Walking is the best kind of motor activity
The fact that human motor activity is the basis of life and health, we hear very muchoften from the very childhood, but, unfortunately, do not think too much into the true meaning of these words.
Motor activity and walking for health ^
Without giving proper attention to motor activity, we, therefore, steadily, year after year, undermine our health and reduce our lives.
Scientists have come to the conclusion that in our time the physical load of people has decreased by 50-100 times, in comparison with the last centuries.
Even in the middle of the XIX century, compared to our days, the physical loads of people were incommensurably greater. For example, peasants and artisan energy costs amounted to about 5 - 6 thousand kilocalories per day( today, mostly, no more than 2.5 - 3 thousand).
Aristocrats, who despised physical labor, actively engaged in fencing, horse riding, skating. In addition, to endure endless balls, each of which danced for 15 to 20 dances, only a well-trained person could.
In ancient China, there was such a form of punishment as depriving a person of motor activity. The punishable was placed in such a small cell that he could only sit or lie. A few months later, the unfortunate was so weak that he could no longer move on his own, because the muscles of his limbs were atrophied from immobility.
If you pay attention to the behavior of young children, then immediately striking their mobility, energy and an unusually developed need for physical activity. In school and undergraduate years, teenagers already tend to become lazy, preferring to spend time at the computer than driving football in the yard. But, due to the presence of mandatory physical education lessons in schools and universities, motor activity is usually maintained at the required level.
When a person becomes an adult and no one can force him to do something against his will, his motor activity is often reduced to a minimum. Especially this applies to residents of big cities, office workers who spend an entire evening on the couch in front of the TV or behind a laptop after an 8-hour working day.
This way of life gradually leads to numerous diseases associated with inactivity - the "disease of civilization":
- cardiovascular,
- musculoskeletal system,
- digestive organs and others.
And, it should be noted that there is another extreme - some people, striving to perfection their figure, spend many hours in gyms, literally up to the seventh sweat, torturing your body with physical loads, which also does not benefit the body.
Earlier, even theories among scientists were popular that a certain amount of vital energy was released to every living being, having exhausted that, the body was dying. Supporters of this concept called for a minimum of human motor activity and considered excessive loads to be harmful.
The Walking Walk for Health ^
But, as often happens, the truth is somewhere in between. You do not have to torment yourself with prolonged occupations in the gym, but it is absolutely necessary to give your body the necessary physical load for vital vitality.
The amount of physical activity should not be excessive, and they should stop at the first signs of fatigue. From a medical point of view, the most useful kind of motor activity of a person is walking and light exercises for different muscle groups. Ordinary walking, performed regularly, can work wonders.
Scientists have proved that the regular motor activity of a person, carried out by walking, has a beneficial effect on the whole organism:
- improves bowel function,
- normalizes sleep,
- strengthens immunity - the main defender of a person against diseases and infections,
- when walking almost all the muscles,
- trains the cardiovascular system,
- decreases bad blood cholesterol,
- normalizes blood pressure.
The use of walking for health is also that it is the safest and most useful type of fitness. Trauma or physical strain when walking is almost impossible to obtain, but at the same time, its usefulness to the body is enormous. Walking is much more useful for blood vessels than running and aerobic exercise due to a small load on the joints.
For prolonged "sedentary" work, be sure to include small warm-ups and walking during the working day:
- Get up from the table, walk around at least within the cabinet, even better if you climb a few stairs and go back.
- Take for yourself the rule of passing every day at least one stop on foot, climb a couple of floors without an elevator and do small warm-ups - walking walks throughout the day.
Very soon you will begin to feel better, less tired and notice an increase in efficiency.
In Japan, it is the norm that a person during the day should make 10,000 steps. And, since the Japanese are traditionally considered a very punctual and disciplined nation, they scrupulously follow this rule, not allowing themselves to be lazy.
Perhaps we should borrow from them this good experience, because in Japan, people's life expectancy is one of the highest in the world, and most likely, their commitment to walking according to the rule of "10 thousand steps" is most likely in this.
Heart training with walking ^
Scientists have proved that regular walking prolongs life, because it is an ideal and easy training for endurance of the heart, and as you know, it is the strong and hardy heart that is the basis for a long and fulfilling life.
Endurance is practiced fairly simply, unlike strength and speed, it is only necessary to achieve easy fatigue. Light sweating and a slight shortness of breath indicates that the training was successful and should be discontinued.
Take care of your body, train it gradually, do not overexert, alternate exercises with rest. When the journalists asked Winston Churchill, who lived for 90 years, the secret of his longevity, he answered: "I never ran, if I could stand, did not stand if I could sit and not sit if I could lie."
Begin to train with the most minimal loads and add each time literally a step, when you feel that this load is already too small for you. With such a cautious way of increasing the load, you, firstly, do not overdo it and, therefore, can not hurt your health, and secondly, you will not be too tired, and so the next time you will be morally easier to force yourself to do it.
Pulse when walking
- When walking, be sure to watch your pulse, after each workout it should not exceed 120 - 130 beats per minute.
- If the pulse is higher, then the load for you is still too high, and you need to reduce it slightly. With systematic training by walking to easy fatigue, your pulse at rest will decrease steadily, which will indicate an increase in the fitness of your heart.
- In well-trained people, the pulse does not exceed 50 beats per minute, sometimes even drops to 35.
The lower the heart rate you will be able to achieve due to your motor activity by walking, the more economical your heart will work, which means less wearthereby increasing life expectancy.