  • What offends men - what offends men

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    Hardly anyone can ever be hurt. True, in many people, offense slips like an emotion, and in some, touchiness is a character trait, such people tend to look for an occasion to be offended, but "successfully" offended, manipulate others with the help of this feeling.

    Why do the insults arise

    Why are the offenses

    The mismatch of our expectations with reality is the most common reason. The degree of seriousness of expectations can vary, however, like the depth of resentment. Offended by all - both men and women, but this is expressed in different ways. If a woman immediately shows that she is offended, which is clearly evidenced by silent discontent, then it is more difficult to guess about the man's offense.

    Comparison with another person

    The most common reason, capable of inflicting the deepest grudge, is comparing with another person. It is not necessary to say that someone earns more, more often takes a wife on vacation and buys her fur coats and jewelry, behaves more romantic and so on. Comparison is unpleasant to any person, it is unimportant whether a woman is a man or even a child, it offends her when compared to her peers and friends. In the case of a man, an indirect comparison is enough, when you simply talk about the successes of another person, a man subconsciously compares himself with him.

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    Female ignoring

    The next most common cause of offense. And, if a woman does not receive an answer to her calls, begins to worry, imagination paints her terrible pictures of possible incidents, the man will be offended, assuming that the woman found more important things than he. The same applies to unanswered questions, the man's thinking is structured, and if a question is asked, the answer must invariably follow. The absence of this causes a man's discontent, and repeated repetition of this situation - an insult.

    Sometimes there is a vicious circle from a misunderstanding. For example, a woman took offense at something, did not say what was the matter, shut up and does not react to the man, he in turn, not understanding what is happening, and why he is ignored, also takes offense, and the end is not visible.

    Wrong discussion tactics for

    problems Incorrect discussion of

    problems This also often leads to mutual insults. The inability to communicate and correctly express their dissatisfaction with something leads to mutual reproaches with the prevalence of accusations and "you" - phrases, which causes considerable hostility, even when a person realizes that he was wrong.

    Respect for hobbies and interests of a partner

    Respect for passions for

    Men are very sensitive to what constitutes their personality - to their business and hobbies. Disregard for a man's hobby, whether fishing or sports enthusiasm, is perceived extremely negatively. As well as rejection of hobbies, a man is touched by a disapproving attitude of a woman to his surroundings: relatives and friends.

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    Sometimes the reason for resentment is the discussion of a man with other people in his presence. Even if you joke about the incident that happened to your partner, even if the situation does not put him in a bad light, he will still be unpleasant. And as for the discussion of the partner behind his back and there is nothing to say, it is almost almost a rumor, but it is always insulting. And if you decide to teach a man and instruct him on the right path in someone else's presence, it will deeply offend him. However, the open to teach a man should not even be alone, it will be perceived as unbelief in his ability to solve the problem himself.

    Education received by a person affects the perception of individual situations. People, due to various circumstances, grown up independent and accustomed to rely only on themselves, tend to take offense at themselves, and not at others. Spoiled by female attention - moms, sisters, grandmothers - can find the reason for resentment and in everyday situations. For example, if a man grew up in a family with a clear understanding that a man is a warrior and a getter, and a woman is a keeper of a home, or a man grew up with the realization that domestic chores are not a male occupation: over time, he may encounter morecorresponding to his expectations of situations, if he links life with a woman of more modern views. He may be offended by the absence of a hot dinner in the evening or a freshly-ironed shirt in the morning.

    If a man is offended, and you do not understand what caused it, it is better to give him time a little. .. get sick, do not immediately rush to him with questions "What happened?""Why are you offended?"A man needs to be alone with himself, consider and experience what has happened. But after a while, it is still necessary to clarify the situation, so that in the future it will not be repeated.