
The harmful carbonated drinks - the harmfulness of carbonated beverages

  • The harmful carbonated drinks - the harmfulness of carbonated beverages

    Many people know that almost 70 percent of the human body consists of water. But everyone supports this water balance exceptionally in their own way. Someone prefers to drink a few cups of cocoa, coffee or tea each day, and someone is more interested in absorbing cool beer, juice or soda water.

    However, it is worth noting that the quality of daily consumed water depends not only on the good work of individual organs, but also on the state of the whole organism.

    It is considered that the most destructive drink is sweet carbonated water, which is very popular periodically not only adults, but also very young children. What is harmful for carbonated drinks, why are there so many negative reviews about them?

    Four reasons why you should not drink carbonated water

    A lot of sugar

    The first reason is a quick weight gain. For sure, many have seen TV advertising, where slender girls describe the wonderful and excellent taste of effervescent water. But this is just an advertising move that attracts potential consumers. After all, in fact, soda is very strong and quickly enough affects the harmony of a person. And this happens for the reason that manufacturers add to their products a huge amount of sugar.

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    In order to understand the scale of such an additive, you just need to imagine a small bottle of water( 0.3 liters) and mentally pour into it sixteen spoonfuls of pure sugar. It should be noted that this number is an order of magnitude higher than the daily norm of a person. The reason for the second is the huge risk for the onset of diabetes. During a single intake of carbonated water, the pancreas immediately releases insulin, and the sugar immediately enters the bloodstream. With such frequent stressful situations, the metabolism is completely destroyed in the human body, insulin resistance occurs, and as a result, diabetes begins to develop. The third reason is the presence of chemical additives. In order to finally understand what is harmful to carbonated drinks, it is enough to just conduct an experiment and keep in this liquid organic objects, which after a while will begin to completely collapse.

    As you know, almost all sweet sodas contain so-called sulfurous acid salts, which cause headaches, diseases of the thyroid gland, liver, as well as cancer-causing lung tissue. In addition, this drink includes in its composition such additional components as sodium benzoate, phosphoric acid, aspartame and dyes. These elements can easily cause significant problems with teeth and bones, brain tumor, epilepsy, bronchial asthma and a lot of allergic reactions. The reason for the fourth is an increased concentration of caffeine.

    Everyone knows that carbonated drinks increase the physical activity of a person quite strongly. To do this, they add not only a lot of sugar, but also a huge amount of caffeine. After consuming such a drink, the body immediately raises blood pressure, the pupils expand significantly, and the level of the dopamine hormone begins to go off scale. All these factors contribute to the fact that in the future the person develops hypertension, increases the level of cholesterol, there are problems with blood vessels and the heart, as well as insomnia.

    It is also worth noting that carbonated beverages are not only sweet, but also saturated with minerals. As a rule, such water is sold exclusively for the treatment and prevention of digestive organs. Although the use of such a mineral water is desirable without additional carbonation, as this can affect the development of chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, and also contribute to frequent and painful flatulence.