  • Tooth Symptoms Symptoms

    Difficulty erupting of the wisdom tooth( pericoronaritis) develops as a result of infection of the gingival pocket, overhanging over the crown of an incompletely incised tooth. At present, wisdom teeth are detected in 92% of the adult population, 25% of them remain uncut, and about 8% of people do not form at all. The wisdom tooth of a modern man is considered obsolete as a rudiment. Scientists have long proven that, in addition to mythical wisdom, it does not bring any benefit. His duty to chew food was far in the past and today he simply does not need us. But the wisdom tooth does not want to give up its positions. Appearing when all the other teeth have already erupted and formed, he, like an uninvited guest, does not please us with his visit and brings only troubles.

    Wisdom teeth are cut, as a rule, not earlier than 18-21 years. And if by the age of 27 you did not have a single tooth of wisdom, then most likely, it is no longer worth expecting them. Although the literature describes cases of teething wisdom at the age of 50 years. But these cases are very rare.

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    Pain in the jaw, painful swallowing. The mucous membrane is edematous, infiltrated, usually covering part of the teeth of the tooth in the form of a "hood".Accompanies submandibular lymphadenitis.

    There may be a complication - abscess or phlegmon of the near-pharyngeal space, submandibular area, osteomyelitis.

    Inflammation of tissues located around the tooth. This condition occurs most often. On the surface of the gum with the growth of the wisdom tooth, there is a hillock that is covered with a mucous membrane. This shell is called a "hood".The wisdom tooth, covered with such a "hood", undergoes permanent trauma of solid food, which contributes to the further attachment of bacteria and the development of inflammation. When food remains under the "hood" favorable conditions for the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms are created, which leads to purulent inflammation, which is called pericoronaritis. Symptoms of pericoronaritis. The disease begins with increasing pain in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth. Painful sensations - very intense, and can give in the ear, the temple. There may be soreness when swallowing, opening the mouth and yawning. Sometimes it seems that it is not the wisdom tooth that hurts, but the cheek or throat. The process can also involve lymph nodes and facial muscles. When the wisdom tooth is inflamed, the general condition of the body usually suffers: the temperature rises and a headache appears. In the area of ​​the aching tooth, there is swelling, the mucous membrane is red and painful, and when pushed onto the "hood" pus can be released.

    Treatment is aimed at the elimination of inflammatory phenomena( antibiotics, physiotherapy, rinsing of the gingival pouch, pushing excess mucous membrane with a tampon from the iodine gauze).By the abatement of inflammation, the "hood" of the mucous membrane can be excised for releasing the mounds of the tooth and eliminating the trauma of the mucous membrane during chewing. With repeated inflammations, tooth extraction can be indicated.

    What can not be done when the wisdom tooth hurts: You can not warm your cheek with a warmer, apply any heat and rinse your mouth with warm water. Any warming can lead to an even greater spread of infection, up to the suppuration of bone tissue. Anesthesia pills are not recommended on the tooth area.this can lead to the formation of an ulcer on the gum, and the pain will not be removed. Do not use the advice given by your next of kin and friends. Perhaps, something helped them, but you do not know exactly your diagnosis and the reason why your wisdom tooth has swelled up.

    What to do with gum disease: First of all, contact a dental surgeon. Before visiting the dentist, you can take an anesthetic inside( analgin, ketorol, etc.).It is advisable to rinse your mouth with a cold solution, prepared from the calculation: 1 teaspoon of salt and soda to a glass of water. Treatment of this pathology consists in opening( cutting) the mucous "hood", rinsing the cavity and prescribing analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. If you get a lot of pus at the autopsy, antibiotics are also prescribed. In the case when the gum around the wisdom tooth inflames repeatedly, the dentist most often recommends wringing out the wisdom tooth.