  • How to choose a stroller?

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    Just want to mention the fact that the ideal for all parameters of the stroller simply does not exist. Therefore, when choosing it, it is necessary to orient in many respects to own requirements and personal preferences.

    So, before thinking about how to choose a baby carriage, give yourself clear answers to the following questions:

    - where you plan to walk with the child, what are the characteristics of the area( flat roads or roads with holes and potholes, asphalt or footpaths inpark-forest, etc.);
    - on which floor you live, whether you have an elevator and whether someone will help you take out-bring the stroller from home and into the house;
    - what are the climatic conditions of your residence( especially the characteristics of the autumn-winter season: snowy-snowy winter, rainy-nedozhlivaya autumn, cold-cold autumn-winter, etc.);
    - do you plan to stay on one stroller for a child or are going to purchase a walking version when the baby can sit.

    Basic stroller types

    When you think about how to choose a stroller for a child, start by defining its type. The main types of baby carriages for newborns are two: a classic version( "3 in 1") or a stroller-transformer.

    Classics .Strollers "3 in 1" consist of a frame, a cradle and a walking version. In some cases, a car seat is added here. Cradle and a walking version are interchangeable - one is removed from the frame and another is dressed, depending on the needs and age of the child. Typically, the version with a cradle is used until the moment the child sits down, i.e.up to about 6 months. In the future, the preference is given to the walking variant, in which, thanks to the backrest folding on the 80-90% and lifting the footrest, the child can also comfortably sleep for a walk.

    One of the types of stroller "3 in 1" is a three-wheeled stroller. This is the squeak of today's stroller fashion. Looks like these strollers, of course, stylish, but often completely unsuitable in our conditions - on such carriages it is difficult to go around stones, pits and puddles, while in the classic four-wheel variant everything is solved simply - the problem area is simply "skipped" between the wheels.

    Advantages of the 3 in 1 stroller. It is less cumbersome than the transformer, and weighs about 30-40% less. As a rule, it is more maneuverable, spacious and easy to operate than the transformer. Has much more different modifications. If there is no extra money in a young family, then this stroller can be used as a promenade and up to 1,5-2 years of the child, without spending on a separate stroller.

    The disadvantages of the 3-in-1 stroller The stroller version of the classic stroller is much more massive than the special walking models for older children. In comparison with small, lightweight and fast-moving stroller-sticks, the option "3 in 1" is not included in public transport

    Transformer .This stroller model fully justifies its name. The cradle is easily and quickly transformed into a walking version( from the "lying" position to the "sitting" position), while the extra elements are unfastened and retracted.from one side to the other, allowing you to turn the baby face to yourself or from yourself.

    Advantages of the stroller-transformer. It is convenient in operation and is a universal option. More compact in the folded state and easier to store.

    Disadvantages of the stroller-transformer., cumbersome, poor maneuverability, slightly inclined and lower cradle layout than in the "3 in 1" version.

    For children from year to year, lightweight and comfortable strollers are provided, the most common option is a stalljaska-cane. It can also have a winter version with a "protective" back and a warm boot for the legs.

    How to choose a baby carriage depending on its type?

    The variant "3 in 1" because of its lightness is relevant for moms, forced themselves to lower the stroller in the entrance without an elevator. The best maneuverability of this option will allow you to walk around the shady paths of the park without any problems, without fear of "loading" along the way. This is an ideal option for those moms who plan to limit themselves to one stroller without subsequently purchasing a separate walking version.

    The stroller-transformer is good, if there is someone to take it down, to take the stairs( it's obviously not about the mother with the baby in her arms, but about the presence of an extra pair of male hands).Also, it is better suited for roads with potholes and other irregularities, while "3 in 1" with frequent driving on such a surface will eventually loosen up and eventually break.

    In any case, to accurately understand how to choose a stroller for a child, focusing on its type, you need to try out several options in the store: a little ride the wheelchair, try to raise it, rehearse folding-unfolding-transforming. All this should not make you uncomfortable. Only in comparison in practice you will be able to understand which option is relevant for you.


    Wheels are one of the most important criteria when choosing a wheelchair. They determine the quality of its transportation and the duration of its operation.

    Large wheels - this is the best option if the roads in your city are uneven, with bumps and potholes;if the birth of the child falls on autumn-winter and will have to operate the wheelchair in the winter, dissecting through snow or slush. Durable and reliable, large wheels will help cope with such troubles and overcome any( within reason, of course) obstacles. Another plus of large wheels - the wheelchair shakes less with them, they do not so quickly loosen up.

    Small wheels will be more comfortable only if you live in an area with perfectly straight roads or plan to walk with a stroller solely on the treadmill of some stadium, you have almost no snow in winter and slush in the off-season.

    If you plan to transport a wheelchair in an elevator, before you go for a purchase, measure the width of the opening between the elevator doors. With a detailed inspection of the models of wheelchairs you like, measure the distance between the wheels - it should be several centimeters shorter.

    Important in the search for an answer to the question of how to choose the right wheelchair is the material from which the wheels are made. These can be rubber tires, plastic or rubber. Rubber tires provide good cushioning, as a result of which the stroller practically does not shake. But slush or snow carriage on these wheels drives badly - plastic and rubber wheels in this issue greatly benefit. Rubber breaks rather quickly, and tires need a mini-repair. True, on plastic and rubber, literally through a couple of walks, scratches from the stones are already noticeable - but you will be deprived of the "pleasure" of being in the middle of the street with a pierced rubber wheel. In any case, both wheels can be changed - it is only necessary to ask in advance in the shop whether there is such an opportunity in your city for the model you have chosen.

    The wheels can be fixed or steerable and can be locked. Quite popular now models with controlled front wheels of smaller diameter than the rear wheels. They relieve Mom of the pain of constantly raising and lowering the stroller at every turn and every depression in the earth. On the other hand, the mobility of the front wheels is completely inconvenient when moving along pits and potholes, over snow. Therefore in this case it is better to fix them, otherwise they will quickly loosen up.

    Wheelchair frame

    How to choose a baby carriage based on the material and frame mechanism? Quality frames are steel frames. Slightly worse aluminum. Plastic in the frame should be at a minimum. The most reliable and proven over a period of several decades are cross-shaped frames.
    Also see the folding mechanism of the frame - it should not only be convenient, but also reliable.

    Adjusting the backrest and awning

    The mechanism for adjusting the backrest and carport canopy should be as reliable as possible and at the same time simple, that is,do not require special effort on your part. Ideal - metal fasteners on the back and the switching off of the rattles of the canopy during its opening and closing.

    Wheelchair Handle

    Practically all modern models of wheelchairs are equipped with a handle with the possibility of adjusting its height. It is very convenient for walking with a child of family members of different heights. Also, by lowering the handle of the stroller down as far as possible, you can thereby reduce its size and put it into the elevator or pantry without problems. However, too frequent operation of the adjusting knobs of the handle can lead to their breakdown - therefore it is worthwhile asking the seller in advance about the possibility of their replacement / repair.

    Wheelchair brakes

    How to choose the stroller for a child, taking into account the peculiarities of its brakes? Absolutely all the strollers have parking brakes - their reliability directly depends on the size of the wheels( it is logical that the more wheels, the more reliable the brakes).Quality strollers are also equipped with hand brakes, which is especially important with a steep descent.

    Portable cradle

    Typically, this option is often present in the models-transformers. This transfer is good when going to a polyclinic or visiting guests, and even to go home after a walk with a sleeping baby in a carry-cot, where it's more convenient. However, the experience of many mothers indicates that there is no acute need for this accessory, moreover, it is not very convenient - the cradle is difficult to hold with one hand so that it does not lean to the side.

    As you can see, how to choose a stroller for a newborn and an older child requires a rather serious approach, preliminary training, scrupulous examination and testing of wheelchairs in the store, as much as possible full consultation of the seller. We hope that your choice will be successful and you will not regret buying.

    A stroller is one of the first purchases of young parents, timed to the birth of a child. Indeed, this accessory in the first year( and even two) of the baby's life is almost indispensable, making it easier for mom to take part in daily walks and shopping trips. At the same time, improperly selected stroller can become a source of various inconveniences and troubles. How correctly to choose a baby carriage for the newborn to make it as comfortable as possible, and its use brought only positive emotions?