  • Water and salt revitalize the body

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    Read in the article:
    • The use of water for the human body
    • Water treatment by Dr. Batmanghelidzha

    Treatment with water and salt helps with many diseases

    Water treatment is becoming more popular all over the world.

    It has long been known that water is the source of life, without it, the existence of anything living is impossible. Not for nothing all ancient settlements of people were located exclusively near rivers, lakes and other water sources.

    The use of water for the human body ^

    Without food a person can live long enough, cases of curing serious illnesses with the help of curative fasting for more than 30-40 days are known.

    In this case, on the contrary, there is a rejuvenation of the body, since during the absence of the process of digestion, it mobilizes all its resources to fight the disease and cleans it of toxins, toxins, parasites and everything that causes the body to aging and diseases. Without water, a person can live only a few days, because the dehydrated organism can not live and die.

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    How much water to drink

    The human body is 75% water. Agree, a very impressive figure. Moreover, every day we lose a lot of it with sweat, breathing, urine, tears. Obviously, these losses must be compensated.

    But now, with the appearance of a large number of various carbonated drinks, the widespread advertising of various teas and coffee, people have stopped drinking ordinary water, naively believing that since they drink a lot of tea, coffee or drinks, they are enough to supplement their internal needsin water and they do not threaten dehydration.

    This is a very mistaken view. In fact, a person to replenish internal water reserves, you need to drink a day 2 liters of water, that is H2O.The figure is averaged, because the exact need depends on the body weight.

    How much to drink water per day

    Calculate how much water you need to drink easily - for each kilogram of body weight it takes 30 mg, so multiply your weight by 30 and you will get the amount you need to drink daily.

    • For example, for a person with a body weight of 70 kilograms, every day you need to drink about 2100 milliliters.
    • It is desirable to distribute water consumption evenly throughout the day.
    • In the morning, immediately after awakening, be sure to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach, because overnight the body has lost enough moisture.

    Water treatment by Dr. Batmanghelidge ^

    But, besides having to drink water daily, you need to learn how to drink it properly. Water, when properly applied, is the best cure for many diseases.

    Dr. Fereydon Batmanghelidzh, who lived in Iran in the last century, made a great contribution to the promotion of healing properties of water. The life story of this extraordinary person is very interesting. He made his discovery by chance, while in prison, when a young man succumbed to a terrible pain in his stomach and no pills helped him. The doctor began to give him to drink clean water glass after glass, and, to the astonishment of others and the patient himself, the pain began to subside.

    After this case, the doctor cured a huge number of people with water. Devoted to studying the healing properties of water all his life, he actively urged people to give up gradually from medicines and cure diseases with the healing properties of simple water. He wrote many scientific works, the most famous of which are "You are not sick - you have a thirst" and "Your body asks for water."

    Dr. Batmanghelidj sincerely wanted to bring his findings to people, so that everyone was vigorous and healthy, but did not find support from officials who were not interested in such a simple method of cure. After all, this would mean the collapse of the entire pharmaceutical industry, where huge money is involved.

    In his works Dr. Batmanghelidj proves that water treatment is extremely successful in the following diseases:

    • allergies,
    • asthma,
    • migraine,
    • hypertension,
    • arthritis,
    • stomach ulcer,
    • bad cholesterol in blood,
    • diabetes mellitus,
    • chronic fatigue syndrome,
    • oncological diseases.

    All these pathologies occur in the body from severe dehydration. In addition, when there is a lack of water, there is increased hemoglobin, blood is thickened and the risk of thrombosis sharply increases.

    To understand the purifying role of water in the body, you can compare it with a dishwasher. For, no matter how perfect and modernized the dishwasher is, it will not have enough glass of water to wash up a mountain of dirty dishes.

    Dr. Batmanghelidj: water and salt revitalize the body

    In addition to the fact that the body must receive sufficient water for its purification needs, it is necessary to make sure that water is retained in it and performs its purifying functions, and not immediately removed by the kidneys back. Such a means for water retention in the body is ordinary salt.

    You can use stone, but preferably sea salt( not iodized, coarse grinding), because it is a deposit of mineral substances and includes almost the entire periodic table. Dr. Batmanghelidj, after his many years of research, came to this simple method of drinking water and salt:

    • After each drink of glass of water on an empty stomach, put several salt crystals under the tongue.

    Do not be afraid of the claim that supposedly salt is a white death. Scientists have long recognized the fallacy of such an opinion and increasingly began to write that the salt-free diet, which is universally called for hypertension, is in fact very harmful. Salt is one of the necessary minerals for humans, and in no case can your body be deprived of it. In a day you need to eat about?a teaspoon of salt.

    Remember at least the examples described in the literature, as the deer go for 2-3 days, covering distances more than 100 kilometers to lick the salt in salt marshes. Northern peoples even learned how to tame wild deer with salt. And, as you know, animals are extremely intelligent and will never eat what is harmful to them.

    Despite the fact that official medicine against salt, when a person is in critical condition in the intensive care unit, it is immediately placed under a dropper and the physiological saline begins to drip intensively, which is salt water in composition.

    Yes, and sweat, tears, blood have a salty taste, which also emphasizes the importance of salt for the body. That is why, for almost all diseases, whether it's a cold, sore throat or diarrhea, doctors advise you to drink more, because water flushes toxins from the body and speeds up the healing process.

    From all that has been said about water and salt, the conclusion is drawn about the harmfulness of carbonated beverages, coffee and tea, which are diuretic fluids and deprive us of vital moisture.

    We also advise you to read the article What is the use of normal hemoglobin.

    How much to drink water and salt

    Therefore, remember the three main rules, adhering to which, you will gradually restore your health and refuse tablets:

    • drink at least 30 ml of water per day for each kilogram of body weight;
    • , after each glass of water, place several sea salt crystals under the tongue;
    • refuse to use caffeine-containing diuretics.

    After a short while, the body will finally receive the necessary moisture, restore the disturbed water and salt balance and thank you for it.

    We recommend to watch a video about incredible stories of healing people with water and salt: