
Bronchitis of a smoker: stages of the disease and methods of treatment

  • Bronchitis of a smoker: stages of the disease and methods of treatment

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    Bronchitis of a smoker is a chronic disease that develops under the influence of an irritant - tobacco smoke. Systematic smoking promotes irritation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi, provokes the development of an unproductive cough. If you do not abandon the addiction in time, the disease will progress and may contribute to the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

    The stages of the disease

    For the first stage, the following symptoms of the smoker's bronchitis are typical: the cough worries mainly in the morning. At first, the cough intensity is not strong, it does not appear daily. Gradually, there is a sputum appearance: first viscous, dyed brown. Gradually, admixtures of pus can be added.

    The patient develops shortness of breath even with minor physical exertion: for example, when climbing a ladder at a slow pace. Colds begin to flow longer and heavier, accompanied by an intense cough.

    The second stage of

    In the second stage, the following symptoms are attached to the manifestations of the disease that are described above:

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    • If the patient breathes in sharply, then he develops an intense cough.
    • Development of shortness of breath when breathing in. A similar reaction is observed with minor physical exertion.
    • If the patient moves from heat to coolness, he develops shortness of breath and arrhythmia manifests.

    For the second stage, there are significant morphological changes that require attention and immediate intervention by a pulmonary physician. In the absence of proper treatment, the risk of developing serious complications increases.

    Third stage of

    In the third stage of the disease, the patient can see the characteristic signs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. There are complaints about:

    • Strong shortness of breath.
    • Significant difficulty in breathing when lying down.
    • A constant, non-decreasing cough with the discharge of thick sputum.

    In this case there is a risk of development and aggravation of other chronic diseases as a result of metabolic disorders and due to insufficient supply of tissues and organs with oxygen.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    Before determining how to treat a smoker's bronchitis, it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. For this, the following studies may be required:

    • X-ray procedure.
    • Investigation of the general and biochemical analysis of blood.
    • Examination of external respiratory functions.
    • Bronchoscopy.
    • Examination of sputum for the purpose of detecting the sensitivity of antibiotics.

    The physician should conduct a thorough, comprehensive examination to identify possible pathologies. A lung examination may also be prescribed in order to rule out the development of chronic obstructive disease. If a patient has complaints about shortness of breath, it is necessary to inform his / her own doctor.

    Treatment methods

    The medication from the smoker's bronchitis is selected individually by the attending physician, taking into account the degree of development of the disease, the concomitant symptomatology and the presence of other diseases in the patient's anamnesis. The general scheme of therapy implies the use of the following drug groups:

    • Expectorants.
    • Bronchodilators.
    • Immunostimulants.
    • Anti-inflammatory drugs for topical use( spray, tablets, rinses).
    • In case of infection, it may be necessary to use antibacterial agents.

    Treatment of the disease implies an integrated approach: in addition to the use of certain groups of drugs, it is recommended to heed the following important recommendations:

    • Refuse from smoking and other bad habits. Try not to contact smokers, so as not to expose the body to the stimulus.
    • Carefully ensure that the room where the patient is located has the optimum humidity. Daily walks in the fresh air are useful.
    • It is recommended to consult with your doctor regarding the selection of breathing exercises and therapeutic exercises.

    In case of exacerbation of the disease and increase in body temperature, it is important to observe bed rest and use a large amount of warm liquid. When the body temperature is normal, it is useful to do inhalations with medicinal herbs, rubbers, compresses.

    Respiratory and therapeutic gymnastics favorably affects the entire body as a whole, speeds up the process of excretion of sputum from the bronchi. It is desirable that the exercises are carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

    Possible complications, prognosis from

    Doctors who undergo treatment often ask: Can I smoke with bronchitis? The answer in this case is obvious: in order not to aggravate the course of the disease from harmful habits, it is recommended to abstain.

    Moreover, if the patient does not quit smoking, then there is a risk of developing such an irreversible disease as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In the event that a person started smoking during adolescence, by about 35-40 years, a smoker's cough can provoke the development of such a serious complication.

    In addition, a constant shortness of breath can trigger the development of respiratory failure.

    The danger of the smoker's bronchitis lies in the fact that there is a violation of supplying the body with the necessary amount of oxygen and a change in the gas composition of the blood.

    Forecasts of specialists regarding this disease are favorable. A successful result should be expected if the patient timely eliminates the irritating factor and will follow the appointment and recommendations of the attending physician.

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