
How to straighten hair at home with a hairdryer, ironing and other means

  • How to straighten hair at home with a hairdryer, ironing and other means

    You can straighten almost any type of hair, so if you decide on such a procedure, we will tell you about all the methods that you can use. This requires a hairdryer, ironing or cosmetic, such as shampoo, burdock oil, balm or cream. Read more about the methods below.


    • Leveling with a hair dryer
    • Straightening with an iron
    • Hand tools: how to operate without ironing and a hair dryer?
    • Cosmetics for hair straightening
    • How to smooth your hair after a permanent wave?
    • How to deal with curly hair?

    Leveling with a hair dryer

    Perhaps the most affordable method of "taming" stubborn curls is the use of a hair dryer. However, it will help only if the hair curl quite a bit. So, you need to act according to the following scheme:

    1. After washing, remove excess moisture from the hair with a towel.

    2. Treat curls with a thermal protective agent( spray or milk), as well as softening balm.

    3. Divide the entire head of hair into two layers along a horizontal line extending from ear to ear. The upper part is fixed with a barrette or studs.
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    4. Separate a small strand from the bottom layer, comb it in the direction from the roots to the ends. Turn the hair dryer on to the highest temperature and blow the strand in the same direction. Again, swipe on it with a brush from top to bottom.

    5. Dry all hair in the same way. Secure your hair with a small amount of varnish.

    This method of betraying the curls of smoothness requires a minimum of improvised tools, but it takes a long time and produces a short-term result.

    Visual video:

    Straightening with iron

    The ability of each hair to curl is determined by the presence of hydrogen bonds in one of its layers, called the cortex. With the help of hot ironing( straightener, styler) these bonds are easy to break and make the strands even. The rectification algorithm is as follows:

    1. Apply a thermal protection agent to damp hair and dry it naturally or with a hair dryer.

    2. Separate the lower part of the hair along a horizontal line that is at the level of the middle of the ears. Rest other locks.

    3. Consistently break the locks into strands and treat them with iron, heated to 180-200 degrees. Slip from top to bottom, trying to level one curl in one move. If you want to give a hair volume, keep the strands at the time of alignment perpendicular to the head.

    4. Separate another layer of hair along a line just above the ears. Fix the upper part of the curls. Align the strand behind the strand, then dissolve the remaining hair and process it.

    5. Walk on the hairbrush with a brush and sprinkle it with varnish.

    Video instruction:

    It is worth noting that even the best quality styler, with frequent use, spoils the hair structure. To prevent this, it is necessary to use a heat-protective spray or milk, and also to arrange for your locks days, free from leveling.

    Aids: how to operate without ironing and a hair dryer?

    As already mentioned, the constant use of ironing and a hairdryer adversely affects the condition of the hair. But you can even out the curls without them.

    To implement the first method you need a cut of silk fabric. Wet your hair with a towel, pulling them down. After the curls become slightly moist, they need to be combed and wrapped in silk, forming a "pipe" on the back of the hair and fabric. Dry in such a state of hair, it will be straight and smooth.

    The second option is the use of oils and beverages. Their effectiveness is based on thickening, weighting and smoothing of each hair. For alignment are suitable:
    Castor, burdock and olive oil. They need to be applied to the hair for 30 minutes, and then washed off, using a shampoo.
  • Cognac and apple cider vinegar. One of these liquids should be treated with curls, and after 30 minutes, rinse. By the way, the vinegar diluted in water( 1 large spoon per liter of water) can be used to rinse the ringlets after washing. This will also facilitate their alignment.

  • Strong tea with sugar( 200 ml of boiling water, 1 teaspoon of tea leaves and sugar).This "lotion" should be applied to wet hair with a cotton disc and allow them to dry.

  • Beer. An intoxicating drink should be rubbed into clean wet hair, moving from roots to tips. It is not necessary to wash it off.

  • Colorless henna. The powder should be diluted with warm water until the paste forms, and after 5-10 minutes lubricate it with damp hair and wrap it. The exposure time of the mask is up to half an hour. At the end, rinses should be rinsed very well.

  • The main plus of all the above described means is that they not only do not damage the hair, but also make them more shiny, sturdy and obedient.

    Cosmetics for straightening hair

    Folk remedies for hair straightening have many advantages, but they do not provide a firm and pronounced result. Their worthy alternative are cosmetic preparations, namely:

    1. Shampoos .Cleansers for hair straightening contain various weighting agents - silicones, panthenol, sodium hydroxide, silk proteins and so on. These components remain on the ringlets after washing and smooth them. To fix the effect, dry the hair with a hair dryer, separately treating each strand from the roots to the ends with hot air, and using mousse or varnish for styling. Such a shampoo does not last long, but in any case it gives the hair softness and smoothness.

    2. Creams or balms .These drugs must be applied on dry locks along the entire length and leave for 30-40 minutes. It is advisable to use a brush for this. Then the hair needs to be washed using shampoo and dried. Some creams need to treat wet clean hair and do not flush them. The exact instructions are given on the product label. A significant disadvantage of balms and creams for leveling is their fat content, because of which hair literally by the end of the day becomes stale.

    3. Serums and Sprays .They work only in tandem with a styler. Similar means are applied to wet washed hair, and after drying the curls are applied again to enhance the effect. Then the strands are leveled with iron. Sprays and serums simultaneously protect hair from heat and facilitate their straightening.

    The most famous manufacturers of non-professional hair smoothing products are Schwarzkopf, Nivea, L'Oreal, Dove and Matrix.

    How can I smooth my hair after a permanent wave?

    Deciding on experiments with hair, women are not always satisfied with the result. So often happens with a chemical wave: violent curls are not to the face of a girl or quickly bother her. Fortunately, it is quite possible to get rid of them.

    The alignment procedure will need to be repeated every time after washing the head. Also need to acquire means for straightening hair, thermal protection product, a powerful hair dryer and ironing. The plan of action is as follows:

    1. Wash hair with a straightening shampoo and treat with a cream or balm with the same properties.

    2. Apply a thermal protection agent to wet strands.

    3. Dry the hair with a hair dryer, pulling each strand with a round brush brushing from the roots to the ends.

    4. Step by step smooth out the locks with iron. Fix your hair with a varnish.

    You can use folk remedies instead of finished cosmetics for hair straightening. Here are some of them.

    1. Gelatin .It is required to dilute a tablespoon of dry gelatin in the same amount of shampoo, and after its swelling add a few drops of vitamins A and E to the mass. This paste should be lubricated with clean wet hair, and after 30 minutes again wash them. Thanks to the gelatin mask, the strands will become stronger, heavier and smoother.

    2. Vinegar and oils .It is necessary to mix a glass of apple cider vinegar and water, adding to them 2-3 large spoons of almond oil. This solution must be applied to the hair, for half an hour, and then cleaned with shampoo.

    3. Honey .Heated liquid honey on the water bath should be spread over the entire length of damp clean curls, then cover them with polyethylene and put on the cap. It is advisable to wash off this mask only after 8 hours.

    A faster way to return hair smoothness is to conduct chemical leveling or bio-straightening in a beauty salon. Both methods involve the treatment of curls with a special composition and their subsequent stretching with a brush. However, the second is considered more careful and progressive.

    Anyway, the alignment of hair after a chemical wave with the help of synthetic solutions, hair dryer and ironing badly affects their health. Therefore, in parallel with straightening it is recommended to treat locks with various nutritious masks.

    How to deal with curly hair?

    Hair that naturally curls very strongly, of course, can be pulled out daily with a hair dryer or a styler, and also treated with special cosmetics. But after a while they will inevitably resemble a loofah. Therefore, it is better to turn to professionals and take advantage of the latest achievements of the beauty industry.

    Chemical leveling

    Chemical hair straightening is performed by treating curls with one of three substances:

    • sodium hydroxide - the most affordable, but harmful to the hair drug;

    • with guanidine hydroxide is a substance that very much overdoes curls;

    • ammonium thioglycollate is the most sparing and expensive composition.

    To give smoothness, the reagent is applied to curls for a rather long time - up to 5 hours. Since the hair has a property to grow, then to maintain the effect of the procedure must be regularly repeated.

    Chemical leveling even with the use of not very aggressive substances badly affects the structure of the hair: they become brittle and lifeless. However, it eliminates the need to constantly draw curls ironing.

    Brazilian( keratin) leveling

    Brazilian hair smoothing involves their treatment with a composition with keratin - a natural protein. After the procedure, the effect of which is visible up to 5 months, the curls become not only even, but also more durable, shiny and obedient.

    However, if the hair is very thin and weak, then after a while after straightening, they begin to curl a little. To avoid this, it is worth:

    • not to wash your hair and do not use hairpins( elastic) in the first 2-3 days after the session;

    • to clean curls with a special shampoo without sulphates, it is advisable that he is recommended by a hairdresser.


    There is one more procedure that gives the curly locks a smoothness - this is lamination. Its essence consists in covering each hair with a "breathing" microfilm of cellulose, which protects it from excess moisture, dirt, heat, ultraviolet, chemical components of cosmetics and so on.

    In addition, the composition of the laminating solution includes vitamins, keratin, antioxidants and other substances that nourish and revitalize the hair. As a result of the procedure, the curls become brighter in color, voluminous and smooth, and easier to lay down. Quality lamination up to 6 weeks. However, straightening with its help can only light waves.

    No procedure is performed if hair is actively falling out. First you need to establish the cause of this process and eliminate it. In addition, lamination on very thick and thick hair is ineffective. Significant disadvantages of this technique - a high price and the need for frequent sessions.

    Hair straightening with the help of chemistry, keratin or laminating composition it is desirable to carry out in the beauty salon. You can buy the appropriate preparation and carry out the procedure, of course, you can do it yourself, but a positive result in this case is not guaranteed.

    Today, most stylists agree that the beauty of a woman lies in its naturalness. This also applies to the appearance of the hair. Naturally, it is possible and necessary to slightly correct natural data, but within reasonable limits and only with the help of safe means.