  • Flattening of 3, 2 and 1 degrees: causes, prevention, types

    Flattening is considered the deformation of the foot, its type, the omission of the transverse or longitudinal arch.

    The initial symptoms of the disease include fatigue of both legs after a long walk and standing. By the evening there is fatigue, pain in the feet, sometimes convulsions and a slight puffiness.

    According to the statistics of medical workers, transverse flatfoot often appears( in 50% of cases), the longitudinal is more often detected in combination with other changes and strains( 27%).The flatfoot is recognized quite simply: from the print of the track on the sand and shoes( from the inside, the foot wears out more).

    Sometimes, this symptom is similar to the swelling of the leg( see the causes of edema on the legs) with renal failure or varicose veins. For this purpose, a doctor's consultation is needed to establish an accurate diagnosis and choice of treatment methods. The orthopedic physician visually and by means of X-ray pictures establishes the diagnosis and determines the degree of the disease.
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    The initial stage of the disease can be determined by the appearance of pain after exercise or a long walk. In this case, the stop is not deformed, only the binding device breaks down, which leads to discomfort and pain.

    Flattening of 1st degree

    1st degree is a weak flatfoot, characterized by the appearance of fatigue after a working day, pain when pressing on the foot, the appearance of swelling. The sooner the treatment begins, the better the result. Preventive examination allows you to establish the disease at an early stage and choose the right medical tactics. The main means of treating the disease at the first stage is the appointment of insoles, comfortable shoes and daily exercises and foot massage. It is especially easy to cure an ailment at an early age, when only our locomotor apparatus is being formed.

    Flattening of 2nd degree

    2 degree of flatfoot is expressed by the fact that the shape of the foot changes, the arches become smoother and the foot is spread out. Such a disease is more reminiscent of a combined type of flatfoot with transverse and longitudinal pathologies. Walking becomes more complicated, since pain appears, which increases as the load increases. Gait loses grace and plasticity, in the evening, swelling becomes stronger.

    Platypodia of 3rd degree

    3 degree of flatfoot is characterized by pronounced severe deformation of the foot( see valgus deformation).Patients suffer from pain in the legs, feet and knee joints. Painful sensations in the lower back are added, headaches. Knee joints swell slightly. There is a difficulty in walking, so the doctor prohibits increased physical activity and sports activities. Disability declines, ordinary walking requires effort. There are problems when choosing shoes. Paradoxically, it is at this stage that patients often seek help from a specialist. This is explained by the most obvious manifestations of the symptoms of the disease. The doctor recommends special footwear, liners and medical insoles for treatment.

    Flat feet can progress, because early diagnosis and proper treatment will stop the process of the disease and remove the symptoms. Disease can differ both in degrees and in varieties.

    What is a flatfoot?

    1) Longitudinal. Because of this type of flatfoot, the size of the legs changes, namely, it becomes an increased foot.1 degree is easier, then there is no deformation and an increase in the volume of the foot, pain occurs after a day of work and heaviness. The second stage is characterized by more pronounced deformations, in this case the arch of the foot disappears. Pain in joints of knees increases. The third stage is characterized by almost complete deformation, headache and lumbar pain are added. The transverse flatfoot often causes the growth of the metatarsal head of the first bone;

    2) The transverse type of flatfoot. Characterized by shortening the feet.an increase in the upper part of the foot. Treatment includes wearing special orthopedic insoles, comfortable shoes and liners. The transverse flatfoot has 3 stages.

    1. The first or weakly expressed degree is characterized by the deviation of the first finger by twenty percent, the thickening of the skin on the foot in the region of 2-4 fingers, the appearance of corns and severe pain when walking.
    2. The second stage is characterized by a progressive process, as the corns are enlarged in size, the finger is deflected to a greater degree, the foot is spread out.
    3. The third stage of the transverse flatfoot type is severe pain during physical exertion and walking, the deviation of the finger over an angle of more than 35ยบ, the appearance and increase of calluses, the spreading of the foot and the increase in the size of the foot in the front. In addition, there is a risk of complications in the form of bursitis.
    3) Combined platypodia includes pathology of both transverse and longitudinal character of the disease.

    Symptoms of flat feet include pain in the legs, feet, back, legs, hips. The gait changes, the grace is lost and the posture deteriorates. Squatting, it is difficult for a patient to maintain a state of balance, but it becomes easier to bend over.

    When walking, there is often a "clubfoot".The foot does not look very aesthetic, a bone or gout appears on the thumb, the foot becomes broad, flat, and the fingers are bent.

    Knee joints are deformed, in addition, the risk of ingrown nail is increased. Legs lose their attractiveness, and gait loses its lightness and plasticity.

    Causes of development of

    The main reason for flat feet is incorrectly sized shoes, or shoes with high heels. Optimum is considered to be shoes with a heel not exceeding 4 cm.

    Often provokes the development of flatfoot inadequacy( congenital or acquired) of connective subtle tissue. If the shoes are on a thick sole, then the load on the muscles of the foot decreases, they are slightly atrophied, and the ligaments do not work well. Do not recommend such flooring as a laminate or a solid commercial linoleum.

    The hard cold floor does not favorably affect the functioning of the ligaments and muscles of the foot. It also provokes flat feet in adults, increased stress on the legs, if the job requires a long stand in one place or walk without rest.

    Note that the female sex suffers from the disease several times more often. The main risk factors: hormonal failures, pregnancy, wearing shoes on his heels, work on his legs. Sometimes ailment occurs because of previous illnesses such as polio or diabetes mellitus.

    What is prevention?

    The main measure of prevention is the proper selection of shoes, daily exercise and foot massage. In the summer time it is very useful to walk on pebbles and sand, on an uneven surface. It is especially effective to strengthen the muscles and the entire musculoskeletal system in childhood.

    Do not wear shoes for someone. It is important to choose comfortable models of shoes and sneakers. Strengthening the body will help to cope with any disease, and daily exercises and exercise will save an attractive slender figure and strong, healthy legs.

    Massages of feet, moderate loads will improve blood supply in muscles and leg ligaments, gait will become graceful and attractive. Remember: it is better to pass the prevention and treatment of the disease in time than to suffer from flat feet all your life!

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