  • How to identify hyperopia, and what are the glasses for farsightedness?

    Hyperopia or, in a different way, hypermetropia is an ophthalmologic pathology characterized by a disturbance in the work of the visual organs when examining objects located near. Often with the development of this disease, the doctor recommends wearing glasses with farsightedness.

    With hyperopia of a high degree, the patient sees a distortion of objects located at a distance of 20 - 30 cm.

    This pathology provokes a constant overstrain of the eye muscles, so far-sighted people often complain of headaches and overwork of the visual organs. For example, every second inhabitant of our planet after thirty years suffers from hyperopia, and after 50 years, hyperopia is considered a natural process developing in the human body.

    Causes of the pathology of

    In the normal state of the organs of vision, the image that a person sees is projected onto the retina, and not onto the plane behind it. In the case of farsightedness, the image is focused precisely on the plane behind the retina. The cause of the development of this anomaly may be a too small size of the eyeball, so farsightedness in infants is a natural process, which itself disappears with time.

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    Also, the cause of hyperopia can be a violation of accommodation in the lens and the inability to correctly change the curvature. With age, the ability of accommodation processes deteriorates in a person, so the image of close objects becomes blurred.

    Symptomatology of pathology

    As a rule, people with farsightedness can not distinguish objects very close, and vision can lose clarity when considering individual objects. Young people with a low degree of illness often do not complain about vision problems, since the natural lens is able to adapt to conditions and increase the optical power of the eye. But with age, accommodation processes deteriorate, and patients complain of the progression of abnormalities. In this case, a vision test for farsightedness is required.

    The main symptoms of hyperopia should include:

    • Visual impairment near.
    • With a high degree of farsightedness, visual acuity deterioration is far away.
    • Fast eye fatigue.
    • Frequent headaches and burning sensation in the eyes after prolonged use.
    • Development of strabismus in children.
    • Often arising pathologies of the eyes are inflammatory.

    Diagnosis of pathology

    Usually, the farsightedness test is performed by a physician ophthalmologist in the process of checking visual acuity. Diagnosis requires a mandatory refractive examination. To establish the presence of the latent form of hyperopia at a young age, refractometry is organized after instillation of atropine into the eye.

    Eye ultrasound and other examinations are also performed to detect abnormalities in the size of the eyeball. With the development of strabismus, a biometric examination of the eye is required.

    Treatment process for

    All treatments for hyperopia are classified into conservative, surgical and laser treatments. The main conditions for effective correction of hyperopia are adequacy and timeliness.

    The main method of correction is the selection of glasses, especially when revealing pathology in a child. The doctor tells how to pick up glasses at farsightedness.

    Also, when the disease develops, there is a course hardware movement, physiotherapy procedures, courses of taking supplements and vitamin preparations. It is recommended to use perforating glasses for watching TV, which reduces the tension in the eyes.

    Since 18 years of age, patients are allowed to perform laser correction methods. Each method of laser exposure has specific indications, but the essence of the method as a whole does not change - it is the creation of the surface of the cornea with individual characteristics. Laser correction of pathology is non-traumatic, so complications from the procedure do not arise, and the possibility of developing astigmatism remains minimal.

    For surgical treatment is characteristic of the organization of refractive lens replacement - while the own lens is removed. And in its place is installed intraocular lens of the necessary optical power. Refractive surgery is performed mainly to correct the age form of hyperopia.

    Selection of glasses

    When the farsightedness of the eye is characterized by a weak refractive power, which with age, the person is weakened even more. In connection with this, the patient will need to select glasses for viewing objects near much earlier, unlike a person with normal vision. Often instead of glasses, contact lenses using farsightedness made of organic and mineral materials are used. Lenses allow a person to play sports and are great for outdoor activities, but they should not be used to correct the farsightedness of a child.

    When choosing suitable glasses, you need to take into account the distance on which the object is from the eyes - usually 33 cm. There are professions where a person needs to view objects at a farther distance. For example, musicians are used to viewing notes at a distance of 85 - 100 cm, etc. In this case, we need to choose weaker glasses or lenses than believes a person in accordance with his age. This factor is taken into account by all physicians ophthalmologists.

    In some situations, the patient may need to select glasses for simultaneous viewing of objects at a distant and close range. Then the doctor appoints wearing two pairs of glasses. But this is not very convenient, therefore, most patients prefer using glasses with bifocal glasses, which are assembled from two halves: the upper part for the distance, and the lower part for close distances. These glasses can be used constantly and it is good to see objects both at a distance and close.

    Forecasts of pathology and its prevention

    To the complications of hyperopia can be attributed to the development of strabismus, glaucoma.frequent lesions of the eyes with inflammatory diseases - conjunctivitis, blepharitis or keratitis. People suffering from this disease are advised to visit a specialist to monitor the development of pathology, at least twice a year.

    In the case of diagnosis in the human hyperopia requires a clear organization of strict adherence to the recommendations of a specialist, namely compliance with the correct visual mode - sufficient lighting for work and rest, carrying out exercises for the eyes, a constant change of visual work and outdoor activities. The same advice doctors give people with the goal of preventing the development of hyperopia.

    To prevent strabismus formation, an ophthalmologist is organized periodic examinations of children aged two months, one year, three years and six to seven years.

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