  • Healing baths

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    bathtubs of different types are very important and very effective hydropathic procedures. For a long time baths have been used with hygienic and are used for medical and preventive purposes. Accordingly, by the beginning of the XXI century.accumulated a huge experience of their use for medicinal purposes. Depending on the location of the pathological focus or lesion, the following bath types are prescribed:

    • general - with immersion of the whole body in water with a certain temperature and chemical composition;

    • waist baths( or half-baths) - the body is immersed in water to the waist;

    • Sitting baths with hydrotherapy procedures with immersion of the pelvic area, lower abdomen and thighs;

    • Local baths - performed when exposed to water with a certain temperature and chemical composition on the limbs( arms or legs).

    Common baths with fresh water are usually performed at a temperature of 36 to 38 ° C, their duration is from 15 to 20 minutes, all are prescribed from 10 to 20 procedures daily or every other day depending on the patient's condition. At common baths the body is submerged in water up to the shoulders, but the heart area should be open( in some cases a relatively cold compress is placed on the heart area).

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    In attacks of renal stone disease, common baths with a water temperature of 40 to 42 ° C are sometimes prescribed. At the initial stages of atherosclerosis, vegetovascular dysfunctions, neuroses with predominance of disorders from the cardiovascular system, as well as for hardening the body in order to increase resistance to catarrhal diseases, contrast baths are prescribed. In such baths, the patient is immersed in a bath of warm water( water temperature 37 to 38 ° C) for 3-4 minutes, and then passes into a neighboring bath with cool water( temperature from 25 to 28 ° C), where it is for 2-3 minutes. This procedure for the adoption of this procedure of hydrotherapy is the main rule. Contrast baths are taken every day or every other day, depending on the condition of the patient( or patient), 10 to 15 procedures are prescribed for the entire course of treatment. When exposed to contrasting baths, the following are observed:

    • alternation of constriction and expansion of vessels in the skin and under it;

    • changes in the frequency of respiration, pulse, and blood pressure.

    Indications for use of common baths:

    • Functional disorders of the nervous system;

    • diseases of the organs of the musculoskeletal system;

    • metabolic disorders;

    • diseases of the cardiovascular and peripheral nervous systems.

    Bath according to the Hauffe technique is a hydropathic procedure for local exposure where only the patient's limbs( patient) are placed in a two- or four-chambered bath of small dimensions. The initial water temperature is from 35 to 36 ° C, then add hot water and bring to a temperature of 42-44 ° C for 10-15 minutes. The procedure of hydrotherapy at this high temperature is continued for another 10-15 minutes. After the end of the procedure, as in its implementation, follow the pulse on the electronic tonometer. The patient is wiped with a waffle towel with light massaging movements and wrapped with a blanket, laid on rest on the couch. Depending on the type of disease, certain substances in the form of balsams are added to the water in the course of bathing according to Gauff: "Placentol 100%", "REALAM", "Artemisia", fir oil, cedar oil, etc. These additives to the Gauffe baths give a high healing effectorganism not only directly in places of influence, but also in whole, in the whole organism. The main indication for the use of Gauffe's baths is the violation of peripheral circulation during hypodynamia.

    Vibration bath is a special technique for performing medical water procedures using a special device called "Wave", which generates vibrating water waves. This technique of therapeutic effect on pathological foci with the help of mechanical vibrations in water and the apparatus itself were developed and tested in the Tomsk Scientific Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy in the 1970s. Effects on pathological foci are carried out with the help of a vibrator connected to the Wave apparatus at a distance of 2 to 3 cm from the body of the patient( fixed technique with fixation of the vibrator on the bracket) or by fixing the vibrator on a small rubber circle, followed by movement along the pathological focusat a distance of 1-2 cm. The device "Volna" informs the oscillator of the oscillation with a frequency of 10 to 200 Hz, at which the sound pressure is created from 10 to 1000 bar. These parameters of the vibrator's influence on the pathological foci are regulated by means of the control unit of the apparatus.

    As shown by numerous clinical studies, under the influence of a vibrating water wave:

    • blood and lymph circulation improves;

    • metabolism in the tissues of the body increases;

    • clearly shows analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

    The following indications were reliably established during the investigations:

    • lumbosacral and cervical radiculitis;

    • rheumatoid polyarthritis;

    • chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract( gastritis, cholecystitis);

    • chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages.

    Depending on the type of disease for the entire course of treatment with vibrating baths, 10 to 15 procedures are prescribed, which have a duration of 3 to 10 minutes( each), administered daily or every other day.

    Water in the vibrating bath must be at a temperature of 37 to 39 ° C, which causes a certain thermal effect of the bath with a combination of dosed vibration.

    This method of hydrotherapy, such as the "pearl" bath , became widespread in the 1970s."Pearl" baths - the name is conditional and due to the fact that air bubbles pour in the water, like pearls. Air bubbles are formed due to the supply of air at a pressure of 1-2 atm through a special grate located at the bottom of the bath. The grate is made of perforated( ie with small holes) metal-plastic or propylene pipes.

    The main indications for the use of "pearl" baths:

    • Functional disorders of the central nervous system;

    • asthenic syndrome;

    • stress conditions.

    A patient taking a procedure in a pearl bath experiences a pleasant sensation from the effects of air bubbles on the body and the difference between the water temperature of 36-38 ° C and the air bubble temperature( within 20-25 ° C).

    A total of 10 to 20 baths are prescribed for the entire course of treatment, the duration of one procedure is 10 to 15 minutes.

    The air in the "pearl" bath is fed from a special portable compressor to the grate from the tubes through a system of rubber-fabric hoses fixed to the compressor air distributor.

    foam baths began to be used in hydrotherapy in the same years as "pearl" baths. In a frothy foam foam bath, the same device is used, as in the "pearl" - a grille made of perforated plastic or propylene tubes( previously used metal stainless or brass tubules).In the first years of foam bubble baths, foam was obtained by grinding coniferous or egg soap; now shampoos are used for this purpose:

    • herbal( with string, nettle, celandine, etc.);

    • Eternal( with chamomile, calendula, lime flower, tea rose, etc.);

    • biomineral( with the content of extracts of kelp, horsetail, birch, amino acid complex of collagen, etc.);

    • based on cedar oil and activator of cellular respiration, etc.

    To produce a foam bath, hot water with a temperature of 40 to 42 ° C in the amount of 70 liters is used. Foam bath as a hydropathic procedure combines the effects of warm water and foam bubbles, while the mechanical action factor is carried out by bursting on the skin of the patient with bubbles saturated with biologically active substances.

    The long-term practice in the use of water bathing foam baths has confirmed a pronounced therapeutic effect, manifested:

    • in the normalization of metabolism;

    • increased sweating with a simultaneous, gentle effect on the heart and blood vessels;

    • a calming effect on the nervous system.


    • neuralgia;

    • asthenic syndrome;

    • obesity with the appearance of cellulite;

    • stress;

    • itching;:. .

    • climacteric syndrome, etc.

    For the whole course of hydrotherapy, 15 to 20 baths are prescribed with the duration of one procedure from 15 to 20 minutes daily or every other day, depending on the patient's health condition and the absence of unforeseen complications.

    Oxygen baths as a means of hydrotherapy have been used in medical practice since the mid-20th century.

    Oxygen is saturated with water in a bath in two ways:

    • by chemical dissolution of perhydrol, bicarbonate soda and 5% copper sulphate solution;

    • mechanical, in which oxygen is added to a bath of warm water( temperatures from 37 to 38 ° C).In view of the fact that oxygen is poorly soluble in water, air is simultaneously pumped into the bath by a compressor like "pearl" baths. To prevent leakage( evaporation) of oxygen from the bathtub from above after placing the patient in a bath, cover it with a moist linen sheet with a hole for the patient's head( patient).

    Due to the sedative effect of the patient's body, oxygen baths are almost identical to pearl baths, but the procedures taken in the oxygen bath are accompanied by saturation of the body with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system with simultaneous stimulation of metabolic processes, in particular, redox. In some cases, to increase the effectiveness of the therapeutic effect of oxygen baths in the water, add 1.5-2 kg of sea salt or coniferous fir concentrate with salt. Oxygen in such baths enters the body not only through the pores of the skin, but also through the upper respiratory tract, lungs.

    The entire course of treatment is prescribed from 10 to 15 procedures lasting from 10 to 15 minutes each.


    • diseases of the cardiovascular system;

    • the initial stage of atherosclerosis;

    • metabolic disorders;

    • obesity with the appearance of cellulite;

    • diseases of the nervous system;

    • stresses, etc.

    Nitrogen baths for performing hydrotherapy procedures are used in specialized clinics, sanatoriums and dispensaries for a long time( about 50 years).Nitrogen( as is known, this gas is in large quantities in the atmospheric air) is fed into the bath, where water is poured in an amount of 100 liters with a temperature of 36 to 38 ° C, along with water from the saturation apparatus( capacity) with a pump. The saturation unit( it is located next to the bathtub), nitrogen comes from a special steel cylinder, where it is in a compressed state. During the procedure, the body of the patient is covered with a layer of nitrogen bubbles, which undergo an original reaction in the body, which consists in a reduction in the blood supply of the peripheral vessels due to narrowing of the capillaries( in particular, in the venous bed), in addition, skin blanching is noted.

    Long-term medical studies have shown that:

    • this reaction takes a short time and gives way to mild hyperemia;

    • nitrogen penetrating through the expanded pores of the skin affects primarily the nervous system, providing sedative, analgesic and desensitizing effects.

    These same studies have scientifically proved the following indications:

    • the initial stage of hypertension;

    • hypersthenic form of neurasthenia;

    • neurodystrophic skin diseases;

    • infectious and allergic joint damage;

    • thyrotoxicosis.

    Most patients did not experience any complications after taking nitric baths.

    For the entire course of treatment, 15 to 20 procedures are prescribed, lasting from 15 to 20 minutes each.

    carbon baths for hydrotherapy procedures are prepared similarly to nitrogen baths, only the saturation of a bath filled with water in a volume of 150 liters with a temperature of 37-39 ° C is produced by carbon dioxide. In such a bath water is supplied, saturated with carbon dioxide from a special apparatus( carbon dioxide enters the saturation apparatus from a steel cylinder where it is in a compressed state).The combination of exposure to hot water and carbon dioxide on the skin of the patient causes primarily hyperemia on the part of the body that is immersed in water. The mechanism of occurrence of hyperemia in this case is neural-reflex. Hyperemia, as demonstrated by the practice of using carbonic baths, is accompanied by a sensation of heat and is caused by:

    • by the expansion of capillaries, by the acceleration of blood flow in them;

    • a noticeable increase in the number of functioning capillaries.

    In addition, as a result of the appearance of hyperemia of the skin, intensive redistribution of blood towards the peripheral vessels is noted. The process of development of hyperemia is accompanied by analgesic and resorptive action. The course of treatment with these baths is appointed individually, taking into account the results of the medical examination, the procedures are performed( their duration is also set individually) every other day, using water at a temperature of 36 to 38 ° C.


    • Diseases of joints of various etiologies;

    • diseases of the peripheral nervous system;

    • peripheral circulatory disorders;

    • metabolic disorders( in particular, diabetes, obesity with manifestations of cellulite);

    • Some skin diseases.

    The subaqueous bath differs significantly from all other baths by the availability of special equipment consisting of a system of rubber and plastic pipelines, cranes and tanks with a capacity of 30 liters( scientific tanks are called irrigators), which are fixed above the bath at a height of 150-180 cm. The beginning of the procedure is filled with medical and flushing water. The medicinal water( also called rinsing water) is prepared in the form of a solution of mineral salts( or mineral water without gas of a certain composition) or a solution of medicinal substances( as a balm "Placentol 100%", "Gastrofilina", balm "RIALAM", balm based on sea-buckthornoil or cedar oil).The panna in which the patient is placed should have a volume of 400 liters. At the bottom of the bath before starting the procedure, a special saddle-seat structure with a built-in soft tip is installed. The seat-seat is covered with a rubber inflatable ring, in addition, above it is a spring shock absorber. From the seat of the rubber tube, connected with the kalospriememnikom, from which the contents of the intestine after washing it with a medical solution through a faience pipe enters the sewerage system. The tip is connected by means of a rubber hose to the reservoir for medicinal water, which is fed into the intestine by a small pump. The healing water from the reservoir is fed in small portions under low pressure. After 2 minutes, water is drained from the intestine, which contains feces, mucus, gases and toxic substances. After that, the injection of medicinal water into the intestine is repeated, while the entire contents are again removed from the intestine. Throughout the procedure, the whole thick and small intestines are washed with healing water, and as a result, it is essential:

    • the processes of inflammation, fermentation and putrefaction( with the release of toxins) are reduced;

    • metabolism processes are improving;

    • the motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract are stimulated, etc.

    The water temperature in the main bath is maintained at 37-38 ° C, and the temperature of the wash water, depending on the state of the patient's gastrointestinal tract, should be 38 to 40 °FROM.

    In general, the adoption of hydropathic procedures in a subaqueous bath largely contributes to the recovery of the entire human body. Such procedures are appointed only after a thorough medical examination of the patient( patient).

    A total of 6 to 8 procedures are prescribed for the entire course of treatment, but not more than twice a week.

    The following indications have been scientifically substantiated and confirmed by medical practice:

    • chronic colitis;

    • chronic occupational( in hazardous chemical industries) and food intoxication;

    • allergic conditions;

    • metabolic disorders( obesity with the appearance of cellulite, diabetes mellitus);

    • Skin diseases caused by autointoxication;

    • chronic gastritis.

    Bowel flushing with a sub-aqua bath is contraindicated:

    • for acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal and pelvic organs;

    • Herniated abdominal wall;

    • ulcer and polyp;

    • exacerbated hemorrhoids;

    • pregnancy of all terms;

    • Significant violations of the cardiovascular system.

    Note. Sub-aqua baths first began to be used in the Soviet Union in the 1960s-1990s.in specialized clinics, sanatoriums and dispensaries( for example, in the sanatorium of the CPSU Central Committee in Borjomi).In the 1990's.some Russian physiotherapists opposed the use of such baths, citing the fact that they completely destroy the intestinal microflora. But at present, the intestinal microflora after the sub-aqua baths is easily and quickly restored by regular consumption of such fermented foods as biokefir, bifilife, bifilux containing a large number of bifidobacteria;as well as the medicinal product linex. But the effect of improving the body after subaquatic baths is very high, and no drug is not able to replace them.

    Hydrogen sulphide baths occupy a special place in the hydrotherapy system due to the fact that hydrogen sulphide is a protoplasmic poison, in addition, it is aggressive towards the objects with which it comes into contact, especially metallic ones. Therefore, the equipment in the hydrogen sulphide baths, pipes for drainage of water from the baths, taps and the baths themselves, the inhalers are made of special plastics resistant to hydrogen sulphide. Hydrogen sulfide baths are prepared using sodium sulfate and hydrochloric acid( pure chemical).The chemical reaction proceeds freely at pH of water from 6.0 to 6.4;so bicarbonate soda is added to the usual water.

    Healing solution for hydrogen sulphide baths is usually prepared with a concentration of 100 to 150 mg / l. In sanatoriums of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, hydrogen sulfide from mineral sources is used for treatment procedures( in particular, this source is located in Pyatigorsk).In the premises where the hydrogen sulphide baths are located, active forced-exhaust ventilation must be arranged;In addition, the dosage of hydrogen sulphide concentration and the duration of the procedure are strictly observed.

    Hydrogen sulphide baths have a variety of effects on the body, and it is very complicated, which is manifested in the following:

    • reddening reactions at the 1st-2nd minute of the procedure( it is manifested as a result of neurohumoral influences, defined as cutaneous hyperemia);

    • redistribution of blood in the body, followed by increased heart rate, slowing of the pulse, lowering of blood pressure;

    • changes in the biochemical composition of the blood with the appearance of physiologically active substances such as acetylcholine, histamine, adrenaline;

    • increased permeability of capillaries and connective tissue structures;

    • stimulation of the function of the reticuloendothelial system;

    • increase in regenerative processes, etc.

    The following indications for the use of hydrogen sulphide baths are scientifically proved:

    • chronic diseases of joints, muscles and nerves of rheumatic, metabolic, traumatic nature in combination with moderately severe cardiovascular diseases;

    • peripheral vascular lesions - endarteritis, postthrombophlebitic syndrome;

    • chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital area;

    • Some skin diseases( psoriasis, neurodermatitis).

    The first procedures begin with a small concentration of 50-75 mg / l for a duration of 8 to 10 minutes.

    Hydrogen sulphide baths are prescribed strictly individually, taking into account the results of the medical examination, accordingly, contra-indications are determined. Hydrogen sulphide has a specific smell - the smell of rotten eggs.

    Turpentine baths were widely used in the middle of the last century to treat:

    • chronic musculoskeletal injuries;

    • diseases of the peripheral nervous system, etc.

    To prepare such baths, use a solution based on 0.5 liters of turpentine, 100 ml of ethyl alcohol, 1 liter of water with the addition of 40 g of soap powder( or 100 ml of herbal shampoo) and 2 g of salicylic acid. Turpentine bath should have a temperature ranging from 37 to 38 ° C, the duration of the procedure is 10 to 15 minutes, taken every other day, a total of 10 to 15 baths are prescribed for the course of treatment.

    Radon baths in the system of hydrotherapy took a special place in the 1960s and 1970s.because water was used that had radioactive properties. Radioactive properties in such a bath were determined by the presence of a radon gas and the products of its decay in water. During the decay of radon, mainly alpha particles were emitted. In natural conditions( for example, in the mountains of the North Caucasus), the enrichment of the water with radon occurs as a result of contact with the rocks containing radium.

    In the years of the XX century.for the preparation of artificial radon baths radon was obtained in laboratory conditions from radium salt preparations. In the late 1960's - early 1970's.large radiological laboratories were established in large cities, which were provided in a centralized way by those medical institutions and sanatoriums where radon baths were used.

    The biological and therapeutic effects of radon baths were determined by alpha radiation, with the ionization of water in the human body( it is known that water accounts for 70-80% of water in the body) with the formation of free and very active chemical radicals. High reactivity of radicals caused intensive development of biophysical and biochemical processes in the tissues of the body, which ultimately led to functional changes in tissues, as well as in all physiological systems of the human body.

    In the Soviet Union, studies of the effects of radon baths have revealed changes in the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, metabolic processes, with sedative, analgesic and desensitizing effects. The same tests determined such indications as the presence of diseases of the following systems and departments:

    • cardiovascular system;

    • organs of the musculoskeletal system;

    • the nervous system;

    • Skin;

    • the female genital area;

    • endocrine( in particular, thyrotoxicosis in the initial stage).

    But as a result of many years of special studies on the effects on the body of radon baths, it has been found that free radicals formed under the influence of alpha radiation cause disruption of the DNA structure and damage to body cells, which eventually leads to cell aging. Therefore, radon baths are currently used very rarely and only in combination with the intake of vitamin-containing drugs( in particular, vitamins A, C, E) antioxidant action( antioxidants bind free radicals.)

    Baths with additives are various and widely used as general health orDepending on the substance used for the additive, the baths have different effects on the body, some treat skin diseases, others strengthen the immune system, others calms the nerves, etc.

    Coniferous bath

    These baths help to remove internal irritation, restore strength, strengthen blood vessels and heart, heal insomnia, improve skin condition and activate breathing, help fight inflammation of joints and obesity. Professional baths for elderly people are very useful, however,it is only necessary after consultation with the attending physician.

    A full bath will require 1.5 kg of ground pine branches, needles, cones. Fill the raw material with cold water, place it on the fire. When the water boils, hold the saucepan over low heat for 30 minutes. Then cover it with a lid and let the broth steep for 10-12 hours. Pour it into a warm bath.

    If there is no possibility to find needles, you can use coniferous extract, the main thing is that it should be natural. It will be enough to 50-70 g per 200 liters of water. Essential oils, which are contained in both natural raw materials and in the finished coniferous extract, have a beneficial effect on the nerve endings of the skin;The color and smell of water with needles soothe the central nervous system. Optimum water temperature for coniferous baths is 35-37 ° С, duration of reception is 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment consists of 12-15 procedures. You need to spend them 4 times a week or every other day.

    Starch bath

    Baths with the addition of starch soften the skin, remove skin itching and irritation. Such baths are used to treat non-infectious skin diseases, as well as diseases accompanied by pruritus.200 liters of water requires 500-800 g of starch, which must be diluted in advance in a small amount of warm or cold water. Starch baths are recommended to be taken every day or every other day. The water temperature should be 35-37 ° C, the duration of the bath - 20-30 minutes. The course of treatment - 10-20 procedures.

    Manganese acid bath

    These baths disinfect and dry the skin and are most often used for diaper rash and limited skin rashes in children. Add 5% potassium permanganate solution to the bath until the water turns pink. Procedures should be done every other day or every day for 5-10 minutes.

    Bath with aair

    For the treatment of diathesis and rickets in children, a bath with aura is used.10 tablespoons chopped root ayr pour 2.5 liters of cold water, bring to a boil and reduce the heat. After 30 minutes, remove from heat and allow the broth to infuse for 20 minutes. Strain and pour into a bath of water at a temperature of 37 ° C. Take such baths 1-2 times a week for 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment - 10-12 procedures.

    Bath with oak bark

    Baths with decoction from the oak bark contribute to the rapid healing of wounds, reduce the elevated body temperature, but are especially useful when varicose veins. In addition, these, null, baths narrow the pores and help get rid of excessive sweating. For a full bath you need 1 kg of oak bark, for foot - 250 g. Shredded raw materials fill with cold water, put on fire and allow to boil. Boil 30 minutes, strain the broth and pour into the bath with a temperature of 35-37 ° C. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

    Sage bath

    Sage bath has analgesic effect, has beneficial effects in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in the treatment of the consequences of fractures and limb injuries. Sage baths also narrow the pores and help get rid of sweating. Such a bath can be made from fresh or sea water at the rate of 4-5 liters of herb broth per 100 liters of water. The water temperature in the bath should be 35-37 ° C, the duration of the intake is 8-15 minutes, the course of treatment - 12-18 procedures.

    Salt bath

    These very popular baths relieve muscle and joint pain, reduce the consequences of injuries, have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems, improve metabolism, have an anti-inflammatory effect. They help with nervous overload, stress, depression. In addition, saline baths activate the blood circulation in small vessels and have an effect similar to the micro massage. Some of the salts dissolved in water are adsorbed by the rut, creating a so-called salt cloak, the effect of which continues even after the procedure is over.

    On one bath you need 350 g of salt, preferably sea salt, but the usual cookery will do. Dissolve it in a bath of hot water, then add cold water to a temperature of about 37 ° C. It is recommended to take a salt bath no more than 15-20 minutes 1-2 times a week for 1 or 1.5 months.

    Bath from chamomile

    This bath removes the increased excitability of the nervous system. Essential oil of chamomile flowers has a positive effect with external and internal inflammations and skin rashes.

    200 liters of warm water will require 0.5 kg of chamomile. Pour dry food with cold water, close the lid tightly and boil for 10 minutes on low heat or in a water bath. Ready to drain the broth and pour into the tub.

    Valerian bath

    Such baths help get rid of the effects of stress, improve sleep. They normalize heart rhythms and blood pressure, improve the work of the stomach, relieve spasms. For a full bath, a very small amount of ground valerian roots is sufficient. The broth is prepared in the same way as from chamomile. Bath water should be a temperature of 35-37 ° C.

    Honey bath

    Honey baths are known from ancient times. They improve the metabolism, the work of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory and nervous systems, have beneficial effects on bone and muscle tissues. Substances that are part of honey, remove toxins and radionuclides from the body.

    For one full bath you will need 1 glass of honey. You can prepare a warm, cool or hot bath, but the latter is contraindicated in patients with hypertension, atherosclerosis, angina, pulmonary tuberculosis and malnutrition. Do not show hot honey baths to people prone to bleeding. In addition, honey baths of any temperature can not be taken by pregnant women and those who do not tolerate honey.

    Honey baths can be sedentary and full. In the latter case, a small rubber pillow should be placed under the head, the water should not cover the heart area.

    Before taking a bath of honey, take a shower and wash with soap, after the shower procedure you can not take, otherwise the therapeutic effect of the honey bath will be reduced. After the procedure, you need a half hour rest. By the way, this requirement should be observed in relation to other baths.

    The procedure for taking a honey bath is undesirable to do more often than in 1-2 days.

    Hot honey bath( water temperature 40 ° C) has a strong effect on the body, so it should be no more than 10 minutes. Hot honey bath dilates blood vessels, improves blood formation, promotes perspiration, resulting in the body leaving the slag and improving breathing.

    A warm honey bath( water temperature 37-38 ° C) should last from 10 to 15 minutes. Such a bath stimulates metabolism, normalizes digestion and the work of the nervous system, relieves tension, spasms and pains in the muscles. A warm honey bath is especially useful to patients with endocrine disorders and people suffering from neuroses.

    Cool honey bath( water temperature from 20 to 30 ° C) perfectly tones up the body, speeds up metabolic processes, improves the heart, vessels and nervous system. The duration of the bath is 1-5 minutes.

    Bath with dill

    A warm bath with dill helps with insomnia, skin rashes and inflammations, it soothes, relaxes and refreshes. A glass of fresh dill or 1/2 cup of dry raw materials, pour 2 liters of water, put on a fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. After stirring for 30 minutes, strain and pour into a bath filled with water by about 1/4.The water temperature should be 36-37 ° C. Take dill baths 1-2 times a week for 15-20 minutes. The course of treatment is 7-8 procedures.

    Bath with lemon

    Bath with lemon removes fatigue and invigorates. With its help you can get rid of depression and the consequences of stress. Such baths are used in the complex of treatment of obesity. Squeeze the juice from one lemon and add it to a bath filled with water by about 1/4 The water temperature should be 37 "C. The intake time is 10-15 minutes, the course of treatment is 5-6 procedures. There can instead be lemon natural lemon essential oil

    Bath with mint

    This bath has the same effect as a lemon bath, pour 5 tablespoons of mint 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Plant a mint infusion in a bath of water with a temperature of 36-37 ° C. You canto prepare a bath and in another way.

    Add 4-5 tbsp of dry raw material in gauzeand fix it under the roll so that a jet of hot water flows through it to the bath, then add cold water to the desired temperature To take mint baths is recommended once a week for 15-20 minutes. The course of treatment is 5-7 procedures.

    Bath with lime color

    This bath heals insomnia, soothes nerves, reduces skin inflammation and irritation, stimulates sweating and cleans the body of toxins. With the help of linden baths you can treat obesity, but under the guidance of a doctor. Pour 1 cup of dried linden flowers with 2 liters of cold water and leave for 10 minutes. Then put the infusion on the stove, bring to a boil and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Cool, strain and pour into a bath of water at a temperature of 37 ° C. The duration of the lime bath is 20 minutes, the course of treatment - 6-7 procedures.

    Bath with hay drizzle

    This old-fashioned method has practically no contraindications and is useful for both healthy and sick people who are not at all forbidden from taking VANN.This bath warms the body, opens the pores, activates the metabolism, cleanses the body of harmful substances, improves blood circulation, promotes excretion of sand and stones. Baths with hay are used for diseases of joints, gout, rheumatic conditions, gastric, intestinal colic and gall bladder colic. Baths with haymelder also help with abscesses, furuncles and other skin diseases, constipation, hemorrhoids, swelling of the intestines.

    For a full bath you will need 1 kg of hay, for a half - 500 g, for a sessile - 250 g, for a bath for hands or feet there are enough four handfuls of raw materials.

    Lower the cloth bag with hay in a pan with freshly boiled water, cover and simmer for 25-30 minutes. Ready broth pour into a bath with a water temperature of 37 ° C. The time of reception is from 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the state of health.

    In the treatment of articular rheumatism and other joint diseases, it is possible to use a hot bath made of hay. Patients with a not too healthy heart are recommended to resort to these procedures every other day and only after consulting a doctor, people who have no heart problems can take such baths daily. The course of treatment for articular rheumatism - 30-50 procedures. In combination with baths, it is advisable to drink grapefruit juice by * / 2 cups 3 times a day.

    You can take cold baths with hay.

    Bath with oatmeal straw

    In cases of kidney, bladder, rheumatic pain, a bath with a decoction of oat straw helps. A large bundle of oat straw should be boiled in a vat for 30 minutes. Bath is prepared the same way as using hay.

    Treatment with hot baths for the treatment of articular rheumatism

    For a full bath take 1 kg of trash, for half - ½ kg, for sitting - ¼ kg, for a bath of hands or feet - 4 full handfuls. The term for a bath with water in 37 C -5-20 minutes, depending on the state of the patient. In the treatment of articular rheumatism and some other diseases, many healers recommend taking a hot bath of hay, lasting 20 minutes, and most often 45 minutes, and sometimes an hour. If the heart is strong, you must take these baths every other day, and with a good heart - every day. For the treatment of articular rheumatism requires 30 to 50 baths.

    Bay Senennuyu chill with cold water, bring it to a boil and boil for half an hour. Usually, for simplicity, the corn is placed in a canvas bag before boiling and cooked in it. The broth is added to the bath. This kind of bath is very beneficial in the beginning of poisoning of blood, with frozen members, with scrofulous state.

    In the treatment of baths with hay, it is recommended to drink grapefruit juice. This juice destroys fluids in the joints and sinuses. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

    Haymelder is rich in various essential oils, due to which it produces skin irritation. It is extremely useful in the treatment of metabolism, in the removal of sand and stones, with a gouty condition, with convulsions, with colitis of the gallbladder, stomach.

    Oak bark for adding to baths

    For a full bath take 1 kg, for a half ½ kg, for a sit and foot ¼ kg. The bath from the oak bark, due to the content of tannic acid, acts antipyretic, helps to cicatrize wounds. They are used in the treatment of damaged skin from frosts, they are also used in children's scrofula.

    The bark is dried, crushed and, after soaking a few hours in cold water, boil for half an hour. The broth is filtered and added to the bath water.

    Horsetail for adding to baths

    Horsetoe decoction excellently affects poorly healed wounds: in such cases, a wound moistened with a decoction cloth is applied to the wound.

    Roots of air for adding to baths

    For a full bath take ¼ kg of calamus, for half - 1/8 kg.

    Baths with air are used to treat scrofula and rickets in children and neurosis in adults.

    Roots and greens are poured cold water and boiled for 30 minutes, after which the broth is added to the bath.

    Bath with stones in the kidneys

    An effective remedy for kidney stones is a decoction of oat straw.(It can be replaced with a field horsetail.) Straw is boiled for ½ hours, a warm bath with a temperature of about 30 ° C is prepared from the broth.

    This bath is recommended to take no more than an hour, so that a warm bath does not relax the patient very much, when leaving the bath it is good to wash the entire body with cold water. Every day, you can take three such baths, and in addition to this, the patient must always take oat broth inside, and for its preparation, the oats should be boiled for no more than 30 minutes. It is necessary to drink two cups of this decoction daily. A stronger influence is exerted by a decoction of oat straw. A decoction of horsetail is very good.

    Ant bath( water)

    Put the contents of one ant pile in the bag and bring it home. Pour everything from the bag into the bucket and top up it with steep boiling water. It is necessary to insist the contents of the bucket for several hours, and then pour into a hot bath with a temperature of 30 to 37 C. To increase the healing power of the bath, you need to add a significant amount of fresh birch leaves. Birch leaves can be replaced with fresh chamomile flowers.

    Bran for adding to baths

    The whole bath is 1.5 kg, half - ¾ kg and for a sedentary bath and foot - for ¼ kg. Pour bran( they are best placed in a bag) with cold water and cook very briefly. They are used for inflamed, itchy and painful rashes, with burns, wounds and excessive sensitivity of the skin in hysterical women.

    Walnut leaves for addition to baths

    Take fresh or dried leaves, pour cold water and boil ¾ hours in a tightly closed container. For a full bath, they take 1 kg, for a half bath - ½ kg and for a sessile and foot - for ¼ kg. These baths are used mainly in children's practice in the treatment of scrofula and with the disease of the lymph nodes.

    Chamomile for adding to the baths

    Chamomile is filled with cold water and boiled in a well sealed container for 10 minutes. For a full bath - ½ kg, for a half -1 / 4kg, for a sedentary - 150kg and for a foot bath -100g. These baths are very useful in the treatment of skin diseases, wounds and abscesses. Chamomile baths soothe and eliminate cramps, they are sometimes used and with neuroses.

    Valerian for adding to baths

    Baths with valerian decoction serve to calm the heart, seizures and the entire nervous system: they lower the excitability of the spinal cord and are especially recommended for nervous insomnia, nervous heart attack, weakness of the heart and nerves, etc. Such baths reduce and regulatethe number of heart beats and lower blood pressure. A full bath requires 1/2 kg of valerian.

    Salt for adding to baths

    A full bath requires 2 kg of salt. The latter is simply thrown into the bath to dissolve. Such baths produce skin irritation, stimulate the secretion of water, urine and carbohydrates through the skin. Caused by salt baths, enhanced blood nourishment of the skin favorably responds to deeper lying metabolic disorders, such as rheumatic condition and scrofula.

    Baths with the addition of mustard

    Add mustard( dry) only to partial baths for hands or feet;take her 2-3 handfuls, poured hot water in 50C and, well rasterev that there were no lumps, add to the bath. The resulting mustard oil renders the skin more irritated than any other additives to the baths. The stay in such a bath is limited to 5-10 minutes. Then the body is rinsed with warm water. Mustard should not be boiled in any way, otherwise it loses its strength and action.

    Method of conducting a hyperthermic bath.

    Indications for use: polyneuritis, iridocyclitis, pre-primary poliomyelitis, septicemin, salpingitis, otitis, gonorrhea arthritis.

    Contraindications: increased cerebrospinal pressure, edema of the brain open tuberculosis, extensive pneumonia, myocarditis, myocardial infarction, coronaritis, hypertension, acute phlebitis, cirrhosis.

    Simple, either with foliage of walnut, or with yellow turpentine solution. To sit down in a bath( Т 37С).gradually increase the temperature to 41-43 C( for 12-15 minutes).Stay at the temperature reached 4-5 minutes, then go out, wrap in a sheet and 2-3 woolen blankets and 45 minutes of sweating, taking a hot drink. Then decay and go to bed( well covered) for at least 2 hours.

    Thyme for adding to baths

    On a full bath you need 1kg of thyme. Baths with thyme improve the condition of the whole body.

    Lavender color for adding to baths

    Such baths are of great importance not only for cardiac and nervous pains, but also for rheumatism, gout, paralysis, dislocations due to the aromatic odor and the slight irritation that lavender baths produce on the skin. These baths enliven and excite the skin nerves and major blood vessels. For a full bath you need 1 kg of lavender color.

    Hand baths

    Recommended for bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, glaucoma, inflammation of the iris, to interrupt the common cold, tracheitis, influenza.

    Both forearms above the elbow are immersed in water( T 37C).Gradually increase the temperature by 1 C every two minutes, therefore, from 38 to 43C - for 10 minutes. Baths( T43S) take 10 minutes, then relax for at least 45 minutes.

    Rosh-Posz type bath

    Assign skin dryness, dry dermatitis, ichthyosis and psoriasis.

    Composition: a mixture of soda carbonate( 35 g), magnesium carbonate( 20 g), magnesium perborate( 15 g).T 38-39 C, 15 minutes.