  • How to lose weight in a week?

    It should be remembered that slimming is a stress for the body. Often resorting to aggressive diets can cause irreparable harm to health. Therefore, it is necessary to use a fast diet only when absolutely necessary, when it is urgent to put oneself in order.

    And yet, there are circumstances that force you to take a harmful diet to lose weight in a week. For example, if you go on vacation on the seashore in a week, then you need to remove the extra pounds. Or if you are preparing for a serious event, but you can not afford to wear a tight fitting outfit due to creases on your stomach. These and other serious circumstances require a drastic change in diet.

    How can I lose weight in a week? Rules

    In order not to damage your health, it is necessary to observe the following rules:

    1. Use a lot of liquid( up to 2 liters).This will prevent dehydration.
    2. Follow the recommended menu. Do not add or replace products.
    3. With a diet, it is useful to combine sports, fitness, aerobics.

    4. Apply vitamins.
    5. Avoid the use of flour products, sweets, alcohol.
    6. Avoid abrupt withdrawal from the diet. Over the next week, limit yourself to eating. If you do not adhere to the last rule, the hated pounds will appear on your body again.

    Kefir diet

    It is quite gentle and allows you to lose weight at home for 5 kg a week. All products recommended for daily use are divided 3-4 times. The main product is kefir - 1.5 liters per day. In addition to the following products are used.

    1st day. For a day you can eat boiled potatoes - 5 pcs.

    Day 2.Cooked chicken - 100 gr.

    Day 3.Cooked non-fat fish - 100 gr.

    4th day. Boiled beef - 100 gr.

    5th day. Vegetables and fruits - any number. But it is necessary to exclude the use of bananas and grapes.

    6th day.(Only yogurt).

    Day 7.Mineral water is unlimited.

    Fasting fasting

    This is the most effective method of weight loss, which allows you to lose up to 10 kg within 7 days. And if you use this method in a month, then drop another 3-4 kg. The development of this diet was practiced by dietitians, so it does not harm your health. How can I lose weight in a week with fasting?

    Day 1.You need to drink mineral water - 6 glasses.

    Day 2.Milk - 4 glasses. And at night you can pamper yourself with a green apple.

    Day 3.Mineral water - 6 glasses.

    Day 4.Mineral water or unsweetened tea - 2 cups. Salad from vegetables - from carrots, cabbage and greens with the addition of olive oil - 3 portions.

    5th day. Milk - 4 glasses.

    6th day. On this day, the menu is quite varied:

    For breakfast: boiled egg - 1 piece, unsweetened tea - 1.5.glass.
    For the 2nd breakfast: a small amount of vegetable broth.
    For lunch: boiled beef - 100 gr., Green peas - 100 gr.
    At noon, dinner and 2 nd dinner: an apple - 1 pc.

    Day 7.Cottage cheese - 100-150 gr., Kefir - 1 liter., Unsweetened tea - 1 glass.

    Grapefruit diet

    It is less effective in other ways in the struggle for weight loss, following it you can achieve weight reduction of up to 4 kg. However, this type of weight loss is quite useful for the body and does not have any side effect. Due to the diversity of the diet, no additional use of vitamins is required. How to lose weight in 1 week with the help of grapefruit?

    Day 1.

    For breakfast: grapefruit - 1 piece, ham - 50-100 gr., Unsweetened tea - 1 glass.
    For lunch: grapefruit - 1 pc., Vegetable salad, unsweetened tea - 1 glass.
    For dinner: baked veal, beef or chicken - 150 gr., Greens.

    Day 2.

    For breakfast: fried eggs - 2 eggs, grapefruit juice -1 glass.
    For lunch: 1 grapefruit, low-fat cheese - 50 gr.
    For dinner: lean fish for a couple - 200 gr., Salad from vegetables and bread - 1 slice.

    Day 3.

    For breakfast: grapefruit - 1 piece, yoghurt with muesli - 1 glass.
    For lunch: grapefruit - 1 pc., Vegetable soup with rusks.
    For dinner: 0.5 grapefruit, grilled chicken - 200 gr., Baked tomatoes - 2 pcs., Unsweetened tea - 1 glass.

    4th day.

    For breakfast: boiled egg - 1 piece, tomato juice - 1 glass.
    For lunch: grapefruit - 1 pc., Vegetable salad, bread - 1 slice.
    For dinner: a small amount of vegetable stew, unsweetened tea - 1 glass.
    Overnight: Grapefruit - 1 pc.

    5th day.

    For breakfast: fruit salad( with the addition of grapefruit), unsweetened tea - 1 glass.
    For lunch: potatoes baked - 2 pcs., Cabbage salad.
    For dinner: baked veal, beef, fish or chicken - 200 gr., Tomato juice - 1 glass.
    At night: grapefruit juice - 1 glass.

    6th day. You can use the previous days menu.

    7th day. You can use the previous days menu.

    Unloading soup diet

    This method of losing weight offers a balanced diet and at the same time an excellent result - up to 9 kg. The main difference of this diet from other "seven days" is that it can be used quite often without harm to health.

    So, if you want to know how fast to lose weight in a week - sit on a miracle soup! It is he who is the main dish in the unloading menu. It contains the minimum number of calories, so it is used for any appearance of hunger.

    Recipe for a miracle soup for weight loss


    onion - 6 pcs.;
    tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
    small head of cabbage - 1 piece;
    sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
    celery - 1 bunch;
    vegetable broth - 1 cube.

    Vegetables finely chopped and poured with water, add salt, pepper, curry. Boil the soup for 10 minutes.on a high fire, and then on a slow one - until ready.
    Soup is consumed every day with other products. But they can not be cooked for fat.

    Following this diet, you can eat the following foods:

    1st day. Few fruits( except bananas);unsweetened tea, coffee or water - 1sakan.

    2nd day.

    For breakfast: Several vegetables - raw and canned -( except for legumes, peas and corn);greenery.
    For lunch: baked potatoes, water.

    Day 3.Several fruits( excluding bananas);any number of vegetables( excluding potatoes and legumes);water.

    4th day. Several fruits and vegetables;milk;water.

    5th day. Beef - 300-600 g;tomatoes - 5 pcs.; water - up to 8 glasses.

    Day 6.Beef - 500 g;a few any vegetables( excluding potatoes);water.

    Day 7.Several vegetables;a little brown rice;fruit unsweetened juice and water.


    Following this diet for six days, you can get rid of 4 to 5 kg. Proposed products must be divided and consumed 4-6 times a day.

    1st day. The use of hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs - 6 pcs.,

    2nd day. Low-fat cottage cheese - 500 gr.;

    Day 3.Boiled chicken fillet - 750 g;

    4th day. Cooked rice - 200 g;

    5th day. Boiled potatoes - 6 pcs.;

    6th day. Unlimited number of apples.

    As you can see diets for losing weight for a week is enough. The most important thing is to find that diet that will not only help to reduce weight, but will also bring health benefits. Lose weight fast, lose weight with use!

    Who among us wants to lose weight as quickly as possible? Everyone who began to think seriously about his figure, want to get a good result in the shortest possible time. Indeed, at present, the media offers a large number of ways to quickly lose weight in a week. The secret of effectiveness lies in the low calorie content of these diets. Adhering to them, for seven days you can lose weight from 5 to 10 kg.

    Harm to fast diets and reasons for using them