  • Glaucoma Symptoms

    Glaucoma ( derived from the Greek word "glaucos", which means "green") is a disease that is the most common cause of blindness all over the world. The popular name for glaucoma is "green water".Glaucoma threatens to lose sight as a result of increased intraocular pressure( pressure inside the eyeball), as it becomes too high for the optic nerve. Most often it develops after 40-45 years and occurs in those who have relatives who suffer from this disease. In the early stages, the disease does not cause symptoms, the sick can not know about it. How to apply folk remedies for glaucoma look here.

    Ophthalmologists suspect that the most common cause of glaucoma is the partial blockage of the spongy tissue mesh, called the trabecular network. It forms a drainage system for the intraocular fluid - a clear liquid inside the eyeball that supplies nutrients and removes waste from the lens and the cornea of ​​the eye( to which blood does not flow).As a result of blocking, the outflow of the intraocular fluid decreases( although the mechanism of this process is not clear), and since it is produced more than it is removed, the intraocular pressure increases.

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    There are two forms of glaucoma: open-angle and closed-angle. Open angle glaucoma, which accounts for 90 percent of all cases of this disease, is a slowly progressive disease. In contrast, angle-closure glaucoma is relatively rare and is characterized by a rapid and strong increase in intraocular pressure, often causing clear symptoms, such as severe pain in the eye and rapid deterioration of vision.

    Both types of glaucoma can lead to blindness, damaging the optic nerve;However, early detection and treatment of intraocular pressure can be controlled and prevent a strong loss of vision.

    The first group includes the "flashing of flies" in front of the eyes and excessive fatigue of the eyes during visual loading( primarily reading).These manifestations indicate that your eyes are in danger.
    The following symptoms are attributed to the second group of .
    1. Periodic blurring of vision .The surrounding objects at such moments are visible as though through some sort of veil: from a light haze to a thick fog. This condition can last from several minutes to several hours and occurs periodically, for no apparent reason. This is explained by the corneal edema at the time of increased intraocular pressure.
    2. Iridescent wheels .When you look at the light source, you suddenly see a dark space around it, which is bounded by an "iridescent" circle: it is closest to the light source, purple, most of all red, and in the interval all other colors of the spectrum are visible. True, the same iridescent circles are observed with conjunctivitis and initial opacification of the lens, but there are signs that they can be distinguished. With conjunctivitis, the iridescent circles disappear immediately after the mucus is removed from the eye;when the lens changes, on the contrary, the circles differ in constancy. Circles caused by the beginning of glaucoma, are of a transient nature and have nothing to do with the formation of mucus in the eye.
    3. Headache .With glaucoma, headaches often resemble migraine attacks. In glaucoma of one eye in the initial stage of development, the pain is typical enough: it appears in the area of ​​the temple( on the side of the affected eye) and has a spasmodic, often pulsating character.
    D va symptom of the third group , allow with a relatively high confidence to suspect in itself the initial stage of glaucoma.
    1. Lacrimation .This is one of the relatively reliable early symptoms of latent glaucoma.
    2. Apparent moisturizing of the eye .The symptom is that the eye is filled with a tear;you take a handkerchief, wipe your eyes - but the handkerchief remains completely dry. There is no tear, and the feeling of moisturizing is associated with increased intraocular pressure. This is a very characteristic symptom for glaucoma - often it is his appearance that gives the patient himself the opportunity to suspect the development of glaucoma.
    The most frequent manifestations of glaucoma at the earliest stage of its development are

    Dorzolamide, which was previously produced only in the form of tablets, and now in the form of drops, reduces the production of intraocular fluid. Myotonic agents( drugs that narrow the pupil) and drugs that have an affinity for the adrenoreceptor increase the outflow of the intraocular fluid.