  • Increased acidity of the stomach symptoms

    Gastritis with high acidity of the stomach - this form of gastritis is observed mainly in young people, and in men more often than in women. Often the occurrence of this disease is preceded by some stressful effects, traumas, surgeries, as well as those unfavorable conditions that induce a person to drink a lot of coffee, strong tea( or something even stronger), eat dry and swallow food, almost without chewing.

    An early and fairly frequent symptom of such gastritis is pain that usually occurs on an empty stomach or 1.5-2 hours after ingestion. They are associated with the action of hydrochloric acid on the inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach( with gastritis with acidity the pain is usually more pronounced).The pains occur in the stomach area, often have a aching nature, but can be quite intense, although severe pain is more typical of peptic ulcer. Sometimes pain occurs at night.

    Simultaneously with pain, there may be a feeling of heaviness and raspiraniya in the stomach. Usually the pains decrease and come after eating, which has an alkaline effect.

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    A common complaint is heartburn that occurs for no apparent reason, but more often it is associated with eating, especially after eating black bread, fresh baked goods, pancakes. For heartburn, it is characteristic that it passes after taking alkaline solutions( for example, soda).Sometimes heartburn becomes very painful, and patients complain mostly about it.

    Belching with this kind of gastritis becomes with a sour smell.

    There are frequent complaints of nausea and even vomiting, but vomiting is not frequent, but occurs after eating any indigestible food( for example, sausages or sausages).

    The next symptom is the propensity to constipation. The reason for constipation may be a diet rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, with a low content of plant fiber;as well as changes in the motor activity of the colon can be associated with reflex effects on the part of the stomach.

    During the exacerbation the patient should provide physical and mental rest. Treatment of chronic gastritis should be complex and individual, taking into account the secretory function of the stomach, the morphological changes in its mucosa and the connection with other organs of the digestive system.

    Therapeutic diet in the complex therapy of gastritis takes a leading place. In the period of exacerbation of chronic gastritis, regardless of the nature of secretion, the principle of preserving the gastric mucosa and its functions is adhered to. The food should be well boiled and chopped. From the diet it is necessary to exclude foods and dishes with a strong licking action, and also causing mechanical, thermal and chemical irritation of the gastric mucosa. The food should be 5-6 times a day. With normal and increased secretion begin treatment with the appointment of diet No. 1a, after 7-10 days go to No. 16, and after the next 7-10 days - to diet number 1. The diet should be complete, but with the restriction of salt, carbohydrates and extractives, especially with increased acidity. It is forbidden to drink alcohol, beer, soda water, Coca-Cola type drinks. It is recommended to take bicarbonate mineral waters 1 h before meals.

    Cholinolytic drugs( atropine, platifillin, benzohexonium) in combination with antacids( Almagel, Maalox, Gastalum, renni) and other substances are prescribed for medicinal preparations with increased secretory and motor-evacuation functions of the stomach. To normalize the functional state of the higher parts of the central nervous system, sedatives( tranquilizers, hypnotics) are recommended for 20-30 days. To eliminate dyspeptic phenomena, cerucal, motilium, metoclopramide are used, and trichopolum, amoxicillin, tetracycline, cephalothin and others are used to kill pyloric Helicobacter. In case of increased secretory function, H2-histamine receptor blockers-cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine, bismuth-de-nil, vikalin and blocker "proton pump" omeprazole. At sharp pains application of spasmolytics and anaesthetising preparations( no-shpa, anastezin, baralgin, etc.) is shown. Chronic gastritis with normal and increased secretory activity of the gastric glands often develop against a background of increased excitability of the nervous system. Therefore, the patient must prescribe medications and other drugs that have a calming effect on the nervous system. Of vitamins, vitamins of group B, vitamins A and U play a particularly important role in the treatment of chronic gastritis with normal and elevated secretion. The most valid is the complex assignment of vitamins of different groups for 25-30 days with a repeat of the course of vitamin therapy once every 3-4 months. Of the nonspecific therapy used in the treatment of chronic gastritis, we recommend the preparation spirulina-Sochi, made from microalga spirulina plankteks, grown in ecologically clean conditions of the subtropics of Sochi. Due to the rich composition of vitamins, microelements and other biologically active substances( total more than 50), the drug has a wide range of effects on the body. Used internally in the form of tablets and powder. Tablets are taken 20-30 minutes before meals, washed down with a glass of water;powder is used as a seasoning for dishes, in cocktails, from natural vegetable and fruit juices, with sour-milk products. The dose of the drug is 2-3 grams per day. The course of treatment is 4 weeks.

    Vitamin U stimulates the healing of damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, lowers the secretion of the stomach and has an analgesic effect. The drug is prescribed inside( after eating) to 0.1 g( 2 tablets) 3-5 times a day. The course of treatment is 30-40 days. Vitamin A( retinol) is prescribed in the form of pills, tablets, oily solution( in capsules for oral administration and in ampoules for intramuscular injection).

    With gastralgic forms of chronic gastritis, as well as with concomitant perigastritis, periduodenitis, liver, pancreatic, gallbladder and intestinal lesions, mud therapy has good therapeutic effect: mud, sapropel, peat mud in the form of applications to the stomach at a temperature of 38-42 ° Cwithin 10-15 minutes. Procedures are appointed every other day. On the course - 10-12 procedures.

    Other thermal procedures are recommended: ozokerite applications, paraffin on the stomach area, inductothermy for 15-20 min, for a course of 12-15 procedures.

    Patients with chronic gastritis with increased secretory function of the stomach in the remission phase can be treated in a sanatorium in any general health resort. Patients who have chronic gastritis with heterochyroid phenomena characterized by transitions from one state of gastric secretion to another are directed to the resorts of Krainka, Morshin, Pyatigorsk and Truskavets.

    The diet regime of patients with chronic gastritis with preserved and increased secretion largely coincides with that prescribed for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Dietotherapy with this form of chronic gastritis should be aimed at reducing irritation of the gastroduodenal zone, while maintaining the physiological usefulness of the diet.

    The main purpose of the diet is to minimize the negative effect on the gastric mucosa of the acid-peptic factor( elimination of strong stimulation of gastric juice secretion, the appointment of a mechanically sparing diet, increasing the frequency of food intake, resulting in a longer antacid effect).

    During the exacerbation diet № 1a is appointed, which is then replaced by diet No. 16, later with diet No. 1 and diet No. 1а, the use of a particular diet is selected individually and depends on the course of the disease.

    - after the process of exacerbation and the onset of persistent remission from the diet of the patient on

    , chemical causative agents of gastric secretion: essential oils, organic acids, extractives of meat and fish should be excluded for a long time.

    It is necessary to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, consuming fatty foods, okroshki, fatty soups, rassolnik, saltwort, pork, fat lamb, goose, fatty and smoked sausage and fish products, canned food, marinades, mushrooms, stews, puff pastry and short pastry,ice and carbonated drinks, custard.

    It is advisable to include freshly prepared potato and cabbage juices in the patient's diet.

    Promotes healing of ulcers and erosions, reduction of inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa as a result of reduced irritation of its receptor apparatus, normalization of repair processes, normalization of secretory, motor and evacuation functions of the stomach.

    The diet is prescribed in conditions of strict bed rest. The content of proteins and fats in the patient's diet corresponds to the physiological needs of his body. The amount of carbohydrates and table salt is limited. Excluded the reception of products that cause chemical and mechanical irritation of the gastric mucosa and its receptor apparatus. Limit foods that are retained for a long time in the digestive tract and stimulate gastric secretion.

    All meals of diet No. 1a are cooked in steamed or boiled form, have a liquid or mushy consistency( a mashed diet).

    The amount of proteins in the daily diet is 100 g, fat - 90-100 g, carbohydrate - 200 g;table salt - no more than 8 g. Weight of a daily ration about 2,5 kg, caloric content - 2000-2500 kcal. Food intake fractional: 6-7 times a day. The temperature of hot dishes should not exceed 62 ° C, cold dishes should not be below 15 ° C.

    Diet № 1а includes mucous soups from cereals( oat, rice, pearl, semolina) with the addition of butter, cream, egg-milk mixture, meat and fish steamed soufflé, mashed potatoes from low-fat meats( necessarily preliminary removal of tendons, fasciae, skin).

    Bakery products, dishes and side dishes from vegetables are excluded.5% mashed porridge of oat, rice, buckwheat and semolina cereals with the addition of sugar is allowed;sugar, honey, jelly and jelly from sweet varieties of berries and fruits.

    You can consume whole and condensed milk, cream;fresh non-acid curd, wiped with milk and sugar, curd puree, steamed;not strong tea with milk, broth of a dogrose with addition of sugar.

    Prohibited snacks and spices. Butter is added to the prepared meals.

    Approximate one-day diet menu № 1а:

    Approximate one-day diet menu № 16:

    Diet № 16

    Diet № 16 helps reduce inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper gastrointestinal tract, in addition, it creates favorable conditions for ulceration and erosion. Therefore, diet number 16 is prescribed not only for inflammatory diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract, but also for peptic ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum.

    Diet № 16 normalizes the reparative processes in the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, reduces irritation of the receptor located here, regulates secretory, evacuation and motor functions of the stomach.

    Diet No. 16 is prescribed under conditions of bed rest. It contains physiological norms of proteins and fats. The amount of carbohydrates and table salt is limited. In addition, food products that exert a chemical and mechanical irritant effect on the mucosa and receptor apparatus of the upper gastrointestinal tract, strong stimulants of gastric secretion, as well as foods that persist in the stomach for a long time are limited. Dishes are prepared by boiling in water or steam and are given in a grated kind.

    The daily ration contains: proteins - 100-110 g, fat - 110 grams, carbohydrates - 300 g. Its weight is from 2.5 to 3 kg, caloric content - from 2600 to 3000 kcal. Table salt is given in an amount of 8-10 g per day. Food intake fractional: 6-7 times a day.

    Bakery products made from white bread of the highest grade are allowed from bakery products. Soups are prepared on a mucous decoction with the addition of grated cereals and egg-milk mixture.

    Low-fat meat, poultry and fish are allowed. Dishes from them are prepared by boiling in water or steam after preliminary release from fascia, tendons and skin. Meat, poultry and fish are given in chopped form: meatballs, cutlets, knels, souffle, etc.

    Vegetable side dishes and pasta are excluded from the diet. Milk mashed porridge, cooked from semolina, buckwheat, rice or oatmeal, is allowed.

    Eggs are given boiled soft-boiled, in the form of steam omelettes and dishes from whipped proteins( snowballs, meringues).

    Kissels, sweet berry and fruit juices( half-and-half with water), sugar, honey, jelly from sweet varieties of berries and fruits are allowed.

    Dairy products are given as whole, condensed milk, cream, fresh non-acidic wiped cottage cheese, curd soufflé.

    Drinks in the diet of the patient are included in the form of tea with milk or cream and unsweetened broth of rose hips with sugar.

    Approximate one-day menu of lipotropic diet No. 16( calorific value 2432 kcal):

    Approximate one-day diet menu No. 1:

    Diet No. 1

    Diet No. 1 without mechanical shaking( untreated table) is recommended in the remission period during ulceration. Meat and fish - a piece, vegetables unfloured, cereals - crumbly. This diet enhances motor function.

    Like diet No. la and No. 16, diet No. 1 promotes the healing of ulcers, erosions and the reduction of inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa by reducing the irritation of its receptor apparatus and mucous membrane, normalizing the processes of repair and normalizing gastric function( secretory, motor and evacuation).

    Diet No. 1 satisfies the physiological needs of the organism in foodstuffs for treatment in hospital and in work that is not related to physical activity.

    The content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in this diet corresponds to the physiological norm. The quantity of table salt is limited. In addition, the intake of nutrients causing mechanical and chemical irritation of the gastric mucosa and its receptor apparatus, as well as products that are prolonged in the stomach, is limited.

    Dishes are cooked in steamed or boiled form, some - by baking in the oven( without a rough crust).Unruly varieties of meat and fish are allowed to cook with a piece.

    The daily diet should contain: proteins - 100-120 g, carbohydrates - 400-450 g, fats - 100-120 g, table salt - 8-10 g. The weight of the daily ration - about 3 kg. Caloric content is 3000-3500 kcal. Food should be taken in 5-6 receptions. The temperature of the dishes should not be higher than 62 and not lower than 15 ° С.

    Soups are allowed on mucous decoction with the addition of cooked wiped vegetables and cereals, cream, egg-milk mixture. Meat of poultry and fish should be low-fat varieties, without skin, tendons and fascia. It can be given a piece or in chopped form, boiled in water or cooked on steam.

    Potatoes, pumpkin, beets, zucchini, cauliflower, ripe tomatoes are allowed from vegetables. Vegetables are cooked and cooked. Cabbage white, radish, rutabaga, turnip, radish, onion, garlic, spinach, sorrel, mushrooms are forbidden.

    Mashed porridges( except millet), cooked with the addition of milk or cream, boiled pasta, mashed pudding steam, soft-boiled eggs, steam omelettes, dishes of whipped egg whites( snowballs, meringues) are allowed.

    The patient can give jelly, jelly, mousse, compotes and jam from sweet varieties of berries and fruits, sweet fruit and berry juices in half with water, honey, baked apples and pears with sugar, marmalade, marshmallow, pastille.

    Dairy products in the form of whole and condensed milk, cream, fresh fresh cottage cheese( in the form of casseroles, cheesecakes, lazy vareniki), as well as sour-milk drinks are allowed.

    Butter is added to the prepared meals. You can use olive and sunflower oil in its natural form.

    Of drinks are recommended decoction of rose hips with sugar, not strong tea with milk or cream. Bakery products in the form of bread yesterday's wheat, dry biscuit, dry biscuits.

    Approximate one-day diet menu No. 1 with moderate mechanical exclusion of the stomach:

    Diet No. 5

    Diet No. 5 is physiologically complete;the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates contained in it corresponds to the physiological needs of the patient's body. From the diet, strong stimulants of gastric and pancreatic secretion( foods rich in essential oils and extractives), fried foods, refractory fats, foods rich in purines and cholesterol are excluded. The food ration is enriched with vegetables and fruits.

    Dishes are steamed or boiled in water. Vegetable and cereal dishes can be baked in the oven. After boiling, meat and fish dishes are also allowed to bake.

    Daily ration contains: 100-110 g of proteins, 80-100 g of fats, 400-500 g of carbohydrates, 8-10 g of table salt. Its weight is 3.3-3.5 kg, caloric content - 2800-3200 kcal. Food should be taken 5-6 times a day. The temperature of hot dishes is not higher than 62, the temperature of hot dishes is not lower than 15 ° С.

    Bakery products allow yesterday's wheat and rye bread, crackers, dry biscuits, dry biscuit;2 times a week a small amount of well-baked rolls or pies( in the dough it is not allowed to add butter), cheesecakes with cottage cheese. Soups are prepared on milk, vegetable or fruit broth with the addition of various cereals and vegetables.

    The patient can be given lean meat( beef, chicken, turkey) without tendons and fascia, boiled or steamed. Meat is allowed in chopped form or piece. You can bake the meat in the oven after boiling. Allowed lean fish( pike perch, bream, hake, navaga, cod, etc.) with a piece or chopped, boiled or steamed.

    You can use a variety of vegetable dishes and side dishes. It is necessary to exclude from the diet fried dishes, garlic, onions, mushrooms, turnip, radish, radish, spinach, sorrel.

    Friable porridges cooked on water or on water with the addition of milk are allowed;steam and baked puddings, boiled pasta( finely chopped), dishes from egg whites( omelets, meringues, snowballs), whole eggs( no more than one per day).

    You can eat sweet varieties of berries and fruits, sugar, honey, marmalade, pastille, marshmallow, as well as jams and jam, made from sweet ripe fruits and berries.

    Milk products can be given whole milk, sour-milk drinks, fresh cottage cheese and dishes from it: casseroles, soufflé, cheesecakes, lazy vareniki, raspberries.

    Dill, parsley( leaves), a small amount of cloves, cinnamon, bay leaves, vanilla sugar, sauces - dairy, fruit and berry are allowed from spices to dishes.

    In addition, the patient can use mild cheese, tongue, jellied fish, low-fat sausage, soaked herring, black caviar, low-fat ham, fruit and vegetable salads( from raw and boiled vegetables).

    Drinks are allowed in the form of soft tea or coffee with or without milk, broth of rose hips, berry, vegetable and fruit juices.

    Butter or vegetable oil is added to ready meals.

    Diet No. 5 provides adequate nutrition for the patient and creates conditions favorable to the normalization of the functional state of the digestive tract. In addition, the appointment of this diet provides maximum shivering of the liver and activates compensatory and restorative mechanisms by stimulating bile secretion, enzymatic processes and protein synthesis processes.

    The basis of homeopathy is the principle of treatment "similar to".This means that in the treatment of the disease, small doses of those drugs that in a healthy person in large doses cause phenomena similar to the symptoms of the disease should be used.

    Homeopathic medicines dissolve in a large number of different sugars. Concentration of drugs is indicated after the name with the help of letters and numbers. Homeopathic remedies are made in homeopathic( and now in regular) pharmacies. Homeopathic treatment is usually long, so it's worth the patience. And so that you can orientate, when a homoeopathic doctor prescribes treatment for us, I'll give you a list of the medicines used for gastritis.

    Argentum nitrikum 3, 6. Reduces the secretion of acid in the stomach, relieves pain.

    Bismuth 2. Acts like the previous drug, relieves pain syndrome of any origin in the stomach.

    Cali bichromicum 3. Regulates acid-base balance, reduces the formation of mucus, reduces inflammation.

    Colocynt ЗХ, 3, 6. Relieves pain with gastritis with high acidity.

    Nuks vomica 3, 6, 12. Regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing it. With increased excretion of stomach acid has a retarding effect.

    Bryonia 3X, 3. The main action is pain relief, especially if pains occur in the deep layers of the stomach or worsen during walking and after eating. Reduces inflammation in the gastric mucosa.

    Plumbum 6, 12. Relieves cramping pain.

    Acidum sulfuricum. Specific agent prescribed for alcoholic gastritis. However, in the early stages, a greater effect will have the reception of nuks vomiki 3, 6.

    Sodium phosphoricum ZX, 3. Reduces the acidity of gastric juice, reduces eructations and heartburn.

    Sulfur 3, 6. Apply with a slow flaky gastritis with the formation of a large amount of mucus. Reduces eructations and vomiting. Improves the digestive capacity of the stomach.

    Arnica 3. Reduces the inflammatory process, relieves the pain caused by food intake, helps to stop bleeding with erosive gastritis.

    Arsenicum album 3, 6. Accepted with spasmodic pains with a burning sensation in the stomach, increasing after eating and at night and decreasing after thermal procedures. Reduces the inflammatory process in the stomach.

    Vitamins C, PP, or nicotinic acid( nothing in common with nicotine and cigarettes), B1, B2, and A.

    Vitamin A is essential for the treatment of gastritis. Vitamin A is necessary for dividing and normal cell growth. In addition, vitamin A increases resistance to infections. It is fat-soluble, so it is better absorbed from food containing fats. For example, a good source for restocking vitamin A is finely grated carrots with vegetable oil. Nicotinic acid improves the blood supply to the stomach and thereby helps to relieve inflammation. It to some extent promotes the formation of gastric juice. Vitamins of group B normalize metabolic processes.

    Vitamin C has a variety of beneficial effects, for example, it increases the body's resistance to various infections and helps in healing erosions( gastric mucosal defects), which are often found in gastritis. The daily requirement for vitamin C in humans is 70-80 mg. It is found mainly in fresh vegetables, berries, fruits. For example, 100 g of green sweet pepper contain 150 mg of vitamin C. In the same amount of cabbage, 50 mg. In cauliflower, 70 mg. In beet and orange - 60 mg, and in lemon - 40 mg. In the black currant - 100 mg, and in the red - only 25 mg. Unfortunately, with the park vitamin C is destroyed, so in the vegetable soup it is not.

    Not everyone and not always can afford to buy fresh vegetables and fruits, but do not despair. This priceless vitamin is very much in the hips. Dry hips can be harvested by yourself( for more details, see the chapter on phytotherapy).

    Vitamin A is more resistant to high temperatures. In order to fill the need for this vitamin( 1.5 mg per day), you can eat about 30 g of beef liver or 50 g of carrots with vegetable oil, 100 g of dried apricots, 50 g of yolk. Contains vitamin A and dairy products, but in small quantities. So, to fill the daily requirement of the body in vitamin A, you will have to eat 300 g of butter.

    Vitamin B1 is found in meat( turkey, pork) and cereals. Its daily norm is 1.7 mg. This rate can be obtained from 200 g of meat or from 250-300 g of buckwheat, oatmeal, millet cake or 200 g of peas.

    Vitamin B2 is found primarily in products of animal origin. The daily rate is 2.2 mg. It is in 50 g of yolk, in 100 g of beef liver. In a small amount, vitamin B2 is found in meat and cheese. However, if you eat about 200 grams of cheese a day, then you get a daily intake of vitamin B2.

    Vitamin PP can be obtained from very many products: meat, fish, flour products, cereals( especially buckwheat), halva. In addition, it is produced by the microflora of our intestines.

    For people with high acidity, vitamin U is especially important. It is found in the juice of white cabbage. It normalizes the secretion of hydrochloric acid, and under its action, the gastric mucosa is better healed.

    And yet, to make vitamins work and it was a recovery, you need to eat about 70 grams of protein a day. This is a very rough, averaged figure. The more your weight, the more protein you need. In 100 grams of cottage cheese, meat or fish contains about 20 g of protein, in cheese - 25 grams, and in milk - 3.5 g. Excess protein is harmful as well as its lack. Therefore, it is better to stick to the golden mean.

    Natural healing waters people have been treated for thousands of years. The benefits of mineral springs were known in ancient India, in ancient Greece, and in ancient Rome. And remember, with what joy and hope did the Turgenev or Chekhov heroes go to the waters in the 19th century? Yes, to say, the treatment with mineral waters is so natural and physiological for our body that it would be ridiculous to dispute its advantages. Moreover, in addition to the action of the most healing water, a great change was brought by the situation, new impressions, delightful nature, silence.

    But, unfortunately, today many medical resorts were inaccessible to most people. Sometimes it is very insulting: the patient comes to you, and for all indications it should be sent for treatment by mineral waters, and the patient waved his hands: where to me in Borjomi, I would have to scrape a bus to the house of money. And it's not in Karlovy Vary, not in Baden-Baden you're directing, but in ours, more recently, such close and beloved sanatoriums as Truskavets or Yessentuki.

    But do not despair. Not everything is so bad. But today you can freely purchase any mineral water in the store. If there is no opportunity to go to the resort, you can just go to the store for a bottle of mineral water. And this should be taken advantage of( only buy water in glass half-liter bottles, and not in plastic bottles).The main thing is to know what and when to take. This is what we will find out right now.

    Magnificent mineral water, for example "Borjomi", "Naftusya", can be of great help to those suffering from heartburn. In doing so, you must drink one glass of warm water, standing for several hours in an open bottle, so that all bubbles come out. To do this, you will always have an "on duty", an open bottle. Moreover, this method can be used for a long time without fear of consequences.

    It is well known property of mineral water to influence the level of acid formation and to soften the inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

    If you have gastritis with decreased acidity, then you are more suited to Essentuki waters( Essentuki No. 17);and if you have gastritis with a normal or increased acid-forming function, then you are recommended to use the iron water. And the mineral water "Naftusya" from Truskavets fits all.

    Mineral waters also have choleretic and bile-forming functions, which greatly improves digestion, especially if your liver is "stymied".Mineral water before consumption should be kept in a warm place for 2-3 hours, and you can also whole night. I repeat and I will say again that the bottle should be open, so that all gases come out of it, because excess gas irritates the inflamed stomach.

    In case of gastritis with reduced acid formation, mineral water( Essentuki No. 17, Naftusya No. 2 source) should be drunk 15-30 minutes before meals, one glass 3 times a day, as if it enters the stomach shortly before meals, then there is a significant increase in the production of gastric juice and an increase in its acidity. This is reflexive. And water is better to drink warm.(You can put a glass with mineral water in a saucepan of warm water for faster warming.)

    And if you have a normal or increased acidity, mineral water( iron, Borjomi, Naftusya source No. 1) is better for drinking in a half or twohours before meals also one glass 3 times a day. During this time, the fluid will leave the stomach and go to the duodenum, because of the effect on which the release of hydrochloric acid will be inhibited. Water is also better to drink warm, even closer to hot.

    Mineral waters have different mineralization( that is, the concentration of salts).Water of small mineralization is absorbed well, and water of strong mineralization is absorbed worse and due to this it has a laxative effect, that is, it is good for taking with constipation, and this effect is useful for obesity. But with gastritis with high acidity, it is better not to use high mineralization water, since they can have an irritating effect on the stomach.

    So do not forget, before you buy a bottle of mineral water, carefully read what is written on the label.

    Take fresh juice of potatoes for 0.5 cup 3 times a day, add 0.5 tablespoon of honey for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days( after a decade the course can be repeated).

    Pour into 250 ml of boiling water for 1 tablespoon of honey and marshweed. Insist 20 minutes. Drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

    Recipes for treatment of all kinds of gastritis

    1. 100 g of aloe juice mixed with 100 g of honey. Take 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

    2. Mix 10: 1 with 10% propolis tincture and sea buckthorn oil. Take 20-30 drops with water or milk 3 times a day for 1 hour before meals.

    Treatment of gastritis with natural, freshly squeezed juices is available to many and delicious, especially for those who have their own household plot. In fruit juices, in addition to vitamins, microelements and other no less useful substances, biologically active components that are capable of influencing the activity of the gastric glands are contained. For example, apple, grape, orange, lemon juice can strengthen the secretion of gastric juice, and raspberry, cherry, on the contrary, reduce its production.

    Fruit juices, which are diluted in water, are considered more useful for digestion, because they stimulate the pancreas, which produces many enzymes necessary for the qualitative digestion of food. And non-diluted, whole juices inhibit the function of the pancreas. So if you are very fond of whole juices, then drink them in between meals.

    Juices of carrots, cucumbers and turnips have a good juice effect from vegetable juices. It is better to drink them with gastritis with a decreased secretory function of the stomach, with a violation of digestion of food.

    Juices of cherries, pomegranates, black currants, cherries contain tannins and therefore act as a fixing agent, while plum, carrot and beet juice have a weakening activity. This applies to those who have problems with the stool. However, to be sure, the regular use of fresh natural juices, especially in combination with a high-quality diet, is an excellent remedy for our body! And those people who have the opportunity to drink juices around the clock, it should not be neglected.

    Just remember that the intake of fruit juices in large quantities can cause dyspepsia - a digestive disorder. Especially it concerns elderly people and children, in whom the ability of the gastric glands to digest and assimilate these juices is somewhat reduced. So it's better to stick to the golden mean and not rush to extremes.

    Aloe juice is useful in all types of gastritis, as it has anti-inflammatory properties. Take 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

    Carrot juice also helps with any gastritis, soothing aching pains in the abdomen and normalizing digestion. Drink 50 g 2 times a day.

    Juice raw potatoes for 30-50 grams per day, before eating. And if you are worried about heartburn and eructations, then in the morning on an empty stomach should drink 0.5 cups of juice of raw potatoes, and then lie down for half an hour. Then you should have breakfast. This should be repeated within 10 days. It is likely that you do not want to clean a lot of potatoes in the morning, then drink cabbage juice.

    Juice of fresh white cabbage contributes to the normalization of acidity, thereby reducing pain. It also helps healing of erosions of the stomach and prevents their appearance. You should take 0.5-1 cup 3 times a day for 1 hour before meals in a warm form.

    Juice from the leaves of fresh green salad has a pronounced ability to relieve pain in the stomach, and with regular use of this juice, the gastric mucosa that is damaged by inflammation is quickly restored. Juice from 70 g of leaves is drunk with sugar 1 time per day after meals for a week.

    You can add that for making juices you need to use fresh, ripe, unspoiled fruits and berries. If that vegetable from which you decided to squeeze out the juice was rotten or moldy, then it is better not to use it, because the activity of biologically active substances is lost in low-quality raw materials and the juice gets the smell of mold or the smack of rot.

    If the gastritis occurs with a tendency to slight gastric bleeding, then in this case the shepherd's bag juice( 1-2 teaspoons per 1 glass of water) is effective. It contains a lot of vitamins K and C, which help stop bleeding. The same effect is possessed by boiled geranium juice( 10 g per 200 ml of water), which is taken 2 times a day.

    Divorced lemon juice, drunk half an hour before meals, can improve appetite and digestion with gastritis with decreased acidity.

    Sage baths.500 g of sage grass pour 5 liters of boiling water, insist for 3 hours. Pour the infusion into the bath. The water temperature in the bath should be 36 ° C. The course of treatment 10 baths for 10 minutes every other day.

    Mint baths.300 g of dry mint brew 5 liters of boiling water. Insist for 2-3 hours. Pour the infusion into the bath. The water temperature is 36-37 ° C. The course of treatment is 10 baths for 10-15 minutes every other day.

    Salt baths. You can prepare baths with three different degrees of concentration: a) a low concentration - 200 g of sodium chloride per 200 liters of water;b) average concentration - 2 kg of sodium chloride per 200 liters of water;c) high concentration - 5-10 kg of sodium chloride per 200 liters of water. The water temperature is 36-37 ° C. The course of treatment is 10 baths for 10 minutes every other day.

    Coniferous baths.100 g of coniferous powder or 100 ml of liquid coniferous concentrate per 200 l of water. The water temperature is the same as in the previous baths. The course of treatment 10 baths for 10-15 minutes every other day.

    Increased secretory and motor activity of the stomach decreases when performing certain physical exercises at a slow pace, with a monotonous nature of movements. Such exercises moderately increase the blood supply of the stomach, which helps reduce inflammation. And this is also important for gastritis with normal acid formation.

    Exercises in this case should be performed immediately before meals or immediately after meals. Pulse during training should not exceed 110-120 beats per minute.

    The treatment complex includes exercises primarily for large and medium muscle groups, with a large number of repetitions. When muscular work is allocated a lot of energy necessary for the normal functioning of body cells, including the restoration of damaged cells.

    In gastritis with normal and increased acidity, exercises for the abdominal press are also necessary, however, in this case, intra-abdominal pressure is not necessary to change so as not to stimulate additional acid release. And in the acute period of exercise, where the muscles of the abdominal muscles are involved, are generally excluded.

    A set of exercises that should be performed outside the stage of exacerbation of

    1. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder width apart, arms lowered. Lower and raise your head, turn your head to the left and to the right. Repeat 10 times.

    2. The starting position is the same. Hands straighten forward. Rotate the brushes clockwise and counterclockwise. Repeat 10 times.