  • Hernia of the groin in men

    A hernia is a protrusion of a soft tissue, for example, a part of the intestine, through a weak place in the muscle, usually in the abdominal wall.

    Herniate hernia - protrusion of part of the intestine through the inguinal canal, or between the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall located above the inner half of the inguinal ligament. Through it, the testicles descend from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum just before the birth of the boy. Hernia is a soft formation, which is corrected by pressing in a supine position.

    Men are more prone to this type of hernia because of residual weakness in the inguinal canal, through which the testicles descended into the scrotum before birth. But any weakness in the abdominal wall( as a result of trauma, stress, aging or a congenital defect) can contribute to the formation of one of two types of inguinal hernia.

    With a direct inguinal hernia( which is the more common of the two types of inguinal hernia), the abdominal organs are pushed through a weak spot in the abdominal wall and create a visible bulge in the groin area. With oblique inguinal hernia, which occurs almost exclusively in men, the tissue protrudes farther down through the inguinal canal, entering the scrotum. In any case, if the hernia can be pushed back into the abdominal cavity, it is called inverted;such a hernia, although not posing an immediate threat to health, ultimately requires surgical intervention.

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    If the hernia can not be reversed, it is called irreparable;this disease can lead to dangerous complications, including an obstruction to the flow of intestinal contents or a violation of the supply of blood to the intestines( infringement), which leads to tissue death. Intestinal obstruction causes nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and abdominal pain and usually requires rapid surgery. Injured hernia is extremely painful and requires immediate surgery.

    There are two types of inguinal hernia. Congenital( indirect) hernia occurs when a boy is born, if the opening in the abdominal cavity is looser or weaker than normal. Acquired( or straight) hernia is called if it is formed due to a defect in the bottom of the inguinal canal. With age, tissues are weakened naturally, so older men should fight with constipation, beware of lifting weights.

    Regardless of the type of inguinal hernia, the intestine can penetrate into the scrotum, as a result of which a protrusion is created in the groin and scrotum. Since the contents of the hernia are movable, the bulging increases if the person is standing, and in the prone position, it decreases accordingly. If the education is small, it is usually painless, but as it increases the movements cause pain.

    • A lump in the groin area, which can be seen only when standing or with tension and which disappears when tilted.

    • Pain in the place of the lump, especially when lifting a heavy object.

    • Swelling of the scrotum.

    • Excruciating pain in the abdomen( if there is a violation of blood circulation).

    • Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and pain( if intestinal obstruction is observed).

    • Congenital or age-related weakness of the abdominal wall.

    • Increased pressure in the abdominal cavity due to lifting of weights, tension, obesity or pregnancy.

    • Usually required, only a medical history and examination. Noticeable protrusion in the groin, when the patient strains or coughs, confirms the diagnosis of inguinal hernia.

    • In simple cases, the main method of treatment is hernioraphy, in which the soft tissue is directed back into the abdominal cavity, the weak spot is fully sewn, and a piece of nylon mesh is inserted into this place to strengthen the abdominal wall. New muscles grow on top of the net. Now this is one of the safest and most frequent large-scale operations. Previously, hospitalization, several days in bed and a week of restricted activity were required. Thanks to improved methods, the procedure is now more often done on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, and the patient usually returns to normal mode within a week.

    • Laparoscopic surgery( using an illuminated tube inserted through a small hole in the abdominal wall) may cause less postoperative pain, although it requires general anesthesia.

    • Injured hernias require surgical removal of the affected part of the intestine and stay in the hospital for several days.

    • A hernial bandage, which used to be used frequently, is no longer recommended at this time, as it does not prevent the risk of intestinal obstruction or other problems. However, the bandage can be useful for those who are too weak to survive the operation.

    When inguinal hernia is greatly enlarged or causes discomfort, surgery is usually recommended. In difficult cases, the intestine is infringed in the inguinal canal, blood circulation is disturbed, and gangrene may develop in this part of the intestine. Then an emergency operation is required: the intestine is removed from the inguinal canal, and the opening is narrowed so that the hernia can not arise again. The part of the atrophied intestine that has been injured in the hernia with the development of gangrene is surgically removed.

    Starting position: lying on the back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind the head.

    Movement: raise the right knee, reach for it with the elbow of the arm of the arm;return to the starting position;raise the left knee, reach for it with the right elbow;repeat 50 times. This exercise should be performed for 3 months every day.

    The person has a small canal that goes down from the abdomen along the groin. It contains the canal( in boys) that leads to the testicles, and the canal to the uterus. Therefore, the channel is laid with blood vessels and nerves. The canal passes through the muscles that make up the abdominal wall. If this hole in the muscles is larger than the ordinary one, a part of the intestine can dent into it, when the child tenses or cries. If the intestine has passed only part of the canal, it forms a bulge in the groin. If it passes the entire canal to the scrotum itself, the scrotum is greatly increased for a while. Less common inguinal hernia in girls. It looks like a bulge in the groin.

    Fallout is not the right name for this state, because it sounds as though the insides are tearing something and falling out. Such a presentation can cause the mother excessive anxiety when the child cries. In fact, nothing breaks and falls. Too big a hole in a child is innate;so it is arranged.

    In most cases, the entrails return to the stomach if the child lies quietly and does not cry. They can stick out every time he gets up, or they can fall down when he strains very hard.

    Sometimes inguinal hernia "infringed".This means that the intestine is stuck in the canal and squeezed blood vessels. This is a kind of intestinal obstruction. Usually this condition causes severe pain and vomiting. Urgent medical care is required.

    Inflammation of inguinal hernia usually occurs in the first six months of life. Usually it is a hernia that was not noticed before. The mother transplants the baby, because he cries much, and for the first time notices a bulge in the groin. It is unreasonable to try to press this bulge with your fingers. However, while waiting for the doctor or taking the child to the hospital, you can put a pillow under his thighs, give a bottle with a pacifier, so that he does not cry, and attach an ice pack( or chopped ice in a stocking) to a hernia. All these measures force the intestines to return to the stomach.

    If you suspect a hernia from your child, of course, you should immediately contact a doctor. Nowadays inguinal hernia is successfully treated with surgical;operations. The operation is not serious, but almost always successful, and the child soon gets out of bed.

    • When lifting heavy objects, bend your knees and firmly press the object against your chest. When lifting, use your leg muscles and keep your back straight. Do not strain and do not hold your breath when lifting.

    • Consult your doctor if you develop signs of inguinal hernia.

    • Attention! Severe pain in the lower abdomen requires immediate medical examination;it can be a sign of an intestinal obstruction or infringement of a hernia.