  • How to find a person at the address or photo

    Today, finding a person has become much easier than it was 10 years ago, because today there is the Internet and computer technologies that allow you to find almost anyone. And regardless of where he lives, where he comes from the Internet, how old he is and who he works for. Before the Internet, we are all equal. In this article we will talk about the most common methods of searching for people, naturally all of them will be connected with the Internet and its capabilities.

    To begin with, we would like to note the fact that we will talk about ways to find your old friends, classmates and acquaintances. Naturally, if a person is lost, then finding it in this way is almost impossible, but no one bothers you to try to do it.   

    How to find a person at?

    It's very simple, for this use social networks, you can find almost everyone in them. To do this, register in one of the social networks( for example, in "VKontakte"), go to the "People" section.

    Before you open a lot of parameters for which you can search:
    instagram viewer

    • By name, surname and even nickname;

    • By region( country, city, district);

    • Place of training( school, university);

    • Age( from and to);

    • Semi and marital status;

    • By place of work or service, etc.

    Parameters are more than enough if you at least remember anything about a person.

    The same principle searches in other social networks:

    • Facebook - it's better to look for those who live abroad, as this social network is known all over the world;

    • Classmates - more adults are often registered here;

    • My World - sometimes here you can find a person;

    • Twitter, YouTube, Instagram - in these networks "live" advanced people and the younger generation.

    You can also search for elementary input of known data to the search engine Yandex or Google, it is possible and so it will be possible to find a person if he became famous or started a personal blog.

    How to find a person from a photo on the Internet?

    Honestly say on the photo to find a person on the Internet is very difficult, but if he uploaded his photos on the Internet or for him it was done by others, then you are lucky. To do this is also quite simple. Our site is Vse-Sekrety.en recommends scanning a photo so that it is available in the computer as a picture( if it's a digital photo, you do not need to do it anymore).Next, upload it to the Google Images service. To do this, go to the "images.google.ru "and press the" camera "button, then point to the photo that is already on your PC.

    Now to you the search system will show all photos that are similar to yours, and also display text data.

    That's all ways to find people on the Internet! Good luck!