  • How to do a pedicure at home

    From the article you will learn:

    How to make a classical pedicure

    Of course, a pedicure can be done at home, but if the nailsgrown too much - it is very difficult to cut them evenly, that's why it's better to go to a beauty salon for the first time. This is especially necessary if you have many corns and dense layers of skin on the soles of your feet, with an incorrect approach, you can injure your skin and carry an infection, which is completely undesirable.

    If you do a pedicure at home, then first of all you need to prepare a bath. Add baking soda, sage and calendula to warm water, and then hold the legs in it for about 10 minutes. Next, you need to process the heels, since the skin is very soft and it can be processed without problems.

    To remove excess layer of skin, scrub is used, preferably with pine nuts or peach bones, it acts more aggressively, but carefully removes the old layer of skin and nourishes it. Rub a scrub for about 10 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly. You can not immediately cut the cuticle, it is better to remove it with a gentle stick from the orange tree. Do not forget to treat the skin near the nails with a special cream.
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    Cut nails easily, you need to do it neatly and in a straight line. On the thumb is the most dense nail, it can begin to separate, so cut it into three sets. You can not cut corners, they can deform and grow inside your finger when they grow back. If you still cut the corners, take care of your feet and do not wear tight shoes, it prevents the growth of nails. Every day after the procedure you need to make a bath with the addition of chamomile, it relaxes the skin and relieves inflammation. If after cutting you have not achieved the desired shape - use the nail file. After the treatment of nails, you can cover them with varnish, but everything is strictly individual here, because the varnish emphasizes the beauty of the nails, and if the shape of the fingers and nails on the legs is twisted, this will be very noticeable. Do not forget that it is better to use a different color of varnish on the legs and hands, it attracts a lot of attention and looks very original.

    How to do a SPA pedicure at home

    If you need complex care for the skin of the legs and nails, it is better to perform a SPA pedicure. This is a procedure in which reflex and classical foot massage are performed, and perform all the necessary procedures with nails: build-up and leveling, varnishing. It also treats calluses on the legs, and it is completely safe, because it uses European equipment and high-quality therapeutic mud.

    Very useful procedure for those who have corns on their feet appear regularly. Use special ointments and creams that prevent the appearance of dry corns. The legs are applied antiseptic gel, and then dipped in a hydromasser containing salts of the Dead Sea. Since soap aggressively affects the skin, it is not used during the massage of the feet. When the legs are cleaned and the skin is relaxed, you can apply a scrub. The difference between scrub for SPA pedicure is that it is rich in minerals and vitamins, which not only improves the condition of the legs, but also the condition of the entire body. After scrub, apply a nourishing mask on the skin to reduce irritation.

    At the end of the procedure, the legs are dipped in a paraffin bath, this is necessary to restore the skin, and improve the mobility of the joints. In addition, paraffin works well on the pores, they open, blood flows to the skin of the legs, and the skin regenerates very quickly. Do not be afraid of paraffin, it's not such a painful procedure as it might seem at first glance, but very useful and effective. Before you dip your feet into paraffin, they are spread with a nourishing protective cream. Next, you dip your feet into the heated cosmetic paraffin, but as it quickly melts, the chance of getting burns is very low. When the paraffin hardens, special socks can be worn on your feet to keep warm. Then you will sit in warm socks until the beautician removes them, this completes the procedure.

    How to make chocolate pedicure correctly

    Chocolate pedicure has the official name - the Norwegian pedicure. He came to us from Scandinavia, in which winters are characterized by severe frosts, and the skin of the hands and feet is severely affected. The main advantage of this pedicure is to protect the skin of the legs: nails do not crack, and the skin does not burst. This procedure may seem strange, because the funds used are not used in other types of pedicure.

    Preheat the milk in a saucepan, no matter whether it is fatty milk or skim milk. And then put your feet in a bath of warm milk. It very carefully moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the legs, initiates regenerative processes that regenerate skin tissues and relieve you of dry and dense corns. Next you need to mix paraffin with chocolate, pre-heat them to get a liquid mass. Apply the mixture on the feet, it has a pleasant effect: the skin is softened and moistened, and the nails become smooth and even.

    Secrets of the male pedicure

    Men do pedicure not so much for the beauty of the legs, as for the prevention of all kinds of diseases, for example, painful calluses and fungi. It is not necessary to choose a pedicure for a long time, it is enough to use a classical or SPA-pedicure. Simply unzip the skin of your feet in a medicinal bath with the addition of calendula, and then cut off the calluses and rough areas of the skin. You can also use a scrub for this purpose. Men are better to conduct the hardware manicure, it does not cause pain, but it works very effectively. For the first procedure, you need to contact the beauty salon to see how a professional works, otherwise you can get an infection.