  • Dislocation of the shoulder joint: symptoms and treatment of dislocation

    The condition of the joints, in which the head of the humerus is separated from the articular cavity to such an extent that there are no points of contact between them, is called a dislocation of the shoulder joint.

    This kind of damage is usually caused by an external action of a certain force or by the development of processes inside the joint that are markedly destructive in nature( arthritis or arthrosis).The joint of the shoulder is considered to be the most mobile, therefore such traumas are encountered quite often.


    All cases of dislocation in accordance with the root causes of the violation can be conditionally divided into two directions for congenital and acquired.

    The latter fall under the following classification:

    1. 1) Due to external mechanical action leading to a disruption, traumatic dislocations of the shoulder joint appear. Among them there are simple and complicated. The nature of the complication may be different, it is an open dislocation, and damage associated with the capsule, surrounding soft tissues, vascular-nervous bundles, tendons or the proximity of trauma to fractures.
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    2. 2) The second group is represented by habitual dislocations caused by non-traumatic disorders caused by joint instability. This situation can lead to inappropriate medical measures in getting rid of the traumatic appearance of the dislocation, preceding the fracture of the articular cavity and other such factors.
    In medicine, another classification is used, the principle of which is based on the localization of the lesion:

    1. 1) The most common front dislocation is .It is formed in the case when the head of the humerus is displaced towards the coracoid process. Hence the alternative name for this type of violation is subductive. It is possible to develop an injury, in which the head at the time of change in localization reaches the clavicle, then the dislocation is called subclavian.
    2. 2) frequency of posterior dislocation is much less in comparison with the previous one, it occurs only in two percent of cases. With it, the head of the bone comes off at the back of the joint. Usually a special fall leads to this situation, at the moment of which the hand is stretched forward.
    3. 3) The lower dislocation of is even less common. With it, the head is displaced downwards, the victim is unable to lower his hand and he must constantly keep it above him.

    Causes and Risk Factors

    Vulnerability of the shoulder joint is associated with its special mobility. The main culprit of the dislocation occurrence is the force effect of the turning and twisting property on the shoulder from the outside, which makes it difficult to perform certain movements or completely blocks this ability.

    There are other reasons that contribute to the appearance of a dislocation:

    1. 1) Constant repetitive actions associated with multiple stretching of the ligamentous apparatus and joint capsule. This cause of dislocation is most typical for people professionally engaged in sports. The greatest risk is experienced volleyball players, swimmers, tennis players, since their studies are associated with the implementation of special movements, the feature of which is the excessive sweep of the hands.
    2. 2) Violations of the anatomical norms of the structure of the shoulder joint are one of the main reasons for the appearance of a dislocation. This refers to the dysplasia of the articular cavity, its pathological inclination, joint hypoplasia and other similar changes that can provoke dislocation.
    3. 3) Dislocation can result from excessive activity of movements in the shoulder joint.
    Signs of dislocation are post-traumatic pain syndrome, which appears against the background of functional limitations of the shoulder. With the help of an uninjured limb, a person tries to hold the place of damage.

    Symptoms of Shoulder Joint Dislocation

    • painful attacks, swelling;
    • the shoulder joint changes visually, the smoothness and roundness of the shoulder surface is lost;
    • joint mobility becomes limited, this is due to the exit of the head of the bone from its anatomical position;
    • sensitivity of the shoulder and wrist areas deteriorates;
    • with pinching the nerve and violating the integrity of the blood vessels increases the likelihood of stitching pain, numbness in the hands, formation of a hematoma at the site of the lesion.
    With repeated dislocations of the shoulder joint, the manifestation of symptoms may be mild or completely absent. The capsule of the joint loses its elasticity, compacts. Fibrous tissue begins to fill the joint cavity, the muscular system gradually atrophies, undergoes dystrophic changes.

    Treatment for dislocation of the shoulder joint

    To determine the type of dislocation and its features, specialists conduct an examination of the victim, find out the circumstances of the injury and conduct additional studies using X-rays, MRI or computed tomography.

    After the diagnosis, the shoulder joint is being repositioned. Doing this yourself is strongly discouraged. Specialists pre-anesthetize the injury site, and then correct the joint. After this, an X-ray examination should be performed in order to determine the quality of the correction and to exclude the possibility of a fracture.

    To eliminate pain, prescribe painkillers from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In this case, use ibuprofen, paracetamol, orthophene and other similar medicines.

    The application of an ice compress helps to cope with pain, which is recommended to use the first three days after trauma. For effective treatment of a habitual dislocation, resort to surgical intervention. Surgical methods are very diverse, their choice depends on the specifics of the case, but usually they designate a Bankart operation.

    An important stage in the treatment of dislocation of the shoulder joint is the recovery period, which begins from the first days after the return of the joint elements to their original position. Rehabilitation activities include physiotherapy and exercise therapy.

    The recommendation to prevent the development of habitual dislocation is to strengthen the damaged ligaments. For this purpose, a number of special exercises with light dumbbells and an expander are carried out during the rehabilitation period.

    The prognosis for dislocation of the shoulder joint is ambiguous, as there is always the possibility of a re-dislocation, especially in active young patients.

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