsule is 240 mg.

    Before starting to take Xenalten when losing weight, you need to begin preparation for 2 weeks:

    • Go to the low-calorie menu;
    • The amount of fat should not be more than 30% of the total caloric intake;
    • You should prepare dishes from vegetables, eat fruit, drink natural juices;
    • It is forbidden to eat sweets, flour and smoked products.

    During the reception of Xenalten for weight loss in tablets, it is necessary to continue to adhere to a low-calorie diet, and in order to preserve the result, in the future, completely switch to proper nutrition.

    How to take Xenalten for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications ^

    Xenalten for weight loss: how to take, safe dosage

    Xenalten's weight loss regimen: instructions for use

    The optimal daily dose of Xenalten for weight loss is 360 mg( 3 capsules), howeverwith obesity it can be increased to 400 mg, but not longer than 15 days.

    How to take the drug:

    • We consume 1 capsule at the time of ingestion or not more than an hour after, and so 3 times a day;
    • The general course should last up to 3 months.

    Indications for use of Xenalten:

    • Obesity and the presence of several extra pounds provided a low-calorie diet is followed;
    • Reducing the risk of re-gaining body weight;
    • Impossibility to use diet and exercise;
    • Body mass index exceeding 30kg / m2.

    Contraindications for use of Xenalten:

    • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • Individual intolerance of the drug components;
    • Age under 18 years;
    • Malabsorption syndrome.
    • Also it is impossible to combine the use of the drug with the simultaneous use of Cyclosporine, and with nephrolithiasis and hyperoxaluria - be careful.

    Safe dosage of Xenalten for weight loss guarantees the absence of such side effects as:

    • Bloating, pain in the area, stool incontinence;
    • Infections of the lower and upper respiratory tract;
    • Itching;
    • Headaches;
    • Hepatitis;
    • Weakness and anxiety;
    • Infections of the genitourinary system.
    We also recommend that you read the article Caffeine for weight loss.

    Xenalten slimming: reviews of doctors and weight loss, results ^

    Many doctors, including nutritionists, consider Xenalten one of the few drugs with which you can achieve weight loss without harming your health. Very often it is his prescription for the treatment and prevention of obesity, but if three months have not managed to achieve a visible effect, you should contact your doctor to prescribe another dosage or other means for losing weight.

    It is worth noting that the results of weight loss with Xenalten tablets are all different, but on average, one course turns to throw up to 30 kilograms.

    Reviews of nutritionists about the use of Xenalten for weight loss are all as one only positive, which once again proves the effectiveness and harmlessness of this drug for those who want to lose weight.

    Our readers also commented on the use of Xenalten for weight loss :

    Agata, 35 years old:

    "With Xenalten, I very easily dropped 15 kilos when I was prescribed a doctor. There was no negative reaction of the organism, except that at first the stomach twisted slightly. I am very pleased with this remedy, because once it helped me to put myself in order - no diets saved "

    Tatyana, 38 years old:

    " At Xenalten I dropped only 10 kg per course, but that's enough for me, given thatearlier I could not lose weight, although I drank various teas and other tablets. If I knew immediately that everything was so simple - I would have bought the drug a few months ago, it's worth it cheaply »

    Lyudmila, 27 years old:

    " All my life was puffy and I was dieting, but it was inconclusive. When I saw how much my girlfriend lost weight, she could not believe her eyes: she turned from a rather well-fed person to a miniature girl. She also shared her secret of harmony, advised to drink a course of Xenalten - so I threw off immediately 17 kilos »