  • Dislocation of the jaw and how to treat it without pills

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    The dislocation of the jaw is a displacement of the bones of the temporomandibular joint, accompanied by a disturbance of its mobility and strong pain sensations. Speaking about the dislocation of the jaw, it starts with the fact that it is a violation of the mandible.

    The upper jaw is fixed, the lower jaw is attached to it by means of two identical paired joints. It is these joints( temporomandibular) that provide the mobility of the lower jaw, and accordingly, the chewing and feeding of each person, regardless of his age.

    What is the cause?

    Obtaining a jaw dislocation is not so difficult, all the causes of this type of injury can be divided into two categories: sudden movements and external forces. As practice shows - a dislocation of the jaw is more often diagnosed in women.

    This phenomenon has a physiological explanation. Men have a joint fossa of greater depth, respectively, to move their joints much more difficult than women's.

    It is important to remember that even with the apparent unilateral lesion of the temporomandibular joint, it is mandatory to involve the couple in the process, and therefore it is necessary to take pictures of the facial skull from both sides during the examination. Sharp jaw can be done during screaming, yawning or eating.

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    Any gusty and strong opening of the mouth can lead to dislocation of the jaw, for example - indomitable vomiting or laughter. Also, getting an injury of this type is easy, overexerting the jaw. In the risk group, people who have bad habits that affect the mouth - for example, cracking the nuts in the shell with the teeth, packing food. Among the external causes of damage to the jaw joints in the first place are strong strokes - that's why so often the boxer or wrestler gets to the doctor-traumatologist or facial surgeon.

    Signs and symptoms with jaw dislocation

    Immediately when you have a dislocation of the jaw, painful sensations appear. Other signs of dislocation of the jaw are violations of the functioning of the joints. The lower jaw does not assume a normal position, the victim can not open or close his mouth. Because of the immobility of the lower jaw, there is increased salivation, there is a noticeable speech impairment.

    Pain sensations can be localized in the region of temporomandibular joints, or may be given to the temporal region. One-sided dislocation of the jaw is characterized by a skewing of the lower jaw. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to go to a medical institution and do an x-ray.

    Dislocations of the jaw are divided into several types. If one joint is affected, it is a unilateral dislocation. Accordingly, if both joints are damaged, the dislocation is bilateral. Sometimes a dislocation of the jaw can provoke an awkward movement, in which much power is not invested.

    This is a habitual dislocation of the jaw, this bias often does not require any special treatment. It manifests itself in the form of tolerable discomfort, after some time the joint returns to its place in a natural way - this variant of the disease often occurs in people with systemic connective tissue diseases, which affects not only the joint, but also the surrounding muscles, tendons and ligaments.

    What should I do if I have an injury?

    If there is a suspicion of a jaw dislocation, the victim is required to provide first aid, after which it must be delivered to the nearest injury point. Direction of dislocation of the mandible should not be carried out by people who do not have appropriate medical education and practice.

    First aid is to fix the lower jaw with a handkerchief or a suitable piece of clean tissue. To alleviate the condition of the victim, you can apply a cooling compress or ice, but it is important to prevent hypothermia - trismus( spasm of masticatory muscles), which can arise in this case, makes it difficult to examine the patient and assist him in the doctor's office

    Compress( ice, cold water) is applied to the 5 -10 minutes, after the victim begins to feel a significant sensation of cold, the compress is removed and after a while is applied again. Almost always the dislocation of the jaw symptoms is in the form of pronounced edema and pain sensations. But trying to remove these manifestations on its own does not make sense. Usual anesthetics for any dislocations are ineffective. In a hospital setting, a doctor may be prescribed a course of strong painkillers, but only a very short course.

    The jaw dislocation treatment is fairly simple. Refreshes more often without the use of local anesthesia, for the best healing after putting the joint in the correct position, a hard bandage is applied for several weeks. Difficulties can arise if it is required to carry out a correction of the dislocation of the lower jaw, obtained long ago.

    During the rehabilitation period it is recommended to eat mushy food, try to chew less and talk with caution. It is completely necessary to exclude any kind of food, the chewing of which may require considerable muscle effort or disrupt the biomechanics of the chewing act. After removing the dressing, an additional radiography can be performed to control the joints.

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