  • Adenoma of the prostate symptoms

    Benign prostatic hyperplasia( adenoma) is a non-cancerous pathologic neoplasm of the tissue, enhanced development of smooth muscles in the stroma of the gland, the size of a walnut located in men directly under the bladder and producing about 30% of the liquid part of the seed. Because the prostate surrounds the urethra( the passage through which the urine flows from the bladder), then as it increases, it can compress it and thus prevent urination. An enlargement of the prostate can also cause thickening of the muscular walls of the bladder, because in order to push urine through a narrow canal, stronger muscle contractions will be required. But although the gland is enlarged, it is softened, and the groove, which passes through the middle part, disappears. Thickening of the walls of the bladder can reduce the amount of urine accumulated by it, cause the need for frequent urination and sudden strong urge to urinate. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is widespread, and the likelihood of the disease increases with years: it occurs in more than 50 percent of men at the age of 60 years. There is no evidence that benign prostatic hyperplasia leads to prostate cancer, nevertheless the symptoms of both diseases are the same people can be simultaneously sick with benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is well treatable.

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    Until the end of the cause are unknown, although the fact that hyperplasia is diagnosed in 60-70% of men over 70 years, suggests that it is associated with age-related hormonal changes in the body. Most often, adenoma is found in patients with diabetes and hypertension.

    The gradual enlargement of the gland surrounding the urethra, narrows the canal and obstructs the outflow of urine. The urinary bladder is not fully emptied, the urine stagnates, the entire genitourinary system becomes susceptible to infections, possibly the formation of stones. In men with prostatic hyperplasia, the outflow of urine is also impaired by alcohol, hypothermia, certain drugs( antihistamines).Prolonged retention of urine leads to organic damage to the kidneys. A certain role is played by male sex hormones.

    First of all, the doctor examines the patient as a whole. Blood and urine tests are taken, ultrasound is done with biopsy, intravenous urography, cystoscopy, computed tomography. The degree of enlargement of the gland is determined by palpation rectally( through the rectum).Attention is drawn to dense nodules, a sign of a malignant tumor and to painful areas that speak of an infectious disease. A biochemical blood test is performed to assess the condition of the kidneys and exclude prostate cancer.

    Additional studies include the measurement of residual urine with a catheter or uroflow meter.

    Only when the prostate gland is enlarged enough to prevent urine outflow, symptoms of the disease can be detected. Among them - frequent urge to urinate, and the process itself becomes problematic. We are disturbed by the normal functioning of the muscles of the bladder: the strength of the jet and its volume are noticeably reduced, urine at the end of urination is hardly extracted, by drop. Desires become insurmountable, including at night, during sleep( nocturia).The bladder is constantly overflowing, which in the end causes incontinence.

    When strained during urination, small veins of the urethra and bladder can be torn, resulting in blood in the urine. In cases of complete blockage of urine, the feeling of bladder overflow and severe pain in the lower abdomen is supplemented by burning during urination and increased body temperature.

    Severe condition of the patient is facilitated with the help of alpha-adrenoblockers, relaxing the muscles around the bladder outlet. Also prescribe drugs to reduce the size of the prostate gland.

    In complex cases, when the process of urinating naturally is no longer possible, the Foley catheter is inserted.

    The most traditional method of treatment is transurethral electroresection of the prostate, which does not require surgical incisions. The procedure is that an endoscope with a loop is inserted into the urethra, after which part of the prostate gland is removed. Bleeding stops by electrocoagulation. If necessary, this procedure is repeated.

    A microwave heating element is also used, which reduces the amount of prostate tissue, and a special canister expands the urethra. Surgical operations are performed with the removal of adenoma through the bladder - adenomectomy. Of course, open interventions are more risky - this and possible poor wound healing, significant blood loss, complications of inflammatory nature. There are a number of modern methods of fighting adenoma: the introduction of stents into the urethra - small metal tubes, microwave hyperthermia, heat treatment, laser treatment( similar to resection).In agreement with the patient and based on the doctor's testimony, the optimal method of treatment for

    is chosen. Each man can do exercises regularly throughout the day.

    Starting position: standing, sitting or lying down.

    Rhythmically draw in the anus, trying to simultaneously contract the muscle surrounding the root of the penis;rhythm - one movement per second, total - 30 movements;repeat 4-6 times a day for 3-4 weeks( you can very long - months and years).

    Starting position: sitting on a chair.

    Tear off the legs from the floor and, keeping balance without hands, rhythmically strain the buttocks;40-50 movements with a frequency of 1 movement per second;repeat 4-6 times a day for 4-6 weeks.

    Starting position: standing.

    Tighten all the muscles of the right leg - buttock, thigh, drumstick;at the expense of 6 - relax;repeat 8-10 times;perform the same - left foot.

    Starting position: standing, legs together, hands along the trunk. Doing the torso of the body to the left and to the right, the same hand slides along the trunk.

    ( 2 weighty arguments for "disobedient" men)

    A problem for doctors with male patients. Most bad habits and dubious pleasures are their privilege.

    Feeling unwell, immediately begin to panic, but the visit to the specialist is postponed until the last, hoping that everything will go by itself.

    1. Benign prostatic hyperplasia( adenoma) - the most common disease in urology - occurs in 10 percent of men under 40 and 90 percent( !) After 60 years.

    2. Prostate cancer is another ailment so serious and common that more than 60 percent of all discussions at major international symposiums of urologists are devoted to it alone.

    The table presents the international system for the cumulative assessment of prostate diseases.

    Both adenoma and cancer in the early stages are almost asymptomatic.

    Only regular supervision by a specialist will help keep the peace of mind, the certainty that your health is ok, or in time to detect the disease and immediately begin its treatment - the sooner, the better.


    from 1 to 10 points - this may be a sign of a prostate disease. Need advice from a specialist;

    International total prostate disease assessment system

    * more than 10 points - is an obvious symptom of the disease. Hurry to the urologist. After conducting special studies, he will put the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.