
How to lose weight after childbirth - how to quickly lose weight after giving birth

  • How to lose weight after childbirth - how to quickly lose weight after giving birth

    The question "how to lose weight after childbirth" worries, most likely, all young mothers, because the fact that pregnancy is added to the waist and hips, after birth for some reason, is not always lost. And what should I do about it? How to become slim and beautiful again? Read the article and learn a lot of ways to quickly lose weight.

    Women in the arsenal of a huge number of various diets, which they actively observe. But here's the problem: after giving birth, you need to take care not only of your appearance. In your life, now there is a kid, and that means that his health is more important than your excess weight. How to combine weight loss and maternity? Quite difficult, especially if you take into account the fact that because of breastfeeding, you and the baby are still one whole. Approximately 10 kg is the weight of the baby, the placenta and amniotic fluid, and the rest is left in different places of your once slim figure. And it is this surplus that needs to be removed. And know: absolutely nothing is impossible! Stock up with patience and build the process of losing weight by all the rules, that is, according to the advice of specialists.

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    Very much want to lose weight

    Yes, it is very strong. You must have a motivation so strong that it can overcome all "I do not want" or "I can not".The first couple of months after the birth of the baby the image of your life will completely change. After all, now the worries about the child will take up all the time, and it will be very much missed. Sometimes it will seem to you that it would be very wonderful if the day would not be 24, but all 48 hours. This situation is familiar to all mothers.

    But you need to learn how to plan your time so that there is time for a healthy full-fledged sleep and for caring for your appearance. The main thing is not to be lazy and try hard. And then you will achieve the results you need.

    Do not forget about rest

    Try to schedule your day so that it has time for a good rest. You just need: a comfortable and good bed, shower or bath before going to bed and sleep itself for at least 7-8 hours. Of course, the child will make certain adjustments to the regime you have drawn up, but still, do not give your precious rest hours in favor of doing any housework.

    Constant lack of sleep can lead to stress and nervous exhaustion, and such neuroses can disrupt normal metabolism, which is one of the causes of excess weight.


    If you are breastfeeding, then during the first few months you should not in any case allow yourself to eat anything superfluous and unauthorized. A strict oat diet, which is primarily necessary for adjusting the correct functioning of the baby's stomach, will have a positive effect on you as well - the weight will gradually start to go away. And you do not have to worry too much about how you can lose weight quickly after giving birth.

    In the ration of a nursing mother should be:

    • soups, but only without roasting;
    • boiled meat and fish;
    • puree and porridge;
    • dairy products and eggs.

    Tip one - do not have to eat "for two" as you might have done during pregnancy. The kid will get all the useful substances he needs, even if you only eat one porridge yourself. And do you know where the child will receive all this? Of the same fat stores that you have at the waist and from which you so much want to get rid of. Nature has thought out everything wonderful! Breastfeed for as long as possible, and see for yourself how all the excess weight goes.

    Forget about the strict diets

    If you are on breastfeeding, nutritionists are advised not to sit on too strict a diet. They can only deplete the body and harm your health. It is better to eat delicious food and with pleasure, then there will be no strong feeling of hunger, and the need to often snack is lost.

    Most often strict restrictions in food after childbirth like to stick to the star. Models and actresses constantly count calories and train very often. But they have to do this, otherwise there simply can not be work. And they grow thin not just, but under the strict control of professionals: trainers and nutritionists.

    Also, refuse to use diuretic teas for weight loss and supplements. Maybe you will lose weight, but as soon as you stop drinking them, he will return. Be very careful with vitamins, they improve the metabolism in the body and the hunger becomes stronger.

    Balanced power supply

    First you need to remember that you need to eat no less than three times a day. Some nutritionists even believe that not less than five to six times, but in small portions. And do not forget about breakfast! This is the most important meal of the day. Remember that your food should be useful, but not abundant.

    Do not know what is most useful for you at the moment? Products containing a large number of proteins: fish, meat, protein omelet. And cook it all the best for a couple. Also very useful are dairy products containing a small percentage of fat - cottage cheese and yogurt. A very important place in the diet should be given to vegetables and fruits. In this period of your life you need to lean on greens, carrots, cabbage, onions and beets. If you have time to make a stew, for example, you have absolutely no, stock up different mixtures of vegetables in a frozen form. So you can save a lot of precious time. Of fruits are most useful: kiwi, citrus and apples. But dried fruits, bananas, soda, seeds and baked goods you need to say a decisive "NO"!Try not to abuse spices and salt - they will only strengthen your appetite.

    Take as a basis the caloric intake rate for the mother on breastfeeding - 2100-2300 calories / day - and try not to go beyond this line. And it is very important: drink as much as two liters, any fluids per day.

    Literally from the first weeks after birth you can start drinking herbal tea from chamomile and nettle. Use it in the morning and in the evening for 2-3 weeks. Decoction of these herbs can improve lactation and remove from the body of the mother stagnant liquid. And it helps to lose weight.

    The approximate ration of a young mother can be as described below. Just do not have to eat every dish in large quantities. Better a little bit and slowly, it will allow you to get enough, but it does not add weight. And in just a few months you will not have to think again how to lose weight properly after childbirth at home.

    You can start your morning with tea. And after half an hour after it, start breakfast. In the morning you can eat porridge, which is added to boiled meat or fish for a couple and an apple. For a mid-morning snack drink a glass of yogurt. Lunch chicken broth and a stew of vegetables. And again, drink tea( herbal or not strong black).At 4 o'clock in the afternoon eat a protein omelet and a salad of vegetables( refuel not with mayonnaise, but with vegetable oil).Drink the tea again. You can have dinner with porridge with meat or eggs( chicken or quail).

    I would like to touch on the topic, when girls try to lose weight effectively after childbirth. And this efficiency reaches some completely useless boundaries: girls want to lose at least 3 kilograms per week. Forgetting that normal weight loss is 300-500 grams for the same period of time.

    Do not despair if the weight does not go away too fast - believe in yourself and you will succeed!