  • Stretching of the hip muscles: causes, symptoms and treatment

    Stretching of the hip muscles is a fairly common problem.

    This injury occurs when the leg is unbent at the knee, and at the same time the muscles of the back of the leg begin to contract.

    Most often, stretching is possible with abnormal and incorrect movements, when they occur very abruptly. These include side twists, podtityvanie legs. The problem often occurs when the muscles are not properly heated.

    When the rupture, not the tension, completely breaks the integrity of the joint.

    Symptoms of muscle strain of the thigh

    The stretching of the muscles of the anterior part of the thigh often manifests acute soreness. When the lesion of the adductor muscle strongly retreats the inguinal part. The lead muscle is attached to the bones of the legs or the pelvis. With sharp twines or careless jumps, stretching is inevitable. Internal stretching of the muscles is provoked with strong feet and squats. Also, problems can occur with carelessness and muscle strikes.

    Stretching is not only a problem for athletes, but also for ordinary people. Athletes often get injured by excessive stress on their legs without preheating. In addition, weightlifters may have a stretch due to:
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    • high speed exercises;
    • high-level load;
    • irregular amplitude of movements;
    • of non-compliance with the rules of the exercise;
    • drawback warm-up.
    Since any of the injuries can provoke dislocations, fractures, joint displacements, it is important to be screened in time and begin competent treatment.

    Any stretching has similar symptoms. The person feels a strong pain, and if you listen at times during stretching, you can click. Often, it appears due to the rapid tearing of the muscles and destruction of the integrity of the muscle, which is the third degree of severity of stretching.

    When stretching the back of the thigh, there is a noticeable swelling of the damaged area and the affected tissues. In addition, there may be a strong stretch with a hemorrhage in the tissue.

    In this case, there is a significant violation of movement in the joints. Movements made by the victim will bring him painful feelings. If there is a suspicion not of damage to the bones, the doctor prescribes an X-ray as an additional type of examination.

    How to treat stretching of the hip muscles?

    Depending on the degree of trauma, the doctor prescribes therapy.1st and 2nd degree in the first place in need of complete muscle rest.

    1. 1) No stress should be applied to the damaged muscle. Sometimes the doctor recommends buying a crutch to temporarily relax the pressure on the aching limb.
    2. 2) In addition, when stretching cold is used. Compress of ice or frozen berries are applied directly through the material, or you can attach a heating pad by typing in cold water. Treatment should be done several times a day for 20 minutes.
    3. 3) Pressure on the limb is also necessary. A special elastic compression bandage is used. It provides prevention of hemorrhage, as well as puffiness.
    The height is needed in order to reduce the load on the foot. For this, the limb is placed above the heart, carefully fixing it. The doctor with a painful syndrome necessarily appoints preparations of type Ibuprofen - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. Also used are special anti-inflammatory ointments with menthol, which can be bought at any pharmacy.

    After swelling and the first symptoms, physical therapy is recommended, as well as special preventive physical training. To fully restore the muscles, it is recommended to apply just the exercises.

    If there is a third degree of limb injury, in this case, the doctor prescribes surgery. During the surgical intervention, the doctor will perform the suturing of the muscles with the help of special sutures. After a while, in the same way prescribe therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy.

    Is there a stretch? Do not worry! The problem with time passes, the only point is the speed of rehabilitation. So you can cure the stretch of the hind femur in just 20-30 days, but the treatment of the hip after a difficult injury can last up to six months.

    See also how to treat sprain.


    Before strong tension on the muscles, be sure to warm up. Enough will be 15-20 minutes. Muscle tone is also extremely important. Weakened muscles suffer from injuries most quickly. Therefore, without a moderate load can not do. In addition to standard strength exercises, be sure to include a warm-up in your exercises to improve the flexibility and elasticity of the muscles.

    It is also important to not overexert the muscles too much, as this increases the risk of injury. To always be healthy, take care of yourself and play sports, and lead a healthy lifestyle!

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