  • How to relieve an asthma attack and how it manifests itself

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    When answering a very important question that worries a huge number of people - how to relieve an asthma attack, you need to accurately represent what kind of asthma in question.

    Disturbance of air intake and normal gas exchange, suffocation can occur in the pathology of the respiratory and cardiovascular system.
    With cardiac asthma, for some reason or another, the liquid part of the blood flows into the alveoli, which significantly limits the very respiratory surface of the lungs.

    The cause of the attack is a sharp spasm of the musculature of the bronchi and increased secretion in them, which limits the possibility of air entering the lung tissue.

    Accordingly, effective care for these conditions will be completely different:

    • attack of cardiac asthma is stopped by the appointment of medications that enhance the contractility of the heart muscle, reduce peripheral vascular resistance, the volume of circulating blood;The
    • attack is treated with drugs that suppress the excess secretion production of the bronchial glands, remove the spasm of smooth muscle fibers located in the bronchial wall and suppress the production of mediators of inflammatory or allergic reaction.
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    How does the disease manifest

    To answer the question - how is asthma manifested and whether it is possible to distinguish between the choking caused by the pathology of the respiratory and circulatory organs, it should be remembered that in case of an attack of cardiac asthma, the patient's ability to inhale worsens.

    In this case, the patient experiences difficulty breathing - the alveoli of the lungs, filled with liquid, can not be used for a normal gas exchange process, and frequent and shallow breathing leads to the fact that this liquid very quickly turns into foam that begins to fill the bronchi and can provokeadditional bronchospasm. To such patients, first aid for asthma at home is limited only to the creation of a calm atmosphere and the challenge of an ambulance.

    In an attack, regardless of its origin, the patient is disturbed by exhalation - the air enters the lungs relatively normally, but can not exit through the sharply narrowed bronchi, as a result of which the lung tissue swells.

    In an attempt to alleviate its condition, the body actively attracts auxiliary respiratory muscles - intercostal muscles, and with each respiratory movement the gaps between the ribs are drawn in and protrude. It is important to know that in this case, the temperature with asthma may increase - especially with the infectious-allergic genesis of the disease.

    With such a choking complication develops only if the first aid was not provided in time and in full - the patient develops an asthmatic status requiring urgent resuscitation.

    How to take off an asthma attack

    If a patient develops an asthma attack - what to do, how and in what order his relatives should know long before this point, because the effectiveness of care often depends on the disease forecast and the patient's life.

    1. Patient should try to calm, provide fresh air access, high position in bed with an attack of cardiac asthma or help fix the belt of the upper limb in bronchial asthma and immediately call an ambulance.
    2. Folk remedies are effective only in that part, which concerns distracting therapy or grindings. Herbs are completely useless - they can provoke additional suffocation, but can not create the necessary concentration of anti-asthmatic in the blood.
    3. When bronhospazme effective inhalers for asthma - they have substances that can suppress an attack at the very beginning. It is important to know that any spray more than indicated in the instructions to the drug can not be used - it is possible to develop a paradoxical reaction. In addition, the patient should be given an antihistamine or a hormonal drug prescribed by a doctor - this will help suppress the allergic reaction regardless of the cause of its development.
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