  • How to know the gender of the child?

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    It is much easier for modern moms to find out the sex of a future child thanks to this miracle of medicine. Since the 16th week of pregnancy( and in some cases before), you can determine the sex of the fetus on ultrasound. As a rule, it is confirmed on two screenings( examinations) in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

    However, this study can not give an absolute guarantee. There are many cases when the future mother on the results of ultrasound examination "promised" her son, and as a result she gave birth to a beautiful daughter - and vice versa. In addition, the fetus can simply simply turn away or close, in a word, take a pose in which it is not possible to examine its sexual characteristics.

    However, future parents do not always trust the results of ultrasound and are looking for other ways of knowing the sex of the child.

    Ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child

    The unique table is over 700 years old, it was found in a crypt near Beijing. It is believed that the definition of the sex of the future baby on this table gives a probability of 98%.Indeed, often the data is the same, and the table yields the correct result.

    To determine the sex of a child according to the ancient Chinese table, you need to know exactly the month when the conception occurred. Choose your age and month of conception and at the intersection of these indicators will see the predicted sex of your unborn child.

    Blood Update

    This is another fairly common way of knowing how to get a child's sex for free. It is based on the frequency of blood renewal in men and women. In the first it is updated every 4 years, the second - every 3 years. It is also worth remembering that blood can be "unplanned" during major blood loss, for example, when donating blood, transfusion, surgery, injuries. These moments must also be taken into account.

    According to this, it is necessary to calculate when the blood was last refreshed for the future mother and future father of the child. That parent, whose blood was refreshed later, determines the sex of the unborn child by his gender. Those.if the blood is later renewed in the mother - it is necessary to expect the girl, and if the father - the stork will certainly bring the boy.

    Here is an example of how to know the sex of a child by the method of updating the blood of parents. Let's say the future mother is 25 years old, and the future father is 30 years old. It turns out that the woman's blood was updated a year ago, and a man - 2 years ago. So this family needs to wait for the girl.

    How to know the sex of a child by the date of conception?

    Information about the sex of the child is laid from the moment of conception. The carrier of this information is the sperm. If the sperm that fertilizes the egg is the bearer of the X chromosome, the girl will be born, and if the XY chromosome is a boy.

    How does this relate to the date of conception? The thing is that the spermatozoa carriers of the XY chromosome are much "sharper" than the sperm-carriers of the X chromosome, but at the same time their life in the uterus is not so long. Since conception occurs during ovulation, we can assume the following: if the sexual act that led to pregnancy was performed directly on the day of ovulation, the boy will be born, and if a few days before ovulation - it is worth waiting for the girl.

    Determining a child's sex by blood group of parents

    This method is considered imperfect, however, and it has the right to exist among others. How to know the sex of a child free of charge for blood group and Rh factor of parents? You can use the proposed sex calculation tables:

    How to know the sex of a child with the help of numerology?

    Will help determine the gender of the child and the science of numerology. For this you need to use this table:

    It is necessary to write the full name of the future mother with the girl's surname and the full name of the future father. After that, write in words the name of the month of conception. Convert the letters of the names and names of the month into numbers and add up all the numbers. The sum divided into seven. Even number speaks about the girl, odd number - about the boy.


    RHYMN RODONOVA: 9 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 3 + 7 + 5 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 3 + 1 = 60
    OLEG RYKOV: 7 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 9 + 2 +3 + 7 + 3 = 45
    MART: 5 + 1 + 9 + 2 = 17
    60 + 45 + 17 = 122
    122: 7 = 17 with a remainder that is not taken into account.
    17 - the number is odd, then this pair will have a boy.

    Popular signs of

    Certainly, in such an important matter as the definition of the sex of the future child, it was not without the participation of folk wisdom. After all, our grandmothers did not know about the ancient Chinese miracle table, nor about the renewal of blood, and ultrasound, then it was completely unavailable. But they certainly knew how to know the gender of the child by certain signs. Folklore was used in the course, viz. Folkloric signs of determining the sex of the child. What is most interesting is that these signs often turn out to be prophetic. Here are some of them.

    You should expect a boy if:
    - you do not have toxicosis( do not feel sick in the morning);
    - the abdomen is low down and round like a ball;
    - you have cold feet;
    - you are drawn to meat and cheese products, as well as salty and sour;
    - you are pregnant;
    - your nipples have darkened;
    - you are concerned about headaches;
    - when you eat bread, you prefer a crust;
    - you sleep on your left side;
    - you are always in high spirits;
    - the baby in the tummy is very agile;
    - the child's heart rate is less than 140;
    - you are less than 20 years old.

    You probably will have a girl if:
    - you are suffering from toxicosis;
    - the abdomen is located high and has a sharp( conical) shape;
    - you are drawn to the sweet;
    - your left breast is bigger than your right;
    - pregnancy does not suit you, you do not look well, the skin becomes problematic;
    - when you eat bread, you prefer crumb;
    - you sleep on your right side;
    - you are nervous and irritated;
    - the child's heart rate is more than 140;
    - you are over 30 years old.


    There are a number of divinations to determine the sex of the child:
    1. Pregnant are asked to demonstrate their hands. If she stretches them with her palms upwards, she should wait for the girl, and if the palms are down, a boy will be born.
    2. The future mother is asked to take the key lying on the table. If she takes him by the "head"( round part, the tip of the key) - a boy will be born, if for a long part - there will be a girl.
    3. A ring hangs on a string and swings over the belly of the future mother. If he swings like a pendulum from side to side - expect the boy, and if he drives circles - there will be a girl.

    These are all ways of how to know the sex of a child for free. We hope, they will come to your liking.

    During the entire pregnancy, the future mother is troubled by a lot of questions. One of the most common - who will she be born with, a boy or a girl? Despite the fact that in the 21st century medicine can give almost one hundred percent answer to this question, future parents do not refuse from other methods. How to know the sex of a child?

    Ultrasound examination( US)