  • Treatment of hyperthyroidism surgically and comprehensively

    Problems with the thyroid gland are of concern to many people today, as overly active hormone production affects the whole body, which immediately results in symptoms of a disease called hyperthyroidism.

    The causes of active hormone production by the thyroid gland are most often Basedova's disease, nodal formations in this endocrine organ, acute and subacute inflammatory processes - that is why, in the early stages of the disease, you need to see a doctor and get a check-up. If the patient develops hyperthyroidism, the treatment is performed by several methods depending on the cause of the pathology, the stage of the disease and the general condition of the organism.

    The diagnostic program is the key to the diagnosis and treatment of

    Before active therapy begins, specialists should be consulted - if the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism takes place under the supervision of doctors, they will be able not only to reveal this condition, but also all the attendant factors. Analyzes for hyperthyroidism are as follows:

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    • The blood levels of thyroid hormone and thyroid-stimulating hormone are determined, which is the product of the pituitary gland. In this way, it is possible to diagnose not only manifest( manifest) forms of pathology, but subclinical hyperthyroidism.
    • ultrasound allows you to find out the size and density of the thyroid gland, the structure and features of the blood flow.
    • The procedure of biopsy( puncture) of the thyroid gland is performed.
    • Scintigraphy allows you to find out the activity of different parts of the thyroid gland by accumulating iodine.

    After complete examination and results, the doctor recommends the treatment of hyperthyroidism, based on the analysis and condition of the patient's body. Regardless of the type of disease, and in case of ophthalmopathy in hyperthyroidism, and with other symptoms, the treatment is directed to:

    1. To normalize the production of thyroid hormones, in this case, drug therapy is used.
    2. For surgical removal of the cause of an increase in the thyroid gland( adenoma, goiter, swelling).
    3. Symptomatic treatment of the disease is aimed at restoring the overall normal life of the body and eliminating certain painful manifestations of hyperthyroidism.

    Medications for hyperthyroidism

    Among the drugs are two groups of effective drugs that can compensate for hyperthyroidism syndrome. To such preparations carry:

    • Antithyroid preparations prescribe more often at small size of a thyroid gland( no more than 40 ml) or as preparation for an operative measure( in order to reduce pressure of a gland on the next organs).Recently, antithyroid drugs from the group of thionamides( Merkazolil, Thiamazol) have been increasingly used, which effectively suppress the function of the thyroid gland.

    In the first days of treatment, it is recommended to take 30-40 mg of the drug twice a day, gradually lowering the dose, to normalize the gland, usually after taking large doses of antithyroid drugs, improvement occurs after a month or one and a half. After a second examination, the doctor will prescribe medication with a lower dose of 10 mg of Thiamazole per day - the treatment of hyperthyroidism lasts for one year in this way.

    After taking medications, the body's specific reactions are observed: allergies( urticaria, Quincke's edema, dermatitis), a decrease in the level of leukocytes and platelets in the blood. Therefore, doctors recommend to undergo treatment under constant supervision, periodically to give a general blood test every ten days to prevent complications.

    • Treatment of thyroid hyperthyroidism is carried out using carbimazole, which is a long-acting drug, while effective. Due to its components, carbimazole not only affects the formation of gland hormones, but also effectively inhibits the conversion of T4( thyroxine) to a more active T3( triiodothyronine).

    Drugs for hyperthyroidism can not completely relieve the disease, for the effective treatment requires a comprehensive approach: a diet for hyperthyroidism, physical activity, folk methods, but their combination should be agreed with the doctor.

    Radioactive iodine

    Since the thyroid gland needs iodine to produce hormones, doctors, in conjunction with medical treatment, use radioactive iodine( I131).However, this type of treatment is used very rarely and only in developed countries, since the stock of radioactive iodine is very small. Iodine is taken orally in capsules of sodium salt - getting into the body, radioactive iodine decomposes, and under the influence of radiation, the cells of the thyroid gland are destroyed. Practically in 90% of patients after using this method of treatment, remission of hyperthyroidism occurred.

    Surgical treatment methods

    Only surgical procedures are applied in case of:

    • Large goiter size.
    • If drugs for the treatment of hyperthyroidism cause major side effects.
    • If, after a course of taking antithyroid drugs, the patient experienced a relapse or treatment was ineffective.

    Before the operation, the patient is prescribed a course of antithyroid drugs to reduce the number of hormones in the gland in the body, in the case of individual intolerance, the patient is prescribed b-adrenoblockers. Also propranolol in combination with solutions of potassium and sodium is recommended for hyperthyroidism in newborns. After surgery, there is a risk of developing the opposite syndrome - hypothyroidism, in which case the patient is prescribed lifelong replacement therapy.

    An integrated approach is addressed by all

    . Whatever the effectiveness of the individual therapy methods, the most effective is only an integrated approach in the treatment of the disease. Thus, not only the thyroid gland is covered, but also other organs for greater strengthening of the body. The complex method includes:

    • Procedures aimed at inhibiting the work of the thyroid gland, especially when treating hyperthyroidism in women, since it is women who are more prone to the disease. In addition, gland failure can directly affect the functioning of the reproductive system.
    • Bioresonance therapy is aimed at treating any parasitic and infectious load on the body( recognized by not all doctors).
    • Purification of the body from decomposition products after iodine treatment.
    • Rehabilitation with the help of restorative procedures for strengthening the musculoskeletal system and CNS( psychosomatic and osteopathy).

    Thus, all of the above procedures are aimed at curing a patient of an acquired disease or curing congenital hyperthyroidism. In both cases, the effectiveness of treatment will depend on the experience of the attending physician, the procedures chosen and, most importantly, on the patient's desire to get rid of or reduce the manifestations of the disease.

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