  • Patch in dogs symptoms

    Animal slug is a viral disease that is characterized by damage to the mucous membranes, skin and nervous system. Often an increase in body temperature and the development of pneumonia.

    For the first time the virus of the plague was discovered in 1905 by the French explorer Carré.Strains of the plague virus, regardless of geographical location, and can differ from each other only by virulence.

    Dog canine usually carries worms and insects, but the dog can get infected from other animals - symptoms of plague in dogs do not show up immediately, so you may not know that your dog was in contact with a sick animal. Infection often enters the body through the ears, mouth and nose. A sick dog can infect a healthy one even with his breath, and nasal discharge is contagious within 3 months after recovery. Chumka is not a seasonal disease, outbreaks of this disease can be observed at any time of the year. Often the plague in dogs ends in a lethal outcome, but if the dog has recovered, it will receive lifelong immunity.

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    Infection with the plague virus is especially likely at a young age of the dog from 3 to 12 months. This is due to the fact that the young organism of the dog is weakened due to the change of teeth, intensive growth of the body. Often, infection with the virus is associated with poor care of the dog. Very rarely exposed to infection, puppies sucking mother's milk, along with milk in the body receive antibodies that protect them from the virus. When it comes to the plague virus, it is impossible to single out any specificity among the breeds - any dog ​​can become a plague. More often dogs are ill in the spring or in the autumn in bad weather.

    The incubation period in an infected dog is 2-3 weeks. At this time, the plaque is virtually invisible.
    The plague of dogs is divided into lightning( in this case the dog dies instantly without manifestation of any symptoms of the disease), acute, subacute, chronic, abortive, typical and atypical forms. It is accepted to divide the disease according to clinical signs: catarrhal, nervous and intestinal manifestation, but this is conditional, becausein the pure form of this or that form of the disease does not happen, the disease proceeds, as a rule, mixed.
    Symptoms may be severe or mild:
    Body temperature increases by 1-3 degrees. However, in puppies up to half a month, the temperature may not rise;
    With the super-sharp form of the plague, the body temperature rises sharply, the dog refuses food, then falls into a coma and the dog dies( the disease lasts 2-3 days);
    In acute form, the disease lasts 2-4 weeks. The dog is feverish, the body temperature keeps at the level of 39.5 - 41 degrees for 10-15 days, sometimes falls in 2-3 days;
    Opened state;
    Reflexes disappear;
    The dog tries to hide in a quiet dark place, does not respond;
    Refusing to eat;
    Sometimes vomiting occurs;
    Often, the skin in the nose is cracked and crusted.

    The plague virus affects various organs.
    When infection of the lungs, respiratory tract distemper is observed:
    Isolation of pus from the eyes and nose. The pus covers the nasal passages, making breathing difficult, sniffing;
    Inflammation of the tonsils, cough and diarrhea appear;
    Further increase in body temperature of the dog.

    In case of intestinal infection:
    Frequent syncope;
    Complete loss of appetite;
    Strong yellow diarrhea with an unpleasant odor, sometimes visible clots of blood, not digested particles of food. After a while the stool can be brown;
    On the mucous membrane of the tongue, white coating;
    During the change of teeth on the enamel, spots, warts and indentations appear, they remain with the dog for life.

    When skin is infected with a distemper:
    Bubbles appear on the uncoated areas of the skin;
    Body temperature is usually normal or subtle;
    The general condition of the dog is also normal.
    Dermal infection of the plague indicates an easy form of the disease and is often not noticed.

    With the nervous form of the distemper, the dog exhibits the following symptoms:
    Increased body temperature of the dog;
    Normal appetite;
    Irritation, aggression;
    Convulsive muscle contractions, reduces muscles( neck);
    Sometimes lameness, limb paralysis. In some cases( the progression of limb paralysis), the heart or respiratory muscles may be paralyzed, which inevitably leads to the death of the dog;
    The appearance of epileptic seizures, usually leads to death.
    Symptoms can last up to several months, sometimes remain in a weakened condition for life.
    The nervous form of the distemper develops towards the end of the disease( at the beginning of 4 weeks).Often the first symptoms appear after the apparent recovery of the dog.

    One of the forms of the plague is the curing of the pads of the fingers. Can combine all of the above forms of infection. At the same time, the temperature can remain normal, but there are signs of nervous and pulmonary infection, intestinal disturbances. When you run the dog can hear clinking sounds.

    The acute shape of the tuft can go into the chronic, lasts 3-4 months.
    There are both diarrhea and constipation;
    The dog is exhausted( this can be seen by eye);
    Absence or caprice of appetite;
    Unhealthy scalp;
    In the corners of the eyes, dried crusts.
    In this case, the disease almost always has a lethal outcome.

    The treatment of plaits is complex. To date, there is not a single drug that has a virucidal property against the chum, so the treatment is to maintain the general tone of the body and prevent bacterial activity.
    Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed treatment for distempers in dogs. You can ease the course of the disease and try to minimize the likelihood of a fatal outcome. In the early stage of the plague in dogs, animals are injected with gamma globulin intramuscularly and interferon. Antibiotics are used to fight infection, symptomatic agents for fighting the manifestations of the disease, cocarboxylase, vitamin B and vitamin C for stimulation of immunity. Remove the secretions from the eyes and nose of the dog. Eyes are washed with a weak solution of boric acid and a yellow mercury ointment is applied, so that eyelids do not stick together. Vaseline helps avoid cracking of the nostrils.
    Specific therapy is the use of serums obtained from dog-convalescent or hyperimmune horses.
    With the plague, the strengthening of the immune system of the dog is justified, various immunomodulators and immunostimulants are used.
    For the prevention of various cardiac agents: sulfokamfokain, kokarboksilazu.
    When treating dogs infected with the plague virus, it is necessary to apply a complex of B vitamins( B1, B6 and B12) in combination with panthenone and nicotinamide. Dogs age 4-5 months are prescribed 10-15 injections of each vitamin subcutaneously or intravenously in a mixture with maintenance solutions.
    In extremely severe cases, intravenous solutions are administered dropwise in Ringer's solution with an amount of 250ml.

    Diet of a dog with a sick plague is extremely important:
    The diet for a sick animal includes minced meat or finely chopped meat, rice broth with breadcrumbs, beef liver, cottage cheese, meat broth, eggs and milk.
    The diet should also be followed for a while after recovery.
    Decoction of the motherwort has a beneficial effect on slowing the progression of the disease and preventing the jumble from moving to the nervous form. The diets for the sick animal include minced meat or finely chopped meat, rice broth with breadcrumbs, beef liver, cottage cheese, meat broth, eggs and milk. The vomiting virus in the external environment can survive only at low temperatures, so the room where the sick dog is located must be warm and dry. Disinfection of the premises is carried out with a solution of chloramine, creosol, lye or formaldehyde. Litter of a sick dog must be burned.

    Vaccination - domestic vaccines are used: KF-668, vaccine and EPM;and imported polyvalent vaccines: hexodog, pentodog, vangard, canvas and others. The best method of vaccinating dogs against the plague virus is to use a high-quality imported vaccine with application in 2 weeks domestic. Puppies are vaccinated in 2-3 months, 6 months, 1 year and further 1 time per year with subsequent quarantine 2 weeks. Before vaccination, dogs are dewormed and the body temperature is measured.
    General prophylaxis is to vaccinate the dog no later than 1 month before the appearance at the exhibitions or other places of mass congestion