  • Hair care in summer

    In the summer, hair requires close attention from its mistress. Sun rays, sea water, warm dry wind have a detrimental effect on the hair, leaving fragile, split, dull hair that "can not be stored" as a "memory" of summer rest. How to keep the beauty of hair in summer?

    In the summer, is a good moisturizing shampoo with , which includes nutrients. They protect hair from overdrying, nourish and retain moisture. You can use these shampoos daily( this should be written on the product label).After washing with these products, the hair becomes soft to the touch and easily combed.

    A place of honor in the list of hair care products in the summer is .It creates additional protection for the hair, promotes their attractive appearance, better combing and styling.

    It is useful to use a special protective spray for hair , which also prevents hair from drying and burning out in the sun. You can choose a waterproof spray for hair - and then your hair is not scary and bathing in the sea.

    When choosing the hair care products in the summer , see that their packaging indicates the words SUN and UV filter - this means that this series is designed just to protect the hair from the sun. The composition of such drugs should include vitamins A and E, various oils( olive, shea butter, jojoba) and herbs.

    Do not neglect the headdresses in summer time - a hat, a baseball cap, a handkerchief - especially if you have to stay in the open sun for a long time. Choose a hat for your style of dress and face shape - and it will not only be an excellent means of protecting your hair from the sun, but also an excellent addition to your everyday wardrobe.

    It is undesirable to be with wet or damp hair under the open sun - water enhances the effect of ultraviolet. And that to save hair from the destructive effect of sea water, after bathing in the sea it is recommended to rinse them with slightly sweetened water.

    A good means for hair care in summer are various herbal decoctions and infusions of , which you can rinse your hair daily. Here are a few recipes for these infusions:

    Lime infusion .Pour 100 g of lime-colored 2 cups of water, bring to a boil, persist for 15 minutes, strain.

    Infusion of chamomile flowers( nettle, string, lemon balm)
    .2 tablespoonsflowers pour 1 cup boiling water, insist for 10 minutes, strain.
    Rinse hair after washing instead of conditioner.

    Yarrow broth .2 tablespoonsherbs pour 1 glass of water, boil for 5 minutes, insist, drain. Daily rub in the scalp.

    Excellent means for hair care in summer - mask of herbs .To make it, you need to take 100 g of fresh burdock roots, grind them, pour a glass of olive oil and insist for a day. The mixture is cooked on low heat for 15 minutes, cool, strain. The hair is greased with the received mask abundantly, covered with parchment paper, and on top - with a towel. After 2 hours, the mask should be thoroughly rinsed off the hair.

    Another recipe home hair mask - a mixture of vegetable oil with egg yolk and lemon juice. This mask should be applied to the hair and hold for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

    If folk remedies are not credible, go to the cosmetics store. Here you will find many hair care products in the summer .Various lotions, masks, ampoules, whey and whole complexes for caring for dull and weak hair are waiting for you here. Of course, for their use will have to pay a tidy sum, which can not be said about penny grass. And the effect, it is worth noting, is almost the same.

    Do not deny yourself scalp massage .Make it very simple - just use a soft brush to comb your hair and massage the hair at the roots with it.

    In summer, minimizes hair styling( lacquers, mousses), curling( especially chemical), hair dyeing, complex hairstyles - in general, any manipulation of hair, which can cause them additional damage. Avoid using a hair dryer - in the hot summer, hair will dry quickly and by itself.

    If it is necessary to use hair styling products, give preference to styling products marked with SPF protection ( sun protection).

    Proper hair care in summer is necessary to preserve beautiful hair, healthy hair, attractive hairstyle. Let summer rest will not bring harm to your hair, and they will remain soft, supple and dense.

    Also recommend reading the article: how to care for long hair.