  • Vitaminosis Symptoms

    Vitaminosis is a disease condition that develops as a result of prolonged malnutrition, in which vitamins are not necessary for the body.

    The alphabetic designation of vitamins determines the type of vitamin deficiency .More common is the simultaneous shortage of several vitamins - polyvitaminosis. With insufficient intake of the whole complex of vitamins in the body with food, hypovitaminosis is noted.

    If you do not make timely correction of hypovitaminosis, then avitaminosis develops. The development of vitamin deficiency can also contribute to physical, nervous and mental stress, oxygen starvation, work with harmful substances, as well as pregnancy and lactation, that is, a state where the need for vitamins increases dramatically.

    The process of disrupting the absorption of vitamins in diseases such as gastric cancer, helminthic invasion( wide ribbons), metabolic diseases, various infectious diseases, also causes the development of vitamin deficiency.

    Symptoms of vitamin deficiency in the body are: general malaise, reduced resistance to infectious diseases, bleeding gums, which swell and become bluish. With a higher degree of avitaminosis, bruises on the skin occur, usually in the popliteal region and the calf muscles.

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    The main treatment consists in the appointment of diets rich in missing vitamins, or in the intake of appropriate vitamin preparations. How to treat this ailment with folk remedies, look here.

    It is useful to know which food products contain a particularly large number of the most important vitamins for the body.

    Vitamin A( retinol) is found in the liver, butter, egg yolk, milk. Provitamin A( carotene) is rich in carrots, hips, currants, mountain ash, sea-buckthorn, apricots, peppers, cabbage, spinach, parsley, dill.

    If there is a deficiency in the body of this vitamin, there is night blindness, the skin and hair become dry, the latter lose their shine and begin to fall out.

    Vitamin B1 ( thiamine) is in the greatest quantities in beer yeast, cereals, potatoes, beans;it is much in the internal organs of animals( liver, kidney and heart).

    The lack of vitamin B1 can lead to the development of such a serious disease as polyneuritis. With therapeutic purpose, drugs with thiamine are prescribed for nervous exhaustion, overfatigue, skin diseases of nervous origin, neuritis.

    Vitamin B2( riboflavin) is found in baker's, brewer's yeast, dairy products, fatty fish, as well as in the liver, kidneys and heart of animals.

    The lack of this vitamin leads to skin lesions, visual impairment, weight loss, weakness are noted. With a therapeutic purpose, riboflavin is used for stomatitis, long-term healing ulcers.

    Vitamin C( ascorbic acid) is especially abundant in fresh leafy vegetables, fruits and berries such as dog rose, black currant, red pepper, cauliflower, dill.

    In the absence of it in food a person falls ill with scurvy. With the therapeutic purpose of vitamin C taken with gastrointestinal diseases, atherosclerosis, etc.

    Vitamin D( calciferol) is found mainly in foods of animal origin, most in fish: fish oil, cod liver. It is in milk, butter and eggs.

    This vitamin is indispensable in the treatment and prevention of rickets. It regulates the phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the body, provides absorption of phosphorus and calcium in the intestines, increases the body's resistance.

    Vitamin E is found in unrefined vegetable oils: sunflower, corn, soybean, peanut, sea-buckthorn. They are rich in tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, asparagus, parsley, peas.

    This vitamin provides the activity of all the major organs and structures of the human body - the brain, blood, nerves, muscles. It can be called a vitamin of eternal youth - it delays the aging process in the body.

    Vitamin PP( nicotinic acid) is the richest meat, liver, kidney, heart of cattle, beer and baker's yeast, wheat, buckwheat, mushrooms.

    If there is a shortage of this vitamin in the human's diet, a disease called pellagra occurs. With a curative purpose, nicotinic acid, in addition to treating pellagra, is used for chronic intestinal catarrh( enterocolitis) and for certain nervous diseases.

    Mustard also helps to cope with vitamin deficiency, since it contains numerous vitamins. So, leafy mustard is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP.In the dining room mustard, many vitamins B1, B2, E.

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    Birch( leaves) - 1 part, mustard seed powder - 1 part, nettle( leaves) - 1 part.

    2 tbsp.spoon collection pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain and add 0.3 cups of beet juice. Drink during the day in 3-4 hours for 20 minutes before eating.

    The course of treatment is 8 weeks.

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    Bulb spotted( leaves and seeds) - 2 parts, mustard seed powder - 1 part, 90% alcohol - 4 parts.

    Mix all the ingredients. Insist in the dark for 7 days. Tincture, take 2 drops at most 5 times a day.

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    Gentian yellow( roots) - 1h.spoon, mustard seed powder - 1h.spoon, centaury( grass) - 1h.spoon, yarrow( herb) - 1h.a spoon.

    Mix the mixture with 3 cups of water, boil for 7-10 minutes and strain. Drink the dose evenly throughout the day.

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    St. John's wort( grass) - 3 tbsp.spoons, mustard seed powder - 1 tsp, clear white( flowers) - 2 tbsp.spoons, blackberries( leaves) - 2 tbsp.spoons.

    Blend the mixture and steam for 3 hours in 1 liter of boiling water. Drink hot during the day in equal portions.

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    Kipray( leaves) - 1 part, nettle( leaves) - 1 part, mustard seed powder - 1 part, buckwheat( flowers) - 1 part.

    3 tbsp.spoon collection pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 3 hours and strain. Drink during the day in 3-4 hours for 20 minutes before eating.

    The course of treatment is 6-8 weeks.

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    Nettle( leaves) - 1 part, yarrow( flowers) - 1 part, mustard seed powder - 1 part, dandelion medicinal( root) - 1 part.

    1 tbsp.spoon collection pour 1.5 cup boiling water, insist 3 hours and strain. Drink 3-4 meals a day for 20 minutes before meals.

    The course of treatment is 8 weeks.