  • How is gynaecomastia manifested, treated and determined in men?

    Unfortunately, many men for one reason or another are faced with a condition such as gynecomastia. Of course, for life this pathology is not at all dangerous, but, nevertheless, this disease can bring a lot of anxiety and unpleasant experiences. After all, gynecomastia in men leads to serious psychological problems, since the owner of enlarged mammary glands has to hide this defect from others.

    What is gynecomastia in men?

    Gynecomastia doctors call an increase in one or two mammary glands in a man. Moreover, the enlargement of the gland may be different - from one to ten centimeters. On the average, this size is four centimeters. Such a pathology gives the man a lot of worry, since the defect is quite noticeable through the thin fabric of the shirt or T-shirt.

    Often there is a true gynecomastia, caused by too much proliferation of glandular tissue of the mammary glands. But with obesity, there is often a so-called difficult gynecomastia in men, associated with severe fat deposits in the chest and, in particular, the mammary glands.

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    It should be noted that gynecomastia can be a symptom of many serious diseases that necessarily require treatment. That's why a man who finds himself even a slight increase in the size of the mammary glands, it is worth turning to a specialist for diagnosis and necessary treatment.

    Gynecomastia in men: the causes of

    Specialists studying such a common pathology as gynecomastia are sure that there are a lot of reasons for its occurrence. One of the main reasons for the appearance of this defect are diseases accompanied by disruptions in the endocrine system. These include the following diseases:

    • hypothyroidism;
    • Reifenstein's syndrome;
    • testicular tumors;
    • adrenal and pituitary tumors;
    • chorionic carcinoma;
    • Klinefelter's syndrome;Testicular feminization.

    Also gynecomastia in men can occur with leprosy, dystrophy, liver cirrhosis or bronchial cancer. This is why when you have the first symptoms of gynecomastia, you should consult a qualified doctor.

    There are also medicinal products that promote the appearance of this pathology with long-term admission. These include drugs such as digitalis, reserpine, spironolactone and others. Also, gynecomastia is often observed in bodybuilders. The appearance of this pathology in these men is associated not with strength training and not with special sports nutrition, but with the intake of anabolic steroids.

    Due to the taking of these drugs in the male body, the formation of female sex hormones occurs, which provoke the development of breast pathology. Therefore, gynecomastia from steroids may well arise in men who are intensely engaged in bodybuilding.

    Most often, gynecomastia develops during periods of hormonal changes in the body, namely in infancy, in adolescents 12-15 years, as well as in older men over 45 years of age. Such gynecomastia is called physiological.

    Sometimes this pathology develops in men who engage in sports, during a sharp restriction of physical activity. After all, during intensive training, the balance of hormones in the body is somewhat disrupted in favor of a hormone called testosterone. If there are no loads, and the athlete's psychological state is bad, then the amount of already female hormones increases in the body, which leads to gynecomastia.

    Gynecomastia in men: symptoms of

    With gynecomastia, first of all, breast augmentation develops. Doctors distinguish three stages of this disease:

    1. Proliferating( developing).Lasts no more than four months;
    2. Intermediate. It lasts from five to twelve months. At this stage, the mammary glands grow quite large in size;
    3. Fibrous. At the same time, the fat and connective tissue form in the breast, the chest becomes somewhat denser and looks much like a woman's.

    The bilateral gynecomastia is most often observed, but sometimes the pathology develops only in one gland. When palpation in the gland in this case, a local compaction is felt. Also, during palpation, the occurrence of pain can occur.

    Sometimes a nipple can reveal a secret. There is also an asymmetric development of the testicles. Sometimes gynecomastia is accompanied by changes in the thyroid gland and abdominal organs. Often, men complain of the sensation of itching, raspiraniya and heaviness in the zone of mammary glands.

    Diagnosis and treatment of

    In order to correctly diagnose a surgeon, first of all, he conducts a thorough examination of his patient. X-rays of the chest, ultrasound of regional lymph nodes and mammary glands, computed tomography of the adrenal glands and a blood test, including hormonal profile studies, are also performed.

    Treatment can be both conservative and surgical. As a rule, in most cases, nevertheless conservative treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. Drugs are appointed by an endocrinologist. If there is nodular gynecomastia in men, then reduction mammoplasty is indicated.

    Gynecomastia in men: consequences of

    As a rule, physiological gynecomastia passes independently, without leaving any negative consequences. If this disease provoked any medication, then after their abolition, the pathology also disappears without a trace. In other cases, the prognosis, as well as the outcome of the disease, depend on the cause that caused this pathology. It is worth considering that gynecomastia can be a factor in the development of such a dangerous and serious illness as cancer.

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