
Fibroma of the kidney: features and signs of its formation

  • Fibroma of the kidney: features and signs of its formation

    Kidney fibroids are benign tumors characterized by slow growth. The tumor does not germinate into the body and has a favorable prognosis with the proper organization of treatment. Do not ignore the treatment, because the ailment presses on the parenchyma and the patient's condition worsens.

    Causes and features of the formation of fibroid

    Benign tumor, which appears in the kidney tissue, has some peculiarities:

    1. slow growth;
    2. absence of metastases;
    3. with fibroids of small size, the kidney function is not disturbed;
    4. fibroids do not endanger human life;
    5. favorable treatment predictions.

    In fact, nodes can be multiple or single. Single nodes are large. On average, the size of fibroids can reach in diameter from 1 mm to 2 cm. In medical science, cases of the emergence of giant fibroids reaching 17 cm in diameter are known.

    Usually, fibroids appear in the medulla of the kidney, then they produce hypotensive substances.

    This is important! The causes of the development of the disease are still not studied. Also, criteria were not established to help distinguish fibroma from oncology. At occurrence of any doubt at statement of the diagnosis almost always doctors prefer operational carrying out of treatment. Occasionally, detection occurs by chance during a routine examination.

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    Symptomatic of the disease

    Because of the small size of the fibroid, the kidney is very rarely manifested by any symptomatology. With an active increase in fibroids, it strongly presses on the parenchyma of the kidney, so the patient complains about:

    • hematuria;
    • pain in the lower back;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • varicocele;
    • sometimes with a large amount of fibroids the doctor probes the bulky lesion in the projection of the kidney.

    Diagnostic measures. Their organization

    A woman can suspect fibroids even with careful observation of her own health. With frequent urination, violation of the cycle of menstruation, the development of constipation is required to urgently visit a doctor for a survey. In addition, the pain in the side of the left side, in the lower abdomen should also be alarming.

    It is necessary to pay attention to additional manifestations of the disease - fever, nausea with vomiting, chills. By nature, this ailment carries no danger, but when it is detected it is required to undergo a preventive examination at least once a year.

    This is important! For the first time, fibroma is diagnosed when performing an ultrasound scan of the kidneys or computed tomography. To obtain more information about the disease, you will need a laboratory test - urine and blood tests of the patient.

    Fibroma does not have a clear capsule, it consists of components of connective tissue and vessels. Proportion of the tumor may vary and depend on the density of the tumor.

    Therapeutic process and its organization

    With a small amount of neoplasm and no symptoms, surgical intervention is not required.

    When fibroids proliferate, surgery - resection or nephrectomy - is required. Resection is an organ-preserving operation, and nephrectomy assumes complete removal of the kidney. The choice of method depends on the size and location of the tumor. Also, sometimes the choice is based on the histological examination of the tumor.

    Together with the tumor, the doctor removes any suspicious nearby tissues and lymph nodes. Before the operation, the patient is shown a diet that excludes the use of heavy food, because all foods must be easily absorbed by the body - usually vegetables, fruits, cereals. Contraindications for the operation can be large tumors, heart disease and other organs, the elderly. Surgery does not provide a full guarantee of recovery.

    In case of a large tumor, radiation therapy should be performed, which can also be organized after a non-radical surgical intervention.

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