  • Ringworm in a person's symptoms

    3. Shingles
    - If a diagnosis of herpes zoster is made, this indicates that the dormant herpesvirus of the third type, which causes primary varicella, is activated and gives pathological development of the disease. In this form depriving affects the nervous system along the nerve trunks of any localization.
    When the shingles develop a characteristic clinical picture: painful sensations appear along the nerve trunks, itching, burning. After this, a vesicular rash develops along the nerve trunk. The vesicle is a tubercle filled with liquid. As time passes, the vesicles burst, crusts form in their place, which subsequently fall off leaving no traces.
    Tinea is a sporadic disease resulting from the activation of a latent varicella virus.
    Characterized by the inflammatory process of the posterior roots of the spinal cord and intervertebral ganglia, as well as the occurrence of fever, general intoxication and vesicular exanthema along the sensory nerves involved in the process.
    Etiology is a virus of varicella( herpes virus type 3).The persons who have transferred a chicken pox are ill. People usually get senile. The frequency of the disease ranges from 5 to 10 per 1000 people aged 60-80 years. In some patients( about 2% among patients with normal immunity and 10% of cases with immunodeficiencies), the disease occurs again. When contacting children who have not been sick before with the shingles, they have a typical chicken pox.

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    Shingles often appear in people who undergo various effects that weaken immunity( patients with leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, neoplasms who receive chemotherapy, long-term receiving corticosteroids and immuno-depressants, especially the infection develops in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).
    The elderly are ill due to the age-related decline in immune defense. As a result, a latent infection is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which for several decades was preserved in the body, without provoking any clinical manifestations. A necessary component of the activation of infection is a characteristic viral ganglionovrit with damage to the intervertebral ganglia( or ganglia of the cranial nerves) and damage to the posterior roots. The virus can involve vegetative ganglia in the process and provoke meningoencephalitis. Internal organs can be affected. Therefore, in the picture of herpes zoster, in contrast to chicken pox, the epithet-lyotropic, rather than epithelio- pic, neuropathic signs of the virus appear to the fore.
    The incubation period with shingles( from the transfer of the primary infection to activation) continues for many years.
    The following clinical forms of the disease are distinguished:
    1) ganglionic;
    2) ears and eyes;
    3) gangrenous( necrotic);
    4) shingles with damage to vegetative ganglia;
    5) meningoencephalitic;
    6) disseminated.
    The most common ganglionic form of the disease begins with fever, symptoms of general intoxication and severe severe pains in the place of the planned rashes. After 3-4 days( sometimes only after 10-12 days) there is a characteristic rash. The location of pain and rash is similar to the affected nerves( often intercostal) and has a shingling character. The pain sometimes becomes intolerable, intensified with not a great touch to the skin, with cooling, movement. At the site of the vesicle rash, infiltration and hyperemia of the skin first appear, on which bubbles are then formed, filled with a transparent, and then cloudy, contents. The vesicles dry up and become crusty. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by intoxication and neuralgic pain, there is no rash. When skin rashes appear, the pains tend to be less strong.

    Peculiar clinical signs have an ocular and aural form of shingles. When the eye form deprives the triple node( gasser node) is affected and the rashes are located along the branches of the trigeminal nerve( on the mucous membranes of the eye, nose, face skin).When the ear is in the process, the cranial knot is involved, and the eruptions appear on the auricle and around it, and may also be in the external auditory canal. Paralysis of the facial nerve can develop. The rash is preceded by symptoms of general intoxication and fever.
    The trigeminal neuralgia is sharply revealed, which can last for several weeks. With the eye form there are specific viral keratitis, less often iritis, glaucoma.
    Gangrenous( necrotic) form of herpes zoster develops usually in persons with weakened immunity. There is a deep lesion of the skin with subsequent formation of scars.
    Meningoencephalic form of lichen is not very common. The disease is not easy, the mortality rate is higher than 60%.This form begins with ganglionic appearance, more often in the intercostal nerve, although it may be in the cervical region. In the future, there are signs of meningoencephalitis( ataxia, hallucinations, hemiplegia, meningeal symptoms, coma may come).The time from the appearance of skin rashes to the development of encephalopathy ranges from 2 days to 3 weeks.
    Any of the above forms may be accompanied by a lesion of vegetative ganglia with development of unusual symptoms for herpes zoster( vasomotor disorders, Horner's syndrome, urinary retention, constipation or diarrhea).
    Lesion complications: transverse myelitis, accompanied by motor paralysis.
    Tinea in HIV-infected and with other immunodeficiencies is difficult. The duration of the rash develops up to 1 week, the cracks that cover the vesicles do not dry before the 3rd week of the disease. The greatest risk of developing developing shingles is susceptible to patients with lymphogranulomatosis or lymphoma, approximately 40% of them may have a rash that spreads across the entire surface of the skin.5-10% of people with disseminated skin formations develop viral pneumonia, meningoencephalitis, hepatitis and other serious complications.
    With the detailed clinical picture of ganlio-skin forms of shingles, the diagnosis of the difficulties does not represent. Errors often appear in the initial period of the disease, when there are symptoms of intoxication, fever and acute pain. In such cases mistakenly put the diagnosis of angina, pleurisy, lung infarction, renal colic, acute appendicitis, etc.
    Differentiate from standard herpes, erysipelas, acute eczema;the generalized form of herpes zoster - from chicken pox. For the laboratory substantiation of the diagnosis, the presence of the virus is used in microscopy or using the immunofluorescent method, the isolation of the virus on tissue cultures, serological methods.
    For the first time the days of the disease are carried out activities that are aimed at combating intoxication, pain relief and prevention of generalization of infection. Self-healing shingles can lead to the development of postherpetic neuralgia.

    4. Pityriasis lichen
    - In the presence of pityrious lichen, the skin is affected. In this case, you can see colorless peeling spots.
    Lichen pungent( lichen multi-colored) - fungal disease of the skin.
    Pathogen - fungi of the genus Malassezia( old name Pityrosporum orbiculare) living in the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The disease is common in hot countries, and in our climate affects up to 5-10% of people. Predisposing factors include excessive sweating, seborrheic diathesis. Multicolored lichen develops as a rule in individuals with increased sweating, characterized by exacerbation during the hot season.
    In modern dermatological practice, one of the most important places is occupied with fungal skin lesions. So, according to foreign authors, the frequency of the disease with multi-colored lichen is 2% in countries with a temperate climate, and 40% in the tropical and subtropical climate. Multicolored lichen strikes people of different sexes. The comparison between sick women and men is 2: 1.The disease prevails in young people, the peak of the disease is 18 to 25 years. In 1846, Eichstedt was the first time described the causative agent of a colored lichen.
    Transmission of the pathogen from the patient with a multi-colored deprive or carrier: for example, in a shared bed, or through common clothes or linen in principle, it is probable. However, most people are carriers of the same Malassezia fungi present on the skin( in areas rich in sebaceous glands) and do not cause disease. Therefore, multi-colored lichen is not a contagious disease. It begins with pityriasis, usually with the appearance of a small, not very inflamed and not rising above the surface of the skin of a pink spot.
    When infecting with pityriasis or colorful lichen on the skin of the chest, back, neck, less often the shoulder girdle and the scalp, small( 3-5 mm in diameter) small, non-inflammatory yellowish-brown spots appear with clear, not quite flat boundaries, when scraping, an insignificant ovarian scaling is revealed. As a result of peripheral growth, the spots become larger and join larger foci of so-called geographical outlines. Subjective sensations are absent. For diagnostics, I use an iodine Balser test: the spots are smeared with tincture of iodine, then they are painted in a dark brown color, then they are wiped off with alcohol: the horny layer, which has been loosened by the fungus, quickly absorbs iodine and the stain of the pungent lichen is stained dark brown in the background of a slightly yellowed undamagedskin. Do not try to put this sample yourself. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays( in particular, with sunburn) as a result of peeling on the places of the former rashes there remain unburnt spots-pseudoleucoderma.
    Under the lamp of Wood, the spots of the colored lichen have a yellow glow.
    When sitting under a microscope, the doctor can see a characteristic picture - congestion of fungal filaments with rounded cells. The diagnosis is based on a characteristic clinical symptomatology and a positive iodine test. In problematic cases, a microscopic examination of the skin scales is performed to detect the causative agent
    . The differential diagnosis is made in a number of cases with syphilitic roseola, which does not flake, does not combine into continuous foci, iodine test is negative, and serological reactions to syphilis are positive, there may be other manifestations of syphilis. The pseudoleucleoderm should be differentiated from the true syphilitic leukoderm, in which small rounded( 0.5-1 cm) or marbled color hypopigmented spots without obvious boundaries are on the slightly pigmented skin of the posterolateral surfaces of the neck, sometimes extending to the skin of the back;positive serological reactions and other signs of syphilis make it possible to distinguish it from pseudoleucoderma.
    Against the backdrop of tanned skin, the spots look a bit lighter. Spots are susceptible to fusion with the appearance of large foci, but may exist in isolation. Inflammatory phenomena are absent, there is a slight otrebrevennoe peeling.

    5. Red Flat Diarrhea
    - If the patient has contracted red flat lichen, then it is characterized by complaints of intolerable skin itching in the affected area, the appearance of red tubercles on the skin or mucous membranes. Subsequently, the tubercles merge to form plaques.
    During flattening, the rash begins to appear in parts of the body such as the chest, stomach, arms and legs. A distinctive feature is a spot in the form of a small nodule with a dented middle.
    Lichen red flat is a disease that affects the skin, mucous membranes, rarely fingernails. The aetiology, pathogenesis is not definitively determined. There are neurogenic, viral and infectious-allergic theories of the appearance of the disease, which attach great importance to the centers of chronic infection. There are also cases of the development of red flat lichen as an allergic reaction to some medications( antibiotics, antimalarials, etc.).A decrease in the functional activity of the liver was noted in some patients. Most adults fall ill, cases of children's illness are rare.
    The clinical picture( symptoms of deprivation) is characterized by monomorphic small polygonal papules of reddish purple color with a flat shiny surface and an umbilical impression in the center. Almost always it is possible to reveal on a skin nodules of red color, with a smooth surface, an umbilical impression, cross striation. Multiple eruptions are prone to grouping and are localized in "favorite" places: usually on the flex surfaces of the forearms, in the elbows, armpits, lower abdomen, on the waist, inner thighs, genitals and lower legs.

    Often, rashes are accompanied by severe itching.
    Papules can merge to form small plaques( like "cobblestone pavement").On the surface of the papules, a whitish color is revealed in the mesh pattern of the Vicum, which is most clearly visible when the elements are soaked with water or lubricated with vegetable oil. Sometimes they create ring-shaped figures. In place of the papules that dissolve, there is often persistent pigmentation. On the inner surface of the cheeks, the red border of the lips, the lateral surfaces of the tongue, on the vulva or the glans penis there are small white shiny papules forming a "fern pattern" or a mesh.
    With the progression of the disease on the site of small skin injuries( scratches, scratching), fresh rashes appear( positive isomorphic reaction).In some areas of the skin, small nodules can be grouped together into plaques up to 1 cm in diameter and larger with a rough, scaly surface. The color of the plaques gradually becomes cyanotic-violet, brown. With the disappearance of the rash, areas of hyperpigmentation of the skin are intensely brown. Damage to the mucous membrane is observed in almost half of the patients. It can be local, located only on the mucous membrane of the mouth( most often - in the cheek area, the back of the tongue) or genitals( on the head of the penis, vulva), and may also be associated with skin damage.
    Isolated lesions of the oral mucosa are often associated with the presence of metal dental crowns, especially from various metals. The rashes resemble a grayish-white lace net, branches, rings, rounded islets of opaline color. It is not often observed bullous, erosive-ulcerative form, probable in patients who suffer from diabetes mellitus and hypertension( Grinshpan-Potekayev syndrome).
    Red flat lichen differs from most other dermatoses by the frequency of the connection with a variety of somatic diseases( chronic gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcer, biliary cirrhosis, diabetes, etc.).
    A very significant sign of red flat lichen is the appearance of nodules. The defeat of mucous membranes( usually the oral cavity) occurs in 75% of cases. Nail changes were observed in 12 - 20% of patients, they occur with all forms of dermatosis.
    Nail plates are deformed as longitudinal scallops, grooves, grooves, | the surface layer of the nail becomes tuberous, a medial fissure occurs, the plate becomes thinner.
    In addition to the typical form of red lichen planus, distinguish other types of lichen: atrophic form
    pigment form
    eczematous form
    monoliform form
    annular form
    zosteriform form
    verruzed form
    hyperkeratotic form
    On the mucosa, the following forms of red flat lichen are distinguished: exudative-hyperemic erosive-ulcerative bullous hyperkeratics. Prevention of red flat lichen consists in the sanation of foci of constantly emerging infection( sinusitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.), the treatment of psychoneurological disorders, the elimination of overfatigue of the nervous system, stressful effects.

    Reasons for
    The main cause of hair loss is the microflora of a fungal or viral nature. According to experts, a combination of certain predisposing conditions, such as depression and stress, rather low immunity, various infections of an infectious nature, heredity - all this can lead to the development of cutaneous dyschinesia.
    Ringworm occurs mainly due to contact with infected pets or a person. You can also get infected through things that a sick person was carrying.

    As for pink lichen, the reasons for its occurrence are still in doubt. There is an opinion that this kind of disease can worsen depending on the time of year, so it affects those people who have a weak immune system.
    Pink lichen can be picked up, most often, with prolonged hypothermia, or with reduced immunity. By its nature, pink lichen is contagious, but it can not be transmitted to a person who will be with a sick person in the same room. Everything depends on the human immunity. If it is very weak, even a fleeting contact or a slight touch can serve as the appearance of pink lichen.
    Pink zhibera - a cutaneous disease of an alergio-infectious nature. To date, the causes of this disease are not fully understood. Scientists believe that the appearance of pink lichen causes a virus that enters the body with weakened immunity.

    The causes are frequent hypothermia, diseases in the autumn-spring season. Transmitted through household items and personal belongings of the patient( hairbrush, towel, washcloth, etc.).

    The causes of flat lichens are genetic heredity, in the disease of the digestive system, in a very weak immune system.

    The main reason depriving the otrebrevate is contact with infected people or with the items that it touched.
    Shingles, in turn, is due to a viral infection of the herpes, which affects the nerve endings.

    Diagnosis of
    Some forms of lichen have symptoms that are similar to other diseases. In order not to treat an imaginary disease, it is highly recommended to consult a dermatologist. Diagnosis of depriving is made from examination of the skin by a doctor. If it was not possible to identify the type of lichen, then a skin biopsy, in other words, a study of the disease on the scrapes of skin and nails obtained.

    Lishay is a disease of an infectious nature, in which the skin is affected, less often the mucous membranes, there is peeling, itching, burning in the lesions by pathological agents. Just the word " deprive " immediately scares off most people.
    Lishay means a dermatological disease that can occur for a variety of reasons, which in turn are differentiated by the appearance of itchy rash spots on the skin. Lishai differ in the nature of the rash, spread, and location.

    This disease lasts for a relatively long time. In some cases, there are periods of exacerbation, as well as the risk of re-infection. Above all, lichen is always a discomfort with aesthetic discomforts.

    Like any other infectious diseases, lichens can cause a variety of etiological factors. This is the reason for the classification of lichen. So, lichen can be:

    with ringworm, or microsporia;
    red flat;The
    is pungent.

    Symptoms of
    1. Ringworm
    - If there is a ringworm that causes Trichophyton mushrooms, its manifestations affect the scalp. On it you can see spots with uneven edges. Hair in such spots break off, and so it gives the impression of "bald spots" on the head. Next, the spot begins to peel off and in its place appear crusts of white color or scales. Itching occurs at the site of the inflammation.
    The incubation period of ringworm takes from five days from the moment of contact with pathogenic fungi up to six weeks. An infected person is dangerous to others.

    2. Pink lichen
    - If there is pink lichen, then, as a rule, it is localized on the human body. At the same time, a spot of pink color appears on the spot of the lesion, less often a brownish tint. The spot along the periphery is surrounded by a rim of red color, there is peeling. The spot appears first at first, the so-called maternal plaque, then again, the daughter plaques originating from the primary maternal. With pink deprive, the skin of the trunk is affected: abdomen, back, shoulders, chest.
    Lisha Zhibera in human symptoms is very different. The period of frequent illnesses falls on the age of 20 to 40 years. As the disease develops, you can feel acute malaise, an increase in lymph nodes, an increase in temperature. Symmetric formations of light red or pinkish-yellow color appear on the skin. Usually the formations protrude above the surface of the skin a few millimeters.
    The diameter of the spots is 1-2 cm. The skin peels off the sides of the spots, and in the middle it is slightly crumpled. A pinkish-red corolla is observed along the perimeter. This rash spreads over the skin for 2-3 weeks, then begins to gradually disappear, leaving behind either white or pink spots. Over time, the traces of the rash disappear completely.
    In half the cases, before the lichen appears, the body forms the so-called "mother plaque" - a large spot 3-4 centimeters in diameter with a bright pink color with a surface covered with otrigious scales.
    Most often there is lichen on the chest, then slowly descends the abdomen to the groin folds, extends to the hips, shoulders and neck. The least is shown on the face.
    When a disease occurs, the possible appearance of temperature and itching. After 4-5 weeks pink spots begin to fade and disappear.
    Pink lichen: not typical forms of
    To atypical forms it is possible to carry a display of deprivation in the form of a bubble, draining or point rash. There is also ring-shaped lichen Vidal. At the same time, the number of rashes is small, but each spot reaches 8 cm.in diameter. It is this form that can go on chronically, and be on the human body for more than one year.
    The etiology of the onset of this disease is not completely known, but there is a suggestion that agents of a viral nature play a role in the development of this type of lichen.

    Treatment of
    In order for the treatment to be correct and have a positive effect on the dynamics of the regression of the disease, it is necessary to conduct a detailed examination of the diseased person, make the necessary crops for identification of the pathogen and only after that prescribe the appropriate treatment.
    Treatment of red flat lichen
    It is important to consider conditions conducive to the onset of the disease. In this case, it is necessary to exclude risk factors - domestic and occupational hazards, concomitant diseases, foci of focal infection.

    Vitamin therapy has a positive effect. In the acute period, if there are chronic foci of infection in the patient, broad-spectrum antibiotics, calcium preparations, antihistamines, sedative therapy, anelecroson( can be combined with adrenal diathermy), diadynamic currents, paravertebral, vitamins C, A, B groups are shown.shaken( zinc oxide, talc, 10 g starch, glycerin 20 ml, distilled water - up to 100 ml), corticosteroid ointments( preferably a bandage dressing).In stubborn cases, PUVA therapy, corticosteroids inside. Of the methods of non-drug therapy, phototherapy( sub-erythritic doses of UFO) is worthy of attention. Currently, the photochemotherapy method( PUVA)

    has been used successfully. In recent years, immunotropic therapy of red lichen planus has been increasingly used, including the use of exogenous interferons( reaferon, interlock) and interferonogens( neovir, ridostin).Neovir 12.5% ​​intramuscularly 2 ml once every 2 to 3 days, for a course of 5 injections, ridostin - 2 ml every 2 days for the 3rd, only 4 injections.
    Herbal collections can be used in combination with other medicines.
    Improvement in herbal medicine occurs after 2-3 weeks of constant intake of herbs. Before taking any collection, it is advisable to get acquainted with the contraindications to the herbs that are part of this collection in the herbalist.
    The success of treatment is possible only with complex and individualized treatment using modern means and methods.
    Treatment of pink lichen
    Often pink lichen can be cured independently, without treatment. Patients are not recommended to take a bath( you can wash yourself, but use soothing detergents and a shower).It is not recommended to use ointments and pastes on your own, this can lead to an even greater spread of the rash.

    During the period of the disease, it is not advisable to stay in the sun.
    It is forbidden to wear synthetic clothing is recommended the use of sea-buckthorn, dog-rose, mulberry and peach oils, chlorophyllipt, sanguirithrin, romazulan;6-7 one-time wetting per day with apple cider vinegar.

    Treatment of shingles
    Treatment of herpes zoster should proceed under the supervision of a physician. The doctor prescribes medication and physiotherapy. You also need to protect the lesion from suppuration.

    The course of the disease is long, sometimes up to 4-5 weeks. If the pain after the removal of skin manifestations persisted, you need to see a doctor for a physiotherapy treatment. When curing the shingles, they can prescribe such a medicine as an immunoglobulin. This medicine is prescribed intramuscularly as soon as possible in a dose of 5-10 ml. A single injection is sufficient. It is mandatory to introduce human immunoglobulin in the treatment of people who have developed a disease against the background of the use of cytostatics, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, in the presence of severe co-morbidities( leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, HIV infection, etc.).Medicines that suppress immunogenesis should be abolished. Antibiotics are prescribed only if there are repeated bacterial complications. Locally used ointments that contain antibiotics( tetracycline, erythromycin).For severe forms of the disease, intravenous ribavirin is administered at a dose of 15 mg / kg per day in the form of continuous( within 12 hours) intravenous infusion. The introduction of acyclovir does not reduce pain, but it prevents the development of visceral complications.
    Treatment of discolored or multicolored lichen
    Treatment of multi-colored lichen is carried out by various drugs. More recently, specialized forms of antimycotics have been used more often, such drugs as salicylic alcohol used to be used earlier.
    The problem is the recurrence of the disease at the end of the course of treatment. They are typical for a large number of treated patients, especially in self-treatment and unsystematic, symptomatic treatment.
    Recently, new, more effective regimens for the treatment of pityriasis( multicolored) lichen have been introduced. They allow to provide a more reliable effect with a low probability of relapse.

    Treatment of ringworm
    Modern preparations completely cure ringworm, so if you suspect a ringworm, you need to see a doctor who will prescribe a course of tablets and ointments for the quality destruction of the fungus.

    When treating the superficial trichophytosis of the scalp and numerous foci on smooth skin, as well as damaging the cuff hair, griseofulvin is prescribed to patients for 15 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day( in 3 divided doses) daily, until the first negative analysis of hair or scales onthe presence of fungi( after about 15-25 days).After this, griseofulvin is administered at the same dose every other day for 2 weeks;then - once in 3 days also for 2 weeks. Also in the morning, the centers are lubricated with 3-5% iodine solution, and at night they are rubbed with sulfur-salicylic( 3% salicylic acid, 10% precipitated sulfur) or sulfur tar( 5 or 10% sulfur and tar in equal parts with respect toointment-based) ointment. Before the healing begins, the hair on the head is shaved off and then shaved once a week. It is necessary to isolate the sick person to the full cure. The persons who contacted him should periodically check whether they were infected.

    All folk methods of treatment can be used only as additional and only after agreement with the attending physician.
    These restriction methods are imposed because an incorrectly diagnosed infection may result in the infection of a large number of people, since lichen is a very contagious infection.
    Treatment of lichen is prescribed both local and general. The general treatment is to strengthen the weakened immunity. In addition, the importance of primary prevention of the disease.

    Prevention depriving is necessary, as most often in the role of the source of infection are animals - cats, dogs, as a rule, they are homeless.

    The local treatment is to lubricate the lesions with ointments that have a disastrous effect on the microflora and, in addition to this, relieve the feeling of itching and burning, which reduces the levels of scratching.

    If the pathogen is established, and it turns out to be the Trichophyton mushroom, physiotherapy is widely used.

    After the treatment is completed, the infected person is irradiated with an ultraviolet lamp. If negative results are obtained within three consecutive studies, a person is considered to be recovered.
    Only together with specialists-doctors, dermatologist and infectious diseases, it is possible the correct and speedy recovery of a sick person. Otherwise, chronization of the disease is possible, which makes the treatment process even more difficult, and sometimes almost impossible.