  • Symptoms of influenza

    Influenza is a disease that has a viral nature, characterized by symptoms of general intoxication, a rapid increase in body temperature to 39-40 ° C, inflammatory changes in the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. The arrival of a new wave of influenza in almost every corner of the country is expected with great anxiety. This disease, much to the chagrin, is subjected to any, regardless of age, person. The recommended actions for flu are fairly simple and easy to perform, but much depends on the desire of the sick person. Influenza is an acute viral disease and is caused by a filtering virus that has several types.

    Influenza is dangerous not so much in itself, but as its possible complications. Among the most frequent complications of influenza can be called tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, inflammation of the maxillary sinus and frontal paranasal sinuses, inflammation of the middle ear.

    A severe complication of the flu can be an infectious-toxic shock, the signs of which are: acute cardiovascular failure, pulmonary edema and cerebral edema. Patients with signs of these complications should be immediately hospitalized! How to treat folk remedies look here.

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    He is mysterious, changeable and unruly. Circulates between November and April, ready to take us by surprise and chained to bed. He is familiar and familiar, since almost all of us closely touch him, at least several times during his life, but he managed to keep his elusiveness. It is the subject of scientific research and the constant concern of doctors and economists.

    So, the flu. .. The name comes from the French "GRPPER", i.e."grab", "catch".The flu had many other names. They spoke of him as a "German, Italian, Russian and French" disease, linking, apparently, these names with the countries in which the epidemic occurred. During the famous "black" pandemic, the flu was called "Spaniard".At the end of the last century, he was named after the "influenza", which is still circulating today.

    The clinical picture of the flu disease caused by any of these viruses is fairly uniform. However, some features are observed which depend on the biological properties of the causative agent of the disease. The causative agent parasitizes in the epithelial cells of the upper respiratory tract and releases in the process of its metabolism and death harmful to the human toxic substances that contribute to the general intoxication of the body. It should be noted that the influenza virus in the external environment quickly dies under the influence of sun rays, from temperatures over 30 ° C, and from the action of disinfectants. Influenza virus can persist for a long time in the mucus of the patient, which he spreads when coughing and sneezing, unfortunately, often among the surrounding healthy people. The influenza virus has the ability to express the variability of its biological properties. Investigations of the influenza virus made it possible to establish that in the structural elements of its envelope periodically undergo changes, which contributes to its extreme variability. Typically, the source of infection is a sick person. It should be noted that he is most contagious in the first days of his illness. When communicating with healthy people at the time of coughing and sneezing, it splashes the tiniest droplets of mucus that contain the influenza virus. Getting into the respiratory tract of a healthy person, on its mucous nasal and pharynx, viruses cause infection. Grypus spreads by airborne droplets, less often - through household items. It should be noted that, at the same time as single flu illnesses, epidemics and even pandemic influenza sometimes occur. The immunity, produced as a result of the transferred disease, is not strong enough. This is also due to the fact that various modifications of influenza viruses are possible, and this contributes to the re-occurrence of the flu in one year.

    What for to attack such, a flu? The influenza virus, viewed under an electron microscope, resembles a chestnut in a shell with spines."Thorns" consist of proteins that provide a mutable virus, the most characteristic feature that distinguishes it from other known viruses. Even a slight change in the structure of the protein is enough to make the virus appear in a new form, giving everyone a lot of trouble. The influenza virus was first isolated in 1933.Since that moment, studies are underway to develop effective means of protection against it. But so far they have not brought the desired results. The flu is still out of control. The successes achieved in the field of virology made it possible to distinguish three main groups of the virus A, B, C, which, in turn, have subgroups. The virus of group A refers to the most aggressive and is the cause of annual epidemics. It affects not only people, but also animals, birds. Studies have not confirmed the assumption that people can get influenza from animals and, conversely, infect them. The B group virus affects only humans. The flu caused to him has a softer course, and complications are observed only in children. Epidemics caused by this type of virus flare up only once in 2-3 years. The virus of group C practically does not cause symptoms of the disease, therefore its detection is extremely difficult. The influenza virus is not only changeable and capable of creating new forms, but also behaves mysteriously. For example, one of the virus subtypes circulates in the biosphere for several years, causing massive disease, and then disappears to appear in the same or slightly altered form after a while. While it is not clear what happens to him for the "time of absence."There is an assumption that new types of viruses arise as a result of antigenic exchange( mutation) between viruses.

    Great Hippocrates explained the runny nose in the flu by the appearance in the brain of a substance flowing through the nose. It is from the Greek word "katarrhen", ie."drain", the name "runny nose" occurs. The Greek physician's point of view was shared by the Greek doctor Halle. He claimed that the mucus secreted during sneezing cleanses the brain of the disease. It is therefore not surprising that their disciples and successors perceived sneezing as a symptom of recovery. Hence the traditional wish for the sneezing "Be Healthy" originates, though, if we proceed from the accumulated knowledge, we should say: "Off with your illness."

    Do not treat the flu with aspirin in any way, because aspirin helps to bleed( as we have already said, with blood, blood is already diluted).Aspirin should not be taken with influenza, but with a cold. Therefore, we must learn to distinguish them. The flu begins violently and violently. From infection to the manifestation of clinical symptoms takes about two days. At this time, viruses that cause the flu, get on the nasal mucosa and very rapidly multiply. You can not have a runny nose or a sore throat. But after a while the person feels a strong chill, the head begins to split( pain, mostly in the parietal region), begin to "cut" the eyes, I want to pull the curtains, muscles and joints ache, the temperature rises sharply. And the ORZ show themselves somewhat differently: the nose, sweat, you sneeze, the temperature is 37.2-37.4 ° C.In acute respiratory infections, there is never a high fever. Fragility, weakness are not as vividly felt as in the case of the flu.

    The following causes can be attributed to the reasons contributing to infection with the flu: hypothermia of the human body, upper respiratory tract disease, negative influence of the pathogenic bacterial flora in the nasal cavity, mouth, bronchial mucosa and trachea. All these factors contribute to reducing the overall resistance of the human body and create the conditions for its infection with the influenza virus in close contacts with sick people. Practically, the flu is observed not only in the cold and damp season. This can occur during warm and dry summers. There is a regularity in the appearance and expansion of influenza epidemics over time. The maximum number of diseases is observed in 15-20 days from the beginning of the epidemic;further there is a gradual decrease in the level of the diseased. The duration of the continuation of epidemics over time covers a period of 2 to 2.5 months. There are three main types of influenza virus: A, B and C. Typically, influenza epidemics are mainly caused by type A, which is most often subjected to antigenic changes. True, a person who has been ill with the flu develops immunity to the kind of virus that caused this disease. However, unfortunately, it does not persist for a long time. The constant and unpredictable variability of the structure of the influenza virus, and therefore its properties, is the most insidious feature of this pathogen. It should be noted that a significant number of people suffer from influenza and outside the epidemic period, then suffering rather negative consequences from the disease. The disease occurs as follows. The influenza virus penetrates the body of a healthy person through the upper respiratory tract, affecting the mucous membranes of the larynx, nasopharynx and trachea. Further, it, penetrating into the mucous membrane of the bronchi, begins to circulate in the blood. The toxic products released by the influenza virus have a harmful effect on the human body. The toxin of the virus affects the cardiovascular and nervous systems, which contributes to the disorder of their activity and leads to a metabolic disorder.

    The flu begins sharply. In the initial stage of the disease, chills develop, and then a rapid increase in temperature is observed. The temperature rises to 38-40 ° C within 3-5 hours. The patient feels worse;there is a headache, there is a general weakness and a feeling of "brokenness" in the whole body. There is a noise in the ears, dizziness and dry mouth. Then there are painful sensations in the eyeballs, especially when the patient tries to take them aside. There is a decrease in the sense of smell, but the sound and visual sensitivity is exacerbated( especially in bright light).Usually, the patient has a decrease in appetite and stool retardation, he becomes very irritable and easily excitable. When an external examination of the patient tear appears, eyes become shiny. Breathing becomes more frequent, and the pulse rate is disturbed. There is a slight decrease in blood pressure. The tongue of the patient at the time of the disease is covered with a white coating, and on the mucous membrane of the lips there are cracks.

    With uncomplicated influenza, the continuation of the febrile period is observed for 2-4 days, but sometimes it can be reduced to one and a half days or an elongation of up to 5 days. The end of this period is accompanied by a drop in temperature to normal. In practice, the following pattern is sometimes observed: on the 2nd or 3rd day of the febrile period, the temperature drops to normal. However, after 24-36 hours, its increase again occurs. The total duration of the febrile period covers 6-7 days.

    There are basically three forms of uncomplicated influenza: mild, moderate and severe( toxic) forms. But along with the typical clinical course of influenza, there are atypical and erased forms of this disease, but this leads to an easy course of the disease and the rapid elimination of pathological symptoms. And yet these patients are also sources of the spread of the viral infection and are dangerous to others.

    In severe form of the disease there is a pronounced intoxication of the body. There are lesions of the nervous and cardiovascular system, which permanently disable, and sometimes lead to disability.

    The nervous system is mainly influenced by toxins - poisonous substances formed as a result of the vital activity of the virus and cell death, which it affects. Virtually all affected by the flu suffer vegetative parts of the nervous system, which is manifested by symptoms characteristic of this infection, such as headache, chills, eyebrows arising from the movement of eyeballs, increased sweating, and postgrippos asthenia, weakness that is felt for a long timeafter recovery. Intoxication causes an increase in the permeability of the walls of the vessels, including the vessels of the brain, and, consequently, can lead to hemorrhages in the brain and under the meninges. These serious complications are sometimes accompanied by a violation of consciousness, convulsions, paralysis. In such cases, urgent medical attention is needed.

    After the flu, often there is a limited inflammation of the brain membranes - arachnoiditis. It sometimes causes the formation of adhesions between the membranes of the brain, which can disrupt the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, as a result of which it stays in some places stagnant and exerts a local mechanical effect on the brain. In addition, at the same time favorable conditions are created for the development of the infectious process. A person complains of a headache, a feeling of numbness, weakness in the arm or leg, occasionally even epileptic seizures appear.

    Postgrippoznoe arachnoiditis is the result of acting on the cerebral membrane not so much the toxins of influenza viruses, but as another infection that is dormant in the body and is activated by influenza. Usually the culprits of this complication are chronic inflammations of the paranasal sinuses( frontal sinusitis, sinusitis), chronic ear diseases, diseased teeth and other foci of infection in the body.

    When the flu is often affected and peripheral nerves. Neuritis of the trigeminal, facial, sciatic and other nerves develops. Basically, these complications arise as a result of infringement of the nerve with edematous tissues, and the edema of the tissues, in turn, is formed due to intoxication and increase in the permeability of the vascular walls during influenza. In particular, lesion of the facial nerve is usually due to the infringement of its edematous tissues surrounding the nerve in the temporal bone channel, swollen lymph nodes in the region of its exit from the temporal bone. This complication is manifested by paralysis of one half, and occasionally both halves of the face and requires a long and persistent treatment. How to avoid complications of influenza that affect the central and peripheral parts of the nervous system and cause severe, sometimes life-threatening conditions? Prevention measures can be divided into two groups: strategic and tactical. Tactical measures should be used in case of a disease that has already arisen. The essence of strategic measures is to strengthen the body's defenses, which enable it to successfully resist infection. This - hardening, proper nutrition, excluding experiments such as starvation and rejection of protein foods, certainly weakening the body. It is also necessary to timely sanitize all foci of infection in the body( carious teeth, inflammation of the ear and paranasal sinuses), since they are the trigger mechanism for the development of severe complications.

    The most characteristic complications include focal pneumonia, inflammation of the paranasal cavity and frontal sinuses( sinusitis, frontalitis, etmoiditis).It is noted that influenza pneumonia is characterized by a severe course of the disease. There are many small-focal lesions of the lung tissue, and sometimes its suppuration in places of pneumatic foci. Some patients develop neuritis of the cranial nerves and brachial plexus, as well as the development of thrombophlebitis and myocarditis in the cardiovascular system. In severe cases of influenza sometimes there is a development of acute vascular insufficiency. All of the above explains why the flu can cause death, especially in cases of severe disease. When complicating the disease, its duration increases. Most often this is observed in elderly people in the presence of avitaminosis and chronic liver disease, kidney and cardiovascular system. With the disease, it is possible to activate old and long-stalled pulmonary tuberculosis, as well as other diseases that can be caused by the influenza virus.

    If you are able to endure heat( temperature from 38 to 40 ° C), if you have a normal cardiovascular system, the temperature should not be knocked down. Put on the forehead a towel soaked in water with vinegar( half a liter of water and 1 tablespoon of vinegar), you can wet your legs and hands. If the temperature is over 40 ° C, it must be knocked down. When it falls from 40 ° C to normal, then the body coped and the man went on the mend. Another recommendation: if you have ARI, and even more so, the flu, it is necessary to lie. This especially applies to women who, with a temperature of 39-40 ° C, can stand near the stove or clean the apartment. In this situation, these are very small problems and they do not need to expend their energy. It is necessary to lie for at least two days. The better you lie, the sooner you will recover, and the less complications there will be. In addition, one should try to be moderate in eating.

    Influenza-infected patients are mainly treated at home, however, in case of complication of the disease, hospitalization of the patient is used. In the process of treating the disease throughout the febrile period, strict adherence to bed rest is necessary. From a viral infection you can not get rid of immediately, but it is possible to accelerate the process of recovery. The main task during the disease is to help the immune system cope with the disease, for which it is necessary to give the body more rest. If you still feel unwell, try using the following recommendations:

    Prepare the infusion from the collection of plants. Take 1 tsp ground chopped valerian root, sage, bay leaf, peppermint, chamomile, 2 cloves, a pinch of ginger and coriander. Add at the tip of the knife chopped black pepper and 1 teaspoon of honey. Pour the whole composition of 1 liter of boiling water and insist an hour. Then infuse and strain during the day in a moderately hot form. The intake of this infusion contributes to the removal of fever and a decrease in temperature in the patient, as well as a reduction in the period of recovery.

    Propolis can be used. Take in the mouth a piece of propolis, the size of 2 peas, hold in your mouth, lightly sucking, until dissolved. It is advisable to do this 2-3 times a day, and at night lay the same piece on the cheek.

    Helps with the disease application of inhalation with fir oil. Pour a few drops of fir oil into the boiling water in the enamel saucepan, and then inhale the healing vapors. It is advisable to cover the head with a towel, this helps to preserve the steam for a longer time in a saucepan.

    Recommended for the disease and taking a mixture of garlic and honey. Mix 1 tbsp.a spoon of rubbed garlic and natural honey. Take 1 tbsp.spoon mixture at night, and during the day for 1 tsp 2-3 times a day, washed down with boiled water.

    In rooms where it is stuffy, there is no fresh air intake, where many people gather, favorable conditions are created for the accumulation of the virus, and hence, the infection with the flu. At the same time, the influenza virus is unstable in the external environment, and such a simple measure as airing significantly reduces its concentration in the air. Therefore, during an outbreak of influenza, ventilate the premises of the house, in the institution, in the workplace. However, do not go to the other extreme and do not allow the body to subcool, in such a state it is more vulnerable to the influenza virus. Therefore, to ventilate the premises( especially in the winter!), It is better to leave the room or warmly dress before the work, during the lunch break, between the shifts, and at home while the ventilator is open. During the outbreak of flu, you need to do a thorough cleaning of the apartment. Wet cleaning or using a vacuum cleaner helps to fight the virus that has settled along with the dust on the walls, furniture, carpets, glass. Systematically to remove dust is necessary and because it irritates the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, and their resistance to infection decreases. If any of the members of your family get sick with the flu, place it in a separate room if possible, or give him a separate bed. Ventilate often the room where the patient is, warmly wrapped it for this time. Make sure that he uses a separate dish, carefully wash it and pour with boiling water. Do not forget that it is necessary to enter the room only in a mask made of four layers of gauze. Mask daily with iron and iron. At the first signs of the disease go to bed and call the doctor at home, and do not go with a high temperature in the clinic. It is absolutely unacceptable for the patient to go to work, to the library, to the cinema - to any public place where it is crowded, and to expose the surrounding people's dangers of infection! For a long time the prophylactic-preventive method has been applied in the people: a mixture of crushed garlic and cottage cheese is prepared, they are taken in the ratio 1: 5.Before leaving the house, in the morning it is necessary to eat 1-2 tsp mixture. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, you can chew parsley, eat an apple or pear.

    In 1968-1979, known in virology as the era of Hong Kong, it seemed that it was possible to conquer the flu with massive vaccinations. It was assumed that carrying out the vaccination using the expected virus( the one that is about to appear) will help to defeat its variability. However, these hopes did not come true. It turned out that the vaccination against the epidemic does not help. Today in the world, the use of the vaccine is limited to the so-called high-risk groups, which include elderly people over the age of 65 or have the following diseases: chronic pneumonia, kidney failure, anemia, asthma, immune deficiency. In addition, vaccination is recommended for people working on public transport, in public utilities and health care. Currently, two types of vaccines are being produced. The first type is preparations made on the basis of proteins isolated from killed viruses: hemagglutinin and neurominidase. The second type of vaccine is obtained from specially weakened live viruses. It is believed that such a drug is more promising, becausecreates a high immune defense. He 14 in manufacturing is cheaper, and digested better.

    Having overcome most infectious diseases, a person acquires immunity to his pathogens, which protects the body against new infections. Influenza, unfortunately, is an exception. Consecutive and frequent diseases create in humans a rich mosaic of developing antibodies that are particularly strong, caused by earlier types of influenza viruses. During a recurrent epidemic caused by the same or slightly altered form of the virus, they provide a milder course of the disease, sometimes without any visible symptoms. The duration of the protective properties of antibodies was demonstrated in 1977, when the virus of the AHN group, which appeared after a 20-year break, caused almost no disease among people born in the early 1957.Children who were infected with the HN virus in 1977 were again infected with it in a few years. Hence the opinion that after the first infection with the influenza virus, the immune response is not complete and is achieved only with repeated contacts with this species. But even then, absolute and effective protection of the body is not guaranteed. There is a belief that the use of large( "shock") doses of vitamins, especially Group C, protects against infection with influenza.

    The flu destroys the capillaries and causes them to bleed. The most dangerous thing is that it happens mostly in the alveoli - small bubbles, where the blood is saturated with oxygen. During the flu, the capillaries, with which the alveoli are entangled, burst, and the latter are impregnated with blood, no gas exchange occurs. This causes profound changes in the body, first of all, a strong respiratory failure. Figuratively speaking, a person is buried in his own blood. And the second cause of death is associated with the effect of the virus on the vessels: the blood vessels of the heart or brain begin to flow. They are not torn, but become as a sieve, which can cause a so-called hemorrhagic stroke or a heart attack. And, finally, one more reason: influenza intoxication. The body accumulates a huge number of viruses and poisons affecting the liver and kidneys. Therefore, the flu is especially dangerous for people with coronary heart disease, hypertensive disease with frequent crises, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys( pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis).Strashen flu for infants, especially if they have poor immunity. No exception, and adults. There is a case when a young woman died of influenza because she was on a diet for a long time, and any fasting causes weakening of immunity.

    At the first manifestations of the disease it is recommended to sweat well. To do this, drink hot infusion of lime or raspberry, then go to bed and cover yourself with a warm blanket.

    If you have a cold, take 2-3 hours every 1 tbsp.a spoonful of onion juice, and in the nose to pour tampons with gruel onions or garlic.

    50 ml of Kalanchoe juice should be poured a glass of boiled water, gargle 4 times a day.

    During the day every 2 hours suck for an hour a slice of lemon and after it is swallowed.

    Every 3 hours during the day, apply fresh cabbage leaves to the throat, tying them with a woolen scarf.

    Take mummy for 0.2 g for 20-30 minutes before each meal in the morning and evening.

    1. Prepare a decoction from the calendula plant. To do this, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of flowers should be poured a glass of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, then strain. Take 2 tbsp.spoons of broth 3 times a day.

    2. Prepare the mixture by taking natural honey - 500 g, 3-year-old aloe juice - 150 ml, good chocolate - 100 g and fresh butter - 200 g. Mix thoroughly until smooth and grind. Take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp.spoon.

    3. Take the decoction from the collection of plants. For its preparation, take 2 tbsp.spoons of plantain, sprigs of raspberries, thyme;3 tbsp.spoons of mother-and-stepmother, elder flowers, initial letters.3 tbsp. Spoon the crushed and well-mixed mixture in a pan with 3 cups of water, put on a fire and bring to a boil. Boil 5-7 minutes, remove from heat and, after 15-20 minutes, strain. The whole broth to drink in 3 hours for 1 hour before meals.

    4. Prepare the infusion by taking 1 tbsp.spoon of dog rose, currant, raspberry. Pour a mixture of 300 ml of boiling water and, after 15 minutes, drain. Take 1/2 cup infusion 3 times daily before meals.

    5. Take equally natural honey and peeled garlic. Stir well until smooth and take 3 times a day for 1 hour.spoon, drinking with water.

    6. Take infusion from plants. For its preparation, take 1 tbsp.spoon leaves eucalyptus and 2 tbsp.spoons of chamomile flowers. Mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 5 minutes and strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day and gargle.

    7. Take the infusion of onion in milk. For its preparation, grated on a grater, pour 0.5 liters of hot milk. Heat wrap and insist 20 minutes, then strain. Take 1 glass of hot infusion overnight and 1 glass each morning.

    8. Prepare a mixture of garlic gruel and lemon. For its preparation grate 2 lemons and 2 heads of peeled garlic. Then mix everything and pour 1 liter of boiled water. Infuse 3 days in a dark place. Take 1 tbsp.spoon mixture 3 times daily before meals.

    9. Grate a glass of red beet and pour it 1 tbsp.spoonful of 9% vinegar. Insist 8 hours and squeeze out the juice. With this juice 3-4 times a day gargle and 1-2 st. Spoons to swallow.

    10. Take a tincture of plants wormwood bitter. For its preparation 20 g of wormwood pour 0.5 liters of good vodka, insist 24 hours, then strain. Take 3 times a day for 15 minutes before meals for 1 tbsp.spoon, you can drink it with water.

    11. Take 75 g of thyme and sprigs of raspberries;100 grams of initial and sage. All grind, stir and 3 tbsp. Spoons mixture put in the evening in a thermos bottle. Pour 3 cups of boiling water, insist night, strain and take a glass 3 times a day for an hour before eating.

    12. Mix 100 g of crushed walnut kernels with lemon peel, pre-chopped in a meat grinder. Add honey in the amount necessary to obtain a viscous mass with mixing of all components. Take 1 tbsp.spoon mixture on a glass of tea, brewed with mint or linden. Drink 3-4 times a day for a glass of tea.

    13. To put on the night on a breast a compress from a woolen fabric, to impregnate it with a mix of vinegar, olive oil and camphor, having taken all components fifty-fifty.

    14. Pour a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp.spoon of chopped herb grass, boil for 10 minutes, insist 30 minutes, strain and take 1/2 cup 3 times daily before meals.

    15. Mix evenly the rose hips with green tea and drink 1/2 cup of the mixture after 1-1,5 hours during the day.

    16. Take equally the leaves of the initial letter, chamomile flowers, sage leaves. Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water 1 tbsp.spoon mixture, insist 30-40 minutes. Strain and drink 1 / 2-1 glass of infusion with honey at night, and in the afternoon instead of tea.

    17. Crush dry wild rose and 5 tbsp.spoon boil for 10 minutes in 1 liter of water. Insist, wrapped, 8-10 hours, strain and take in the morning a glass every 2-3 hours during the day.

    18. To take fifty flowers of linden and fruits of the viburnum. Pour a glass of boiling water 2 tbsp.spoon mixture, boil 5-10 minutes, strain and drink hot tea at night for 1-2 cups.

    19. 1 tbsp.a spoonful of raspberry fruit pour a glass of boiling water, insist 20 minutes. Take a glass of hot tea 2-3 times a day.

    20. Make a mixture of the equally taken fruit of the machine and the linden flowers.1 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with a glass of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, drain. Take a glass of hot infusion overnight as a diaphoretic.

    21. Prepare a decoction of wild rose, raspberry and currant leaves, taking them equally and boiling 1 tbsp. Spoon the mixture in a glass of boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Insist 15 minutes, add honey and lemon juice to taste and drink hot in a glass 2-3 times a day.

    22. Take 2 tbsp.tablespoons of butter, 2 raw yolks, 1 teaspoon of flour and 2 teaspoons of honey. Mix everything and take 1 teaspoon of the mixture several times a day.

    23. Wash 2 lemons, beat them with boiling water and pass along with the head of peeled garlic through a meat grinder. Add 200 g of softened butter, mix, smear on bread and eat instead of a sandwich 2-3 times a day.

    24. Rub the fir oil into the collar zone, back, chest, do foot massage. After each procedure, wrap the patient with a compress paper, cover with a warm blanket, give a sweating tea and put on warm socks.

    25. Daily take 2-3 cloves of garlic, bury 2-3 drops of garlic juice in the nose 3 times a day.

    Gargle with kerosene solution on water. For its preparation, 1 tbsp. Spoon kerosene diluted in a glass of cold boiled water. You can drink 1/2 cup of solution, and the rest gargle 2-3 times a day.

    Before each meal, wash your hands with soap and household soap. It contains substances that have a harmful effect on the influenza virus.

    The rise in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza, is observed mainly in the autumn-winter period. Why exactly at this time of the year? Most likely, because we do not care enough about not getting sick. At best, to prevent the disease, we lubricate the nasal passages with oxolin ointment, and when the outbreak or epidemic of influenza is already in full swing, we take the necessary medicines. However, few of us do everything necessary to increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases, including influenza. Although literally everyone is available such simple and proven means as tempering, active lifestyles, rational nutrition. Life has shown that people who do morning exercises with subsequent water procedures and actively spend their free time in the fresh air, have positive immune changes in the body. In the autumn-winter period, such people suffer from influenza and other acute respiratory infections in 2-2.5 times less than those not incandescent. Many people eat wrong, depriving their bodies of vegetables and natural protein products. Most likely, they simply do not know that antibodies providing immunity are "built" in the body from proteins coming from food. And the vitamin C contained in vegetables helps to increase the body's resistance to infections. It is very useful to take in the late autumn, winter and early spring, vitamin preparations that give additional strength to immunity: one tablet a day of multivitamins, and during the outbreak of influenza, there is also one gram of ascorbic acid. It should be noted that one should pay special attention to these recommendations to those people who suffer from chronic diseases of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract. At them ORVI proceed more hardly, with various complications, and more long period of time. But, unfortunately, these people in the majority do wrong: dress too warmly, being afraid of drafts, avoid ventilating the room. But they really need to temper and strengthen their body. It's never too late to begin hardening! And this factor is one of the strongest obstacles to the penetration of influenza viruses into the human body.