  • Polyps in the intestine symptoms

    Polyps is a benign tumor that is a knotty growth on the tissues lining the large intestine. They usually do not cause any symptoms and can be detected with a colonoscopy( using a flexible tube called a colonoscope to examine the colon).Polyps are common;they are in every two of three people aged 60 years. However, non-malignant polyps cause 90 percent of colon cancer cases, and the larger the polyp, the greater the likelihood of developing cancer. Thus, early detection and treatment are needed.

    Juvenile polyps are found in children. In this case, the formation looks like a bunch of grapes, located on the stem. Fertility of this type of polyp does not occur.

    Hyperplastic polyps have the form of small formations, having the form of a cone. The average size is up to 4 mm. Externally, the polyp is a thickening of the mucous membrane.

    The glandular polyp is a rounded tumor with a smooth surface, located on a wide base on the stem. In more than half of the cases, the non-treatment of the process is characterized by a transition to a malignant form. There is a direct relationship between the rate of malignancy and the size of the formation: the larger the polyp, the higher the risk.

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    The nasal polyp( adenopapiloma) is a formation covered with delicate thin villi, which gives it a velvety appearance. The tumor sprouts into the lumen of the intestine, is located on a wide base. The carpet form is one of the varieties of the villous polyp. It is characterized by a growing growth along the entire surface of the intestinal mucosa.90% of cases such a tumor degenerates into cancer.

    • Usually, polyps are removed during a colonoscopy. In some cases, a small incision is made on the abdomen to gain access to part of the large intestine. The operation may include removal of the polyp and possibly part of the colon.

    Treatment of herb celandine take one dessert spoon of dry herb celandine pour this raw material with 250 milliliters of water and put on the fire after the product boils, cook it for about half an hour, you can and more further wait until the medicine cools and strain its received liquiduse for enemas, and it should be done as follows: put a little medicine in the rectum, then lie on your right side then enter as much as the same and lay down on the left side the remaining medicineEnter for the third approach and lie on your back. Do this daily. After 10 enemas, take a three-day break and repeat the course of treatment.
    Treatment of the collection of medicinal herbs
    An effective remedy for polyps in the intestines is the use of enemas from a special decoction, which is made of celandine, flowers of viburnum and yarrow herb. Decoction can be made by yourself using this recipe: take a celandine, yarrow and calendula in a ratio of 1: 1: 2, respectively, carefully mix all the ingredients, two tablespoons of the resulting mixture, pour 200 milliliters of boiling water, cover the container with a lid and leave the agent infused until it isbecome warm then strain the medicine and add corn oil to it Use the resulting mass for enemas The volume of the enema should be 100 milliliters the procedure should be carried out after emptying directlyintestine.
    Treatment of Kalina. Kalina in polyps can be used not only as a component of medicinal collection for enemas. In the treatment helps and tea from this plant.take dried or fresh berries and fill them with 200-250 milliliters of boiling water cover the container with a lid and wait for a while until the tea is brewed to improve its taste qualities can add a little honey drink this tea 3-4 times a day
    Treatment with honey and horseradish pre-grated horseradish mixed with honey ingredients it is necessary to take evenly the resulting mixture, eat portions of the dessert spoon three times a day
    Treatment with oak bark take one dessert spoon of oak bark fill this raw with literand then put on fire cook the remedy for ten minutes over low heat, then wait until the medicine has cooled down, and strain it Take the medication in batches of 2-3 tablespoons twice a day for 30 minutes before meals for one week, then you should take a week break, after which the course of treatment can be repeated, the medicine must be stored in a cool place.

    Complications of

    Complications of polyps of the rectum: malignant degeneration, inflammatory diseases of the rectum, rectal fissures, paraproctitis. Therefore, one should not be delayed with treatment and immediately consult a proctologist.

    • All adults over the age of 50 should undergo colonoscopy to detect polyps and cancers of the rectum or large intestine.