  • Hypertension: symptoms and treatment, causes, prevention

    What is this - hypertension, is called a disease in which there is a significant increase in blood pressure compared to the normal value.

    Another name for hypertension is hypertension.

    Increased pressure is due to the fact that the clearance in small vessels decreases, making it difficult to circulate blood, and the heart has to exert more effort to move blood through the vessels.

    Now the increased pressure is typical for every third inhabitant of the planet. Hypertension can reduce life expectancy by 5-10 years.

    What is blood pressure?

    Arterial pressure is the pressure that blood exerts on the walls of arteries. The thicker the artery, the higher the pressure.

    Pressure happens:

    1. 1) Systolic, or upper;
    2. 2) Diastolic, or lower.
    Systolic pressure is the pressure of blood on the vessels at a time when the heart is as short as possible.

    Diastolic pressure is blood pressure on the vessel walls at a time when the heart is as relaxed as possible. The unit of blood pressure is millimeters of mercury. A normal pressure is 120/80 millimeters of mercury, where 120 is the systolic pressure and 80 is the diastolic pressure.
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    Hypertension 1, 2, 3 degrees - symptoms

    Depending on the level of arterial pressure, there are 3 degrees of hypertension. Below we will consider the classical symptoms of each of the stages.

    1. 1) The first degree of hypertension. The arterial pressure reaches 160/100 millimeters of mercury. The patient becomes emotionally unstable, his head often hurts. But often at this stage, no symptoms of the disease are imperceptible. Only if you perform an ultrasound study, you can see that the left side of the heart has expanded. The pressure changes spasmodically, it can decrease independently, without the use of drugs.
    2. 2) The second degree of hypertension. The pressure rises to 180/115 millimeters of mercury, the head often hurts, the patient feels compression in the region of the heart, the heart muscle weakens, the left ventricle becomes hypertrophic, any physical load causes shortness of breath, changes in the structure of the kidneys and the fundus are observed. Pressure often rises, almost never drops to normal values.
    3. 3) The third degree of hypertension. The pressure reaches a value of 230/130 millimeters of mercury In the patient, one of three syndromes predominates: cardiac, cerebral or renal. The dominance of the heart syndrome is characterized by narrowing of blood vessels, oxygen deficiency for the heart, development of ischemia.
    The prevalence of kidney syndrome is manifested by the wrinkling of the kidneys and the loss of their functions. If the brain syndrome dominates, the patient first periodically loses consciousness, and eventually undergoes micro strokes and strokes( see signs of a stroke).Pressure is always above normal.

    Risk Factors

    What causes the development of hypertension, and what is it? Risk factors are divided into corrected( they can be changed) and uncorrectable( unchangeable).

    Corrected risk factors:

    • Presence of chronic diseases: diabetes, liver or kidney disease;
    • presence of bad habits: smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol and coffee;
    • presence of excess weight;
    • elevated cholesterol;
    • constant quarrels and stresses;
    • lack of sleep;
    • work at night;
    • a sedentary lifestyle( not for nothing is called an office disease);
    • unloved work.
    Uncorrectable factors include:

    1. 1) Hereditary predisposition;
    2. 2) Affiliation to the male sex;
    3. 3) Elderly age.

    Symptoms of hypertension

    Usually, at the initial stage of the development of hypertension, no symptoms of the disease are observed. The first signs of the disease feel the heart, as it puts a heavy load on it. As a result:

    • blood vessels begin to change;
    • disrupts the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the organs;
    • appears shortness of breath and rapid fatigue;
    • observed increased heart rate and heart pain;
    • there is a headache and dizziness;
    • vision is impaired;
    • there is a tinnitus.
    Sometimes hypertension can cause a hypertensive crisis, at which life-threatening changes occur. There is such a state with severe stress, exorbitant physical exertion, refusal of medications.

    Hypertensive crisis begins unexpectedly:

    • starts to get very sore;
    • vision is impaired;
    • appears nausea and vomiting;
    • blushes the skin and mucous membranes of the face;
    • pierces contracting pain behind the sternum;
    • there is shortness of breath;
    • occasionally there are cramps.

    Treatment of hypertension

    Hypertension can not be completely cured. But it is quite possible to control the pressure and keep it in the norm. For this it is necessary to strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations.

    It is strictly forbidden to stop taking medications on your own: there is a risk of developing a stroke and a heart attack. Even if the pressure is completely normal, it is necessary to visit the doctor systematically.

    In the first stage, the disease is treated with non-medicamentous methods. In the second stage, one drug is added to the non-medicament treatment of hypertension. At the third stage the doctor combines several medicines, and the patient should make a full correction of his lifestyle.

    To get rid of hypertension, you need to completely change your lifestyle:

    • adhere to the principles of proper nutrition;
    • get rid of extra pounds;
    • abandon alcoholic beverages and coffee;
    • quit smoking;
    • to go in for sports;
    • to refuse night work;
    • get enough sleep;
    • to avoid stress;
    • to lead an active lifestyle.
    One should reconsider their food:

    1. 1) Reduce calorie content by limiting the consumption of sweet, fatty and flour foods;
    2. 2) Reduce salt intake( instead of it you can eat salt with a low sodium content or herbs and spices);
    3. 3) Exclude from the diet coffee and strong tea, Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola, alcoholic beverages;
    4. 4) Discard sharp, salty, smoked, canned foods, chips and salty cheeses;
    5. 5) Limit the intake of animal fats;
    6. 6) Forget about foods rich in cholesterol, cheeses, sausages, sour cream, fat;
    7. 7) Enrich the diet with vegetables and fruits, vegetable oil, low-fat dairy products and low-fat fish;
    8. 8) Increase the intake of foods rich in vitamin C, potassium and magnesium.
    Exercise is beneficial for the circulatory system, but without excessive exercise. It is desirable that the individual set of exercises picked up by a doctor. It is also recommended to use reflexotherapy, hirudotherapy, auto-training, acupuncture, phytotherapy, electrosleep, listening to classical and relaxation music.

    Several groups of medicines are used to reduce pressure:

    1. 1) B-blockers( atenolol, etoprolol, lokren, viskin) - they reduce the frequency of cardiac contractions. They are prescribed if the patient suffers from bradycardia and respiratory system diseases.
    2. 2) Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, or ACE inhibitors such as capoten, methiopril, enalapril, tritace, moex, premariium, cilazapril, spirapril) - help block the synthesis of renin( it increases blood pressure), increase the clearance in the blood vessels, normalize blood circulation.
    3. 3) Calcium antagonists( corinfar, amlodipine, felodipine, verapamil) - there is a blockage of calcium channels in the vessels, expansion of the heart vessels, resulting in lowering blood pressure.
    4. 4) Diuretics( hydrochlorothiazide, indapamide, clopamid, chlorothiazide) - have a diuretic effect and contribute to a decrease in pressure due to a decrease in the volume of the fluid.
    The doctor prescribes one medicine or a combination of several medications, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. The is strictly forbidden to select itself.

    Also read the symptoms and treatment of hypotension.

    Complications of hypertension

    High pressure adversely affects all body systems.


    • has cardiovascular diseases( stroke and myocardial infarction are especially dangerous);
    • is affected by the kidneys( kidney failure develops);
    • there are failures in the cerebral circulation;
    • thyroid activity is impaired;
    • vision worsens;
    • may develop a hypertensive crisis.
    If hypertension is not treated, then a fatal outcome is possible.

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