
Hairstyle Babette: photos and videos of the installation of the famous Brigitte Bordeaux hairstyles

  • Hairstyle Babette: photos and videos of the installation of the famous Brigitte Bordeaux hairstyles

    So, today we have the focus of Babette's hair: let's start with her story. The history is that the legislator of this stylish hairstyle can safely be considered Brigitte Bordeaux, which is the embodiment of femininity of all time. The name of this hairstyle was brought to us by the popular movie "Babette Goes to War", in which the magnificent Brigitte starred. Photo below:

    How to make such a complicated overcoat?

    The hairdress of a babette is a combed hair, fixed with a varnish and laid in the form of a platen on the vertex. It can be decorated with a tiara, a flower or a clip. With the help of various accessories, you can create different images "on taste and color", whether it's a romantic evening or an important business meeting. And if you especially decorate your hair, she will look very elegant in the role of a wedding hairstyle.

    So, in order to start creating this wonderful hairstyle, you will need such tools:

    • a habitual hair brush;
    • rubber bands;
    • a few invisible and hairpins;
    • hair styling lacquer.
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    Also, if desired, you can use various decorations, but this is at personal discretion. Before you start to do your hair, you should thoroughly wash your hair. Then we will talk about how to make this hairdo by yourself.

    Step-by-Step Instruction for the Creation of Babetta

    • We apply to a still damp hair a specialized product that gives shine and gives silky, then stretch the hair using a hair dryer;
    • We divide the hair into two parts, creating a parting from ear to ear;
    • The lower fascicle of hair is collected in a ponytail;
    • Part of the hair that remained on top, divided by a parting( the parting can be done in any shape: zigzag, straight, oblique);
    • We create a bobbed tail, while fixing it with a spray;
    • The tip of the tail is fixed with an elastic band, we throw the tail on the front, at the same time the dome is formed. Lock the position using invisible;
    • Fasten the left string, pre-sprinkled it with a spray, beautifully wrapping it around the previously created dome. With the right hand we do the same manipulations;
    • If there is a bang - it should be neatly formed with hair tongs. We decorate our hair with a tiara or thongs.

    Babette with a bagel( with a platen)

    A bagel is in free sale, so you can buy it without problems, or you can make it yourself using, for example, an old terry toe( you just need to cut off a piece that is rounded).

    So, step-by-step instruction:

    • Collecting the hair in a ponytail;
    • We pass on this tail a bagel;
    • Around the donut we wrap the hair, fastening them firmly on the base, using a thin hair net;
    • . The hair that remains is collected in a string and wraps around the created beam;
    • We decorate babetta with the help of pins and fix it with invisible ones.

    What to do if the hair is short, but you want this hair?

    Babette - a unique hairstyle with different abilities and has an approach to almost any length of hair. To create a short hair uses a special lining, which gives an additional volume. This lining can also be made by yourself, using a sling and a sintepon. It is necessary to take into account the hair color and the color of the lining, it is desirable that they coincide. The hairstyle is created from the fact that a tall pony tail is formed, which is intercepted at the tip and fixed with an elastic band. Under the tail, the lining is fixed, lowering the tail, not her, and fastened with the help of the pins.

    Video-compilation on the topic of the article