  • Asthma symptoms

    Remember the biblical legend of the creation of man: on the sixth day of creation God created man from the dust of the earth and breathed into the face the breath of life and man became a living soul.

    The earthly life of a person begins with the first breath, the lungs are filled with air, the tissues of internal organs move, and the person connects to the world of living beings. He breathed his last breath, - they say about the deceased person, the first and last breath is the beginning and the end: breath is without a doubt the basis of life."Breath", "spiritual", "inspiration" - all these words come from one root and semantic meaning. Pay attention to the appearance of the lung - it looks like an inverted tree: the trunk, branches, leaves. Our bronchopulmonary apparatus is like a tree of life. And the roots of life are followed by a search in the breathing system. But this system is affected in the first place.

    Bronchial asthma is a chronic allergic relapsing disease with predominant airway disease caused by chronic hyperreactivity or inflammation of the airways, in which exacerbations occur as a result of recurrent narrowing of the airways. For an incomprehensible reason, those who suffer from asthma are particularly sensitive to irritants such as dust, cold air and viral infections. Such irritants can periodically cause spasms of the bronchi( contraction of the muscles of the bronchi - airways leading from the trachea to the air bags of the lungs) and increased mucus formation. These two processes lead to the narrowing of already inflamed airways and greatly impede the breathing of a patient with human asthma. The attack can be weak or severe and can last from several minutes to several days. Asthma can develop at any age. Approximately half of children with asthma develop bronchial ways with age.

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    Characterized by the altered reactivity of the bronchi, the entry of air into the lungs and the borate yield are difficult, it becomes difficult to breathe.

    Asthma( astma) in Greek means "choking" or "heavy breathing".Mention of this disease occurs in Hippocrates, Galen, Celsius. In the papyri of Ebers described allergic asthma in the emperors of ancient Rome( Augustus and Claudius).How to use folk remedies for this disease look here.

    Some people have a cough, others have a whistle, a whistling sound that occurs when air is pushed through too narrow openings of bronchial tubes, some people simply feel short of air. The air in the air sacs( alveoli) is trapped. Respiratory movements( inhalation and exhalation) become short, frequent, irregular.

    • Usually the symptoms include: sudden difficulty breathing, wheezing, rapid shallow breathing, which is facilitated by sitting upright, a feeling of suffocation;painless embossing in the chest;cough is possible with the release of dense transparent or yellow sputum( symptoms in young children may be similar to the symptoms of a viral disease).

    • More severe symptoms include: inability to say a few words without breathing difficulty;spasm of neck muscles;rapid pulse;sweating;strong anxiety.

    • Symptoms of severe exacerbation: blue coating on the face or lips;extremely difficult breathing;confusion of consciousness;a feeling of intense fatigue.

    Characteristic features are:

    • dry cough;

    • Choking sensation. Characteristic of the presence of attacks of suffocation in the anamnesis;

    • expiratory dyspnea( difficulty breathing);

    • wheezing when breathing;

    • increased respiration rate;

    • forced position( sedentary with inclination of the body forward);

    • forced position;

    • cyanotic facial coloring;

    • swelling of the cervical veins;

    • possible a previous change in general condition in the form of weakness, the appearance of sensation of itching in the nasal cavity, a feeling of immobility, violation of chest excursions.

    The disease often begins with a paroxysmal cough accompanied by expiratory breathing, with the departure of a small amount of vitreous sputum( asthmatic bronchitis).The unfolded picture of bronchial asthma is characterized by the appearance of mild and moderate severity or severe attacks of suffocation. The attack can begin with a harbinger( copious discharge of a watery secret from the nose, sneezing, paroxysmal cough, etc.).Asthma attack is characterized by accompanying audible rattles in the distance, wheezing sounds from the chest. The thorax is in the position of maximum inspiration.

    1. Compression of the bronchi.

    Bronchial ducts are surrounded by thin muscles. When inhaled air containing irritants, these muscles contract and compress the bronchi. The air can no longer pass through them freely into the lungs. Therefore, they do not get enough fresh air and can not give up the waste air with carbon dioxide that is no longer necessary to the body.

    2. Filling the bronchus with mucus.

    Bronchial tubes from the inside are lined with a mucosa, in which there are cells that produce mucus. In a healthy person, mucus keeps the airways moist. In bronchial asthma, when allergens get into the bronchi( substances causing an asthma attack), mucus is produced more than necessary, it closes the lumen of the bronchi and makes breathing even more difficult.

    3. Swelling of the walls of the bronchi.

    Bronchial ducts from irritation become inflamed. They increase in size, thicken in the same way as the swollen finger swells up when it is injured. Thickening of the inner shell leads to an even narrower narrowing of the bronchus lumen, and air hardly passes through the bronchi during inspiration and exhalation. The more narrowed the bronchi, the harder it is to breathe.

    At the end of the attack, after about 1 hour, cough begins, and a small amount of vitreous viscous sputum is separated.

    This disease changes the structure of the bronchi, the function of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium is disrupted, the bronchial epithelium is destroyed. There is a malfunction of microcirculation in the walls of the bronchi, which leads to sclerosis. In the inflammatory process in the bronchi involved and mast cells that contain biologically active substances( histamine, bradikinin, kalidin, serotonin, etc.).

    Because of all these changes, the syndrome of bronchial spasm is formed. In the mechanism of bronchospasm plays the role of constriction of the bronchus, edema of the bronchial mucosa, mucosal disorders and sclerotic changes. A huge role in the formation of this syndrome is played by the hyperreactivity of the bronchi, i.e.increased reaction to the effect of a variety of stimuli. Response bronchospasm is universal, i.e.irritants can be different, and the reaction of the bronchi is the same. Bronchial asthma differs due to its origin and severity. Until now, there is no single world classification of bronchial asthma.

    By severity, bronchial asthma is divided into light, medium and heavy. With mild severity, there are usually no classic developed attacks of suffocation. Signs of bronchospasm are noted not more often than 1 - 2 times a week and are short-term. From respiratory discomfort at night, patients wake up less than 1 - 2 times a month. In inter-offensive periods, the condition of such patients is stable. In the moderate form, asthma attacks occur more often 1 - 2 times a week. Attacks of bronchial asthma occur more often 2 times a month at night. Taking medication is necessary even in the inter-rush period.

    In severe bronchial asthma, frequent exacerbations of the disease are noted. And they can be dangerous for human life. Attacks are protracted, happen even at night. Symptoms of bronchial spasms persist in the interictal period. Attacks appear from time to time, even in a person who lives in the same place and leads an unchanging lifestyle. The disease has a recurring character, i.e.has a tendency to regularly become aggravated.

    Seizures, combined with periods of well-being, are a hallmark of this disease.

    • use of an inhaler, which is usually available in patients with bronchial asthma;

    • exemption from shoestring clothing;

    • supply of fresh air;

    • subcutaneous administration of 0.1% solution of epinephrine once not more than 0.2-0.3 ml. With repeated administration, the amount of the injected solution should not be increased, the injection site should be changed( due to vasospasm in the area of ​​injection, the absorption of the drug will be worse);

    • subcutaneous administration of atropine solution in case of bradycardia;

    • administration of a solution of euphyllin 10 ml 2.4% intravenously slowly;

    • glucocorticoids according to indications;

    • by indication of cardiac glycosides;

    • Drugs with a diuretic effect: intravenous lasix 2-4 ml, furosemide - inside 40 mg;

    • desensitizing agents, especially in case of a prolonged attack and when using a large number of drugs;

    • distractions;

    • call the ambulance team and hospitalization of the patient in the hospital.

    The development of bronchial asthma affects both external and internal factors. That is, it is necessary to take into account both the influence of the environment and the characteristics of the organism itself( in particular, the state of the immune and endocrine systems).Since the main and indispensable sign of the disease are attacks of suffocation, we will consider what can provoke their appearance. As a rule, these are:

    1) non-infectious( also called atopic) allergens contained in dust, pollen of plants, as well as industrial, food( eggs, chocolate, mushrooms, strawberries, citrus fruits), allergens, waste products of mites, insects,allergens found in animal hair, fish scales, and undoubtedly medicinal allergens( for example, it is known that "harmless" aspirin often provokes an acute attack of asthma in allergic patients);

    2) infectious allergens( viruses and bacteria that damage the respiratory tract, as well as ubiquitous mycoplasmas and fungi);eczema or hay fever.

    3) mechanical and chemical effects( vapors of acids, alkalis, inorganic dust);

    4) intensive physical load and meteorological factors( changes in air temperature and humidity, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and the Earth's magnetic field);the causes of asthma attacks are cold or dry air, cigarette smoke, air pollution, bronchitis and other pulmonary infectious diseases, strong physical exercise

    5) emotional stress or excitement.

    6) Although asthma is mainly caused by an allergy to external substances( allergens) or irritants, for some types of asthma, no external pathogens can be detected.

    7) Predisposition to asthma can be hereditary.

    Bronchial asthma is one of the most common respiratory diseases in pregnant women. This ailment develops in response to the effect on the body of the allergen, and is characterized by a temporary violation of the patency of the airways, which is manifested by a stroke of suffocation.

    Allergens can be: pollen of plants, house dust, feathers, animal hair, food products, medicinal substances, household chemicals. Microorganisms that cause infectious diseases of the respiratory tract: pneumonia, pharyngitis, bronchitis, angina, - are also allergens.

    Usually, bronchial asthma begins before the baby is born, but it can also appear for the first time during it. In some cases, asthma, which began in early pregnancy, is in its third trimester.

    At present, this disease is not a contraindication for those wishing to give birth to a child, since it is possible to correct the patient's condition at all times of pregnancy with the help of medications.

    During the gestation period in the state of some patients bronchial asthma may even improve, in others, on the contrary, the disease is aggravated. Predict deterioration is impossible, it can occur suddenly in any period of pregnancy, as well as during childbirth.

    A seizure of bronchial asthma is usually easy to recognize. It begins with a strong cough without separation of phlegm. Then there is difficulty in exhalation, chest tightness, nasal congestion. To facilitate breathing, the woman takes a forced position: sitting on the bed with her legs down, leaning her hands on her knees. The muscles are tense, breathing noisy, with wheezing, wheezing. The person acquires a cyanotic shade. The attack ends with the separation of sputum.

    During an attack the patient needs emergency help. For this, various drugs are used taking into account their effect on the fetus. The safety of this or that drug for a future child can only be determined by a doctor. The main value in the treatment are drugs from the group of adrenomimetics, xanthine derivatives, anti-inflammatory drugs: intal, glucocorticoid.

    Patients with bronchial asthma throughout the pregnancy must be on dispensary with a therapist for a woman's consultation. Each catarrhal disease in such patients should be treated with a set of measures that include antibacterial drugs. With each exacerbation of the disease, hospitalization in hospital is indicated.

    In the absence of diseases of other organs, patients with bronchial asthma are usually delivered through natural birth canals. During childbirth, measures are taken to prevent the development of seizures. With frequent seizures and a low effect of treatment, an early delivery is prescribed for a period of 37-38 weeks.

    If an older child has chronic asthma, it is caused by substances floating in the air, such as particles of horse manure, dog hair, mold, etc. Allergists call this "inhalants"( inhaled).In young children, asthma can occur as a result of an allergy to food.

    A child with chronic asthma is necessarily examined to find out what substances he reacts to, and then subjected to treatment. If you do not pay attention to this disease, repeated attacks will adversely affect the condition of the lungs and chest. Treatment depends on the cause and is different in each individual case. If the child is sensitive to some kind of food, it is completely removed from its diet. If the cause of the allergy is inhalants, the treatment is the same as with year-round allergies.

    Asthma is not just an allergy to certain substances. A person can experience an attack at one time and not experience another, although he is in the same place and leads the same lifestyle. Seizures usually occur at night. In some cases, the role of the time of year, climate, temperature, physical activity, mental state play a part. Seizures often begin after a cold. Some children suffer from asthma attacks( and other allergies) when they are nervous or upset;their condition is greatly improved when the troubles are done away, sometimes with the help of a psychiatrist. In other words, you need to treat not the asthma, but the whole child.

    Treatment of individual asthma attacks depends on how strong the attack is, and from the doctor's recommendations in this particular case. When a child has difficulty breathing, he is given medications or injections.

    If your child has an asthma attack for the first time, and you can not contact a doctor, do not panic. The state is rarely as dangerous as it seems. If the baby is very difficult to breathe, keep it in bed. If this happens in winter and the house has heating, the room should be warm, and the air in it is moistened. If the child coughs heavily, and you have prescribed cough medicine for him, give it to him. Let him play the game or read it while you are doing your own business, or read it to yourself. If you restlessly stand next to him, it can frighten him and intensify the attack. If the seizures continue, try to remove all unnecessary things from the room until you contact the doctor.

    Predicting asthma attacks is impossible. If the disease begins at an early age, it stops sooner than if it starts later. In some cases, seizures stop with the achievement of sexual maturity. But sometimes a place of asthma in such cases is hay fever.

    • Your doctor will perform a physical examination.

    • Skin allergy analysis may be performed. A small amount of the putative allergen is injected directly under the skin. If the skin becomes red, itch or bulge, you may be allergic to this substance.

    • Breast X-ray is often required.

    • Blood tests can be performed.

    • A lung function test should be performed to measure lung strength and capacity.

    • Keep a diary of the frequency and severity of asthma attacks.

    • A bronchodilator should always be at hand in case of a severe attack. However, it should not be used regularly, because too much hope for a medicine can be dangerous.

    • Regular use of inhalers with corticosteroids( anti-inflammatory drugs) helps control inflammations that can cause asthma. For many patients, these drugs are the main type of treatment.

    • If seizures occur frequently, oral intake of bronchodilators( such as long-acting theophylline) can be used to reduce the frequency of seizures. Sometimes long-acting bronchodilators are also used.

    • Where possible, inhalers should be used with a special device( spacer) to ensure that the medication has entered the lungs;The drug should not simply be sprayed onto the back of the throat.

    • Your doctor may advise you to use an air flow meter, which is a small hand-held device to monitor lung function. The flow of air decreases in a few hours, and sometimes a day or two before the attack, so this device will be able to warn you in advance.

    • Corticosteroids tablets can be prescribed only for the time of severe attacks, during which it may be necessary to visit the emergency room or hospital.

    • If specific allergens have been identified, your doctor may give you a desensitizing injection.

    • Consult your doctor if you notice that the seizures become frequent or if you need to use an inhaler with a bronchodilator more than six times a day.

    • Attention! Call an ambulance if the attack is worse( noticeable increase in dyspnea, difficulty speech, severe fatigue) or if relief does not occur after taking two doses of the prescribed inhaler.

    Periodically( 1 week each month), you also need to carry out a course of cleansing to improve liver function, as this is our main filter, cleansing the blood of toxic substances, which otherwise can get into the bronchial mucosa and cause an attack. The most mild way of cleaning the liver is to take the herb collection.

    Take for 1 tsp.sporisha( mountaineer bird), birch leaves and corn stigmas. Pour the mixture 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse, wrapped, for 1 hour. Drink infusion in a warm form before eating - the whole glass during the day. The course, as it was said before, is 1 week.

    The drug has a cholagogue effect, relieves the hepatic bile duct from stagnant bile, and therefore stimulates the activity of the liver itself. Improved liver function helps to cope with the dysbacteriosis that supports the course of bronchial asthma.

    Breathing training is performed by special breathing exercises with pronunciation on slow exhalation of sound-letters. These exercises contribute not only to developing the patient's ability to control their breathing, improve ventilation, but also have a psychotherapeutic effect. The most suitable for pronunciation at exhalation are at the beginning of the session consonant sounds: "c", "z", "w", "uh";and then consonant sounds: "ж", "р" and vowels "у", "е", "и", "а"( the main letters for breathing exercises).

    Usually at the beginning of the workout, a letter is given during 5 - 7 s, reaching further 15 - 20 s.

    When the patient takes possession of his breathing( pronouncing individual letters for 15 s), they pass to the last breath training in the form of a pronunciation in one exhalation of a combination of two, and then three letters. When the patient learns the pronunciation of three letters in one exhalation, they pass to the pronunciation on expiration of vowel letters with the interruption of the pronunciation in the middle of the exhalation. For example, "BrUUU";"PrUUUU";«МрОООО»;"TrpoOo", etc. Of the prefixes that facilitate the pronunciation of vowels, you can use prefixes( pronounced briefly): "Er", "Vr", "Gr", "Dr", "Zhr", "Kr", "Pr"," Shr "," Khr ".At the last stage of breathing training use the pronunciation of a letter with the amplification of it in the middle of the exercise: for example, "scccssssssss", "SchriiiiiiIIiiiiiii", "DraaaaAAAaaaaaa", etc.

    For a variety of activities, it is possible to repeat not a fourfold repetition of one letter,the pronunciation of different letters, for example, "SSSS", "ZZZZ", "TTTTTTTTTTTTT", "Briiii", "Vreee", "DOOOOO", "PRUUUU" or combinations of consonant and vowel letters, for example "GraAAAA", "ZHJJJ"PriIIII "," RRRR ".When carrying out special breathing exercises, do not force a breath and especially exhale. When playing a sound-letter, the last one should be pronounced slowly until the breath is enough.

    It is necessary to learn to inhale and exhale through the nose( use of the nasopharyngeal reflex), as well as to draw in the belly when exhaling.

    A good effect in bronchial asthma is provided by therapeutic gymnastics. It improves the ventilation of the lungs, eliminates blockage of the bronchi, improves the quality of exhalation. This is primarily the training of the respiratory muscles, and especially the diaphragm. For patients with asthma, abdominal breathing is preferable.

    Special exercises will help you develop the ability to control your breathing. It is important to learn how to inhale and exhale through the nose, and also to draw in the belly when exhaling. In particular, gymnastics, developed by AN Strelnikova or KP Buteyko, helps to reduce the sensitivity of the bronchi to the action of allergens - both

    internal and external. Gymnastics removes plaque from the vocal cords, trachea and bronchi( it is rejected by the body together with mucus and phlegm).Over time, with regular daily activities, the lungs are completely cleared of harmful accumulations. In addition, the breathing exercises Strelnikova helps realize the cherished dream of many women: finally get rid of excess weight and get a slim figure.

    Gymnastics classes should be held constantly, only in this way you can achieve positive results. Exercise is done in a well-ventilated room, and in the warmer months it is better to go out into the air.

    The main focus of gymnastics is on inspiration. The breath is produced very briefly, instantly, emotionally and actively. The main thing, according to AN Strelnikova, is to be able to conceal, "hide" the breath.exhalation does not think at all - it leaves spontaneously.

    Two main exercises: tilt and at the same time a sharp and short breath: the reduction of bent at the elbows of the hands placed in front of the chest at the level of the shoulders, and simultaneously a short breath.

    When teaching gymnastics, AN Strelnikov advises to follow four basic rules.

    Rule 1

    "Garry smells! Anxiety! "And sharply, noisily, to the whole apartment, sniff the air like a dog's trail. The more natural, the better.

    The biggest mistake is pulling the air to take more air. The inhalation is short as an injection, and the more natural, the better. Think only of inspiration. The feeling of anxiety organizes an active breath better than the reasoning about it. So do not be shy, sniff the air violently.

    Rule 2

    Exhalation is the result of inspiration. Do not prevent the exhalation from leaving after as much as you like, as much as you like, but better with your mouth than with your nose. Do not help him. Think only: "Garhew smells! Anxiety! "And only watch for the breath to come along with the movement. The exhalation will go away spontaneously. During gymnastics, the mouth should be slightly ajar. Be fond of breathing and movement, do not be bored-indifferent. Play the savage, as children play, and everything will turn out. The movements create a short inhalation of sufficient volume and depth without much effort.

    Rule 3

    Repeat inhalations as if you are inflating the tire in the rhythm of songs and dances. And by training movements and breaths, count on 2, 4 and 8. The rate is 60-72 breaths per minute. The gasps are louder than the exhalations. The norm of the lesson is 100-200 breaths, it is possible and more - 2000 breaths. Pauses between doses of breaths - 1-3 seconds.

    Rule 4 of the

    Contract do as many breaths as you can at the moment. The whole complex consists of 6 exercises. First - warm-up. Stand up straight, stretching your arms at the seams, sniffing loudly. Do not be shy. Make the wings of the nose connect at the time of inspiration, and do not expand them. Taking a breath, think: "Garry smells! From where? "

    Walk on the spot and simultaneously with each step take a breath. Right-left, right-left, inhale-inhale, inhale-inhale( rather than inhale-exhale, as in ordinary gymnastics).

    Take 96( 100) steps-breaths at a walking pace. You can stand still, you can when walking around the room, you can, shifting from foot to foot: back and forth, back and forth, the weight of the body is on the leg in front, then on the leg behind it. At the pace of the steps, long breaths can not be done. Think: "My feet are pumping air into me."

    This helps. With each step - an inhale, short and noisy.

    Having mastered movement, lifting the right leg, slightly squat on the left, lifting the left one - on the right. It's going to be something like rock'n'roll. Make sure that the movements and inhalations go simultaneously. Do not disturb and do not help to exhale after each breath. Repeat inhalation rhythmically and often. There should be as many as you can easily do.

    Rotate the head to the right-left, sharply, at the pace of the steps. And at the same time with every turn - a breath in your nose, short and noisy.96 breaths. Think: "It smells like burning! Where from? Left? On the right? "Sniff the air."Ears"

    Shake your head, as if to say to someone: "Ay-yay-yay, how not to be ashamed!" Take care that the body does not turn. The right ear goes to the right shoulder, the left ear to the left. The shoulders are motionless. Simultaneously with each wiggle - inhale."Small pendulum"

    Nod your head back and forth, inhale. Think: "Where does the smell of fire come from? From below? From above? "

    Main movements of

    1." Cat "

    Legs - shoulder width apart. Remember the cat that creeps up to the sparrow. Repeat its movements - slightly crouching, turn then to the right, then to the left. The weight of the body is then transferred to the right foot, then to the left one - to the one towards which you turned. And noisily sniff the air right, left, at the pace of the steps.

    2. "Pump"

    Pick up a folded newspaper or stick like a pump handle, and think that you pump up the tire of the car. Breath - at the extreme point of inclination. The slope ended, and exhaled. Do not pull it, unbending, and do not unbend it to the end. The tire should be quickly pumped up and go further. Repeat inhalations simultaneously with inclinations often, rhythmically and easily. Do not lift your head, look down at the imaginary pump. Instant breath. Of all our breathing movements, this is the most effective."Pump" is especially effective in stuttering. The slopes forward are done rhythmically and easily. Do not bend down low, it's enough to tilt into the belt. Exhalation leaves after each inspiration independently, through the mouth. Back is round, not straight, head is down.

    Remember: "inflate the tire" you need in the tempo rhythm of the drill step.

    Do the contract is no longer 8, but 16 breaths-movements. Then rest for 3-4 seconds, and again 16 breaths-movements.

    This exercise often stops an attack of bronchial asthma, a heart attack and an attack of hepatic colic.

    Exercise "Pump" can be done standing and sitting.

    Restrictions: this exercise is not recommended for head and spinal injuries;with increased arterial, intraocular and intraocular pressure;with stones in the liver, kidneys and bladder.

    3. "Hold your shoulders"

    Raise your hands to the shoulder level. Bend in the elbows. Turn your hands to yourself and put them in front of your chest, just below your neck. Throw hands towards each other so that the left hugs the right shoulder, and the right one - the left armpit, ie, the left arm.so that the arms go parallel to each other. The pace of steps. Simultaneously with each throw, when the hands are most closely aligned, repeat the short noisy breaths. Think: "The shoulders help the air."Do not take your hands away from the body. They are close. Elbows do not unbend. Norma: "poshmygayte" nose 3 times for 32 breaths-motion. Rest after each "thirty"( 32 breaths-movement) - 3? 4 seconds. Exercise "Hug the shoulders" can be done standing, sitting, lying( with a hand injury, this exercise can be done with one healthy hand).

    Restrictions: the cores( IHD, congenital malformations, suffered heart attacks) in the first week of training exercise "hug shoulders" not to do.

    In the second week, performing this exercise, do only 8 breaths-movements. Then rest 3? 5 s, etc.

    In the third week of training you can do already for 16 or 32 breaths-motion without stopping.

    4. "Big pendulum"

    This movement is a merger, similar to a pendulum: "pump" - "hold your shoulders", "pump" - "hold your shoulders".The pace of steps. Tilt forward, hands stretching to the ground - inhaling, tilting back, arms hugging shoulders - also inhale. Forward-back, inhale-inhale, tick-like, tick-like, like a pendulum.

    5. "Semi-squats"

    One leg in front, the other - from behind. The weight of the body on the leg standing in front, the leg standing behind, hardly touches the floor, as before the start. Perform an easy, slightly noticeable squat, as if dancing in place, and simultaneously with each squat, repeat the inhalation - short, light. Having mastered this movement, add simultaneous counter moves of the hands.

    Other authors add a few more exercises to the complex. Their comments on the already listed exercises for the convenience of performing movements are included in the description."Ladoshki"

    Stand upright, bend your arms in elbows( elbows down) and show palms to the viewer - "pose of the psychic".Make noisy, short, rhythmic breaths with your nose in the tempo of the drill step and simultaneously squeeze your hands into fists( do grabbing movements).

    Do four noisy, rhythmic breaths in a row( that is, "sniff" 4 times).Then put your hands down and rest 3? 4s - pauses. Remember: an active breath in your nose?passive exhalation after each breath. Norma: "poshmygayte" nose 24 times four.

    The exercise "palm" can be performed standing, sitting, and in serious condition - even lying down. If a person is bedridden and immobilized altogether, you can simply "sniff" your nose without any movement, for two or four breaths. Then rest for 3-5 seconds, and again two or four noisy, short breaths.

    At the beginning of the exercise, slight dizziness is possible. Do not worry, it will pass. With a strong dizziness, sit down and perform the exercise sitting, pausing after every four breaths-movements( you can relax not 3-4, but 5 to 10 seconds).


    Stand up straight. Brushes squeeze into fists and press to the waist. At the moment of inspiration, thrust your fists down to the floor, as if wringing from him( shoulders tensed, arms straight, reaching the floor).Then the brushes return to their original position at the level of the belt, the shoulders relaxed, the exhalation went away. Above the belt, do not lift the brush. Make a contract is not four breaths, but eight. Then rest 3-4 s, and again eight breaths-movements.

    Normal: "poshmygayte" nose twelve times for eight breaths-movements. Exercise "Pogonchiki" can be done standing, sitting, lying down.

    Everyone who is interested in gymnastics Strelnikova, you should know that she has a general effect on the whole body and can be used not only for bronchial asthma. According to the observations of MA Shchetinin, with a loud short inspiration, the nose is actively saturating the cerebral cortex with oxygen: vasospasm is eliminated, chronic headaches disappear, memory is improved.

    The exercise actively includes all parts of the body: arms, legs, head, abdominal press, spine. Gymnastics helps teenagers suffering from scoliosis, to eliminate stoop. In adolescence, it provides an opportunity to increase growth( especially during puberty).For an adult female gymnastics is useful in the case of the omission of internal organs.

    Bronchial asthma is a chronic allergic respiratory disease. When this disease occurs due to a spasm of the musculature of small bronchi, the mucosal edema worsens the patency of the bronchi, as a result of which attacks of suffocation occur.

    Massage is recommended to be prescribed in the interictal period in order to normalize breathing, prevent emphysema changes, to produce a restorative effect.

    Reflex changes after segmental massage are observed mainly at maximum points. The effectiveness of massage depends on the cause of this disease;allergies, mental trauma, etc. Carrying out a massage stops seizures, reduces their frequency and severity. Patients are breathing easier, the diaphragm is activated.

    For children, it is recommended to carry out vibration of the muscles of the nose as an additional technique.

    When performing massage the patient takes a sitting position, relaxes the muscles. The masseuse should stand or sit behind his back.

    First for 2-3 minutes, stroking and gentle rubbing techniques are used to massage the back, back of the neck, front and side of the chest.

    After this 8-10 minutes selectively carried out the effect on the muscles of the back, the back surface of the neck, the intercostal space, the suprapatric region.

    In bronchial asthma, a positive result is achieved by holding a respiratory massage.

    All the fingers of the massage therapist, except for the large one, are divorced and located on the intercostal space. At a time when the patient tries to do by mouth with compressed lips, or by exhaling at will, the massage therapist makes 5-6 jerky movements from the spinal column to the sternum, with a gradual increase in pressure.

    Then the masseur's hands are located on the front abdominal wall, where during the exhalation of the patient, jerky movements are made upward. Respiratory massage is performed 3-4 times.

    At the end of the procedure are done:

    a) stroking the back, chest approximately 3-5 minutes;B) Trituration in the shift with patting;C) Fingering.

    During the whole procedure the patient should not hold his breath.

    With daily treatment, the course of treatment includes 16-18 procedures. The duration of the entire procedure for the treatment of bronchial asthma is 12-15 minutes. Massage is carried out 2-3 hours after eating.

    Kuznetsov O.F. and Lagutina TS developed another method of treatment of bronchial asthma, called IMAZ, which, when decoded, means intensive massage of asymmetric zones.

    The technique of performing intensive massage of asymmetric zones consists of two options.

    1 way

    The essence of the first option is that the effect is carried out on the projection area of ​​the lower part of the right and upper lobe of the left lung.

    When this massage is applied:

    a) kneading, which is the main part of the time from the session: 80-90%;B) Trituration;

    c) intermittent vibration, which is 10-20% of the time of the procedure.

    After that, the left side of the chest is massaged in the front, then the lumbar region and back are applied to the lower edge of the right scapula. The procedure ends with a massage of the surface of the left scapula.

    2 method

    The massage is performed on the area of ​​the projection of the lower lobe of the left lung and the upper lobe of the right lung. That is, in the first and second case, the opposite sides of the lung are subjected to massage.

    The course of treatment includes 3-5 sessions, conducted at intervals of 3 -5 days. Each procedure should last at least 30-40 minutes.

    In the implementation of IMAZ, four zones of exposure are distinguished in each variant: two from the chest and two on the back. All zones are massaged alternately twice each. In this case, the procedure should start from the lower region, gradually moving to the overlying zone.

    Contraindications to the application of the IMAS method

    Intensive massage of asymmetric zones can not be performed with pulmonary heart failure of grade III, hypertension II and III stages, with acute diseases in the lungs and bronchi, and also if the patient's age exceeds 60 years.

    Acupressure can also have a beneficial effect on bronchial asthma.

    • Try to identify allergens at home and at work and avoid contact with them if possible.

    • Do not smoke and try to avoid passive smoking.

    • Reduce the amount of dust in the house;regularly vacuum, remove mattresses in plastic packaging to avoid the appearance of dust mites, remove carpets that are difficult to clean.

    • Avoid eating( milk, nuts, chocolate, fish) and medications( such as aspirin and ibuprofen), which previously led to asthma attacks.

    • Drink at least eight glasses of fluid a day to ensure that the mucus that is released is liquid.

    • Do breathing exercises every morning, starting with a deep breath, then lean forward, arms crossed on your stomach and cough to release accumulated mucus discharge.

    • Take medication prescribed for prophylaxis.

    • Do not exercise;However, your doctor may advise you to take medications first to prevent asthma, and then do the exercises.