
Treatment of hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland with the help of medications

  • Treatment of hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland with the help of medications

    Uncaused weight loss, heat intolerance and general malaise of the body doctors diagnose as possible symptoms of thyroid hyperthyroidism - in this case there is an increased production of thyroid hormones by this endocrine organ, which leads to a violation of the normal hormonal background of the body. Thyroid gland with increasing its functional capacity negatively affects the proper functioning of the heart, metabolic processes, the transformation of food into energy, the system of genital organs, the amount of cholesterol in the body, and the psychoemotional state. Thus, the slightest anomalies in the functioning of the thyroid gland fundamentally affect the functioning of the organism as a whole.

    Quite rarely, thyroid hyperthyroidism occurs due to an abnormal secretion of TSH( thyroid-stimulating hormone) by a pathologically altered pituitary gland - most often the anomaly of the gland itself and other diseases that affect the condition of this organ contribute to the onset of this condition. Accordingly, the causes of the disease are:

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    • Diffuse toxic goiter develops in almost 80% of patients, with hyperthyroidism in men being extremely rare, unlike women. During the disease, patients have gastritis, autoimmune hepatitis.
    • Thyroiditis develops against the background of infectious diseases, as a result of which inflammatory processes in the thyroid gland are observed.
    • Adenoma of the gland or nodular goiter, manifested by increased activity of some sections of the gland - so-called "hot knots" are formed.
    • Uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs containing hormones T3 and T4.
    • Hereditary predisposition, persistent stress, neuropsychic disorders.
    • Autoimmune disorders - in this case, both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can be detected with equal probability.

    Symptoms and signs of the disease

    Among the external signs of the disease, specialists distinguish the following manifestations:

    • Bulging eyeballs, swollen upper eyelids, bags under the eyes, distraction of attention.
    • Fine hand tremor, increased appetite, while the patient does not get fat, moreover, he can lose significant body weight, because the accelerated metabolism, which led to abnormal work of the gland, does not allow enough time to convert the resulting calories into energy.

    The main symptoms during the disease are:

    • Disrupted cardiovascular system: pain in the heart, tachycardia, rapid pulse, shortness of breath, etc.
    • Sleep problems( insomnia), frequent mood changes, short temper and irritability, memory problems.
    • In women, menstrual irregularities occur( sometimes completely absent), men have a decreased potency, fertility changes( infertility is reversible in the early stages of this condition, but the long existence of a high content of thyroxin and triiodothyronine affects the gonads of the patient).

    Treatment and Diagnosis of

    Disease Not all symptoms of thyroid hyperthyroidism often appear simultaneously, problems can be detected during general body diagnostics or data analysis. In order to establish the fact of the disease by the fact, guided by external signs, as well as the results of a patient's examination, which is conducted using biopsy, ultrasound, a blood test for the presence of hormones and scintigraphy.

    Depending on the complexity and type of the disease, the endocrinologist appoints individual treatment:

    • conservative,
    • surgical,
    • using radioactive iodine.

    Treatment with medications

    Initially, treatment is reduced to the use of antithyroid drugs. Among the first are: Propitsil, Tiamazol and Karbimazol, take it daily, dosage - at least 30 mg, the course of treatment is a year and a half. In this case, it is necessary to regularly take blood tests for the number of hormones to monitor the general state of the body.

    In case of deterioration, use of radioactive iodine in the form of sodium salt capsules( 131I) is recommended, due to which the enlarged gland tissue dissolves under the influence of radiation. The effect of using the drug is achieved in 90% of cases.

    Operative treatment

    The operation is appointed in case of intolerance of the prescribed medicines by the body, large size of goiter, re-development of the disease. After surgery, the size of the gland does not exceed 3 mm, which can lead to the development of hypothyroidism - a condition that is characterized by an inadequate production of thyroid hormones.

    Folk methods of fighting hyperthyroidism

    If a patient has thyroid hyperthyroidism, folk treatment is not recommended, since the disease is very serious and its development or remission affects the condition of the body. Before you choose the drugs yourself, you need to undergo a test, and only after establishing the reason to begin treatment under the strict supervision of a doctor.

    The only thing that can be supplemented with the treatment is vitamins in hyperthyroidism( Vitamin Complexes Centrum, Vitrum and B vitamins), diet food( a large number of vegetables, fruits), no stress, overwork. Hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland requires a scrupulous approach in diagnosis and treatment,full compliance with the recommendations of a doctor, the only way to successfully get rid of problems. Do not give up the treatment that the doctor recommends - correct selection of drugs helps to eliminate not only the symptoms of the disease, but also the changes that triggered the development of hyperthyroidism.

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